And then you willingly and joyfully commit slander and libel by sharing your opinions on a public forum.Nick (and I and others) see a self admitted pervert and assume he engages in other perversions that are not yet socially acceptable
We see a sinner in no less need of God's love and forgiveness than we were.Anna and Cabinetmaker see a self admitted pervert and assume that his perversions are limited to the single one to which he has admitted
Oddly enough, my responses in this thread are not about Fanning's sins, they are about yours and Nick's and others sins. That he is a self proclaimed homosexual in no way makes it acceptable to out right lie about his character. You have no idea if he has ever assaulted a child yet you spread lies that he has. That is despicable behavior for one who calls himself a believer in God's love, mercy and forgiveness.