Obama Implicated in the Witch Hunt

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
As you learned, when and if Trump is brought to trial (in criminal court or in impeachment), then the prosecution will have to prove he is guilty; he won't have to prove he's innocent.

So you think that Trump will be impeached for obstruction of justice?

He already has a good defense because the Justice Department has already stated that there is no evidence which supports that charge.

Do you think that he will be impeached and found guilty because of an imagined "quid pro quo" dreamed up by a so-called whisteleblower, even though the Democrats are doing everything in their power to keep him from testifying?

The Barbarian

So you think that Trump will be impeached for obstruction of justice?

Looks more likely that it will be for trying to get the President of Ukraine to help him rig our elections.

He already has a good defense because the Justice Department has already stated that there is no evidence which supports that charge.

His appointees agree with him. How nice. Guess how much influence they have on the House. Right.

Do you think that he will be impeached and found guilty because of an imagined "quid pro quo"

Fox News' legal expert thinks so:

Trump tried everything he could do to stop the whistleblower from testifying. He failed. And the House democrats are going to make sure that he does.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Looks more likely that it will be for trying to get the President of Ukraine to help him rig our elections.

So the Dems finally realized that the obstruction of justice charge against Trump won't fly. And once they realized that Adam Schiff and the so-called whistleblower conspired together to set Trump up for an imaginary 'quid pro quo' which has no basis in fact. Schiff denied that his office had talked to the whistleblower prior to the whistleblower's filing the complaint against Trump but they did meet and once again Schiff was exposed as a bald face liar.

Now the Dems don't want the whistleblower to testify! That is the history of this sorid affair and as usual you are on the side of the bad guys.

The Barbarian

So the Dems finally realized that the obstruction of justice charge against Trump won't fly.

Not until he leaves office, according to his Justice Department. Or possibly, if Congress considers attempted obstruction to be a high crime or misdemeanor.

And once they realized that Adam Schiff and the so-called whistleblower conspired together to set Trump up for an imaginary 'quid pro quo' which has no basis in fact.

Bad news for you, then:

Washington (CNN)The National Security Council's top Ukraine expert plans to tell House impeachment investigators on Tuesday that he was so troubled by President Donald Trump's July phone call with Ukraine's President that he reported his concerns to a superior, according to a copy of his opening statement obtained by CNN.
The expert, Army Lt. Col Andrew Vindman, plans to say he felt an investigation into Vice President Joe Biden and the Ukrainian natural gas company connected to Biden's son, Hunter, would undermine US national security. Trump pressed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky for such an investigation multiple times during that July 25 call.
"I was concerned by the call. I did not think it was proper to demand that a foreign government investigate a U.S. citizen, and I was worried about the implications for the U.S. government's support of Ukraine," Vindman plans to tell lawmakers, according to his opening statement. "I realized that if Ukraine pursued an investigation into the Bidens and Burisma, it would likely be interpreted as a partisan play which would undoubtedly result in Ukraine losing the bipartisan support it has thus far maintained."
"This would all undermine U.S. national security. Following the call, I again reported my concerns to NSC's lead counsel."


Trump tried very hard to stop him from testifying, but it's going to happen.


You are wrong because being impeached does not result in a removal from public service. Bill Clinton was found guilty for perjury and impeached but he remained President.

The trial in the Senate began in January 1999, with Chief Justice William Rehnquist presiding.
On February 12, Clinton was acquitted on both counts as neither received the necessary two-thirds majority vote of the senators present for conviction and removal from office – in this instance 67.
On Article One, 45 senators voted to convict while 55 voted for acquittal.
On Article Two, 50 senators voted to convict while 50 voted for acquittal. Consequently, Clinton remained in office for the balance of his second term.


Once again "Jerry Shugart" doesn't have his facts straight ~ Clinton remained in office because the vote in the Senate failed to reach the 2/3 majority required by the Constitution to impeach and remove a "sitting" President!


So the Dems finally realized that the obstruction of justice charge against Trump won't fly. And once they realized that Adam Schiff and the so-called whistleblower conspired together to set Trump up for an imaginary 'quid pro quo' which has no basis in fact. Schiff denied that his office had talked to the whistleblower prior to the whistleblower's filing the complaint against Trump but they did meet and once again Schiff was exposed as a bald face liar.

Now the Dems don't want the whistleblower to testify! That is the history of this sordid affair and as usual you are on the side of the bad guys.
Once again "Jerry Shugart" is long on unsubstantiated accusations and short on facts ~ as more witnesses testify before Congress despite the White House's repeated attempts to silence them, its becoming increasingly clear as to who is the real "bald face liar" ~ and it isn't Schiff or the Whistleblower!

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Once again "Jerry Shugart" doesn't have his facts straight ~ Clinton remained in office because the vote in the Senate failed to reach the 2/3 majority required by the Constitution to impeach and remove a "sitting" President!

You are the one who made a blunder when you said the following:

If "Jerry Shugart" had done his due diligence, he would be aware that even where a criminal act is concerned, the act of impeachment only refers to the removal of an individual from public office - the actual determination concerning punishment for the crime itself would be addressed by another trial at a later date - held before the courts, not Congress!

Bill Clinton was impeached. Do you deny that?

But you say that that "impeachment only refers to the removal of an individual from public office."

So if you are right then Bill Clinton was removed from office.

But that never happened.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Once again "Jerry Shugart" is long on unsubstantiated accusations and short on facts ~ as more witnesses testify before Congress despite the White House's repeated attempts to silence them, its becoming increasingly clear as to who is the real "bald face liar" ~ and it isn't Schiff or the Whistleblower!

Schiff did't lie?:

"Rep. Adam Schiff, chair of the House intelligence committee, wrongly implied that his committee had no contact with the whistleblower before receiving the complaint. Schiff claimed, “We have not spoken directly with the whistleblower,” when the whistleblower had in fact reached out to a committee aide before filing a complaint."

You wouldn't know the truth if it hit you right between your eyes.

The Barbarian


Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Not until he leaves office, according to his Justice Department. Or possibly, if Congress considers attempted obstruction to be a high crime or misdemeanor.

Of course obstruction of justice is a high crime but the Dems know that they cannot prove that against Trump so they conspired to find something else.

Bad news for you, then:

First of all, Trump didn't "demand" that anyone investigate anyone. Just read the transcript of the phone call.

Secondly, Andrew Vindman will not say anything that even hints that there was 'quid pro quo.' And a 'quid pro quo' is essential to proving that Trump did anything wrong in his phone call.

The Dems are just spinning their wheels in regard to this accusation and if they do impeach Trump it will backfire on them just like it did to the Republicans when they impeached Bill Clinton.

But The Dems know that they have no one who can beat Trump in 2020 so they will go ahead and dig their own grave and impeach Trump.

The Barbarian

Close only counts in horseshoes.

That's what has Trump shook. He's no longer close. The polls in 2016 said it would be close. Today, that not what they're saying. If the election was held tomorrow, he'd be buried in a landslide. Of course, he's got a few month to turn it around, and he's gotten himself out of trouble before.

Still, if Trump can't stop his slide soon, he's doomed. And as you know, as soon as he leaves office, he can be indicted for all those crimes.

Not a good time for him. No wonder he's acting more and more scared.

Even his own people privately admit that he's in big trouble.

Posted on Sun, Jun 16th, 2019 by Jason Easley
Trump Fires His Pollster After Polls Show Him Losing In Every Critical State



Hall of Fame
Actually, the polls called it within 1.1% of the final total.

He needs to do something fast to make up for the last three years.

Three year, retroactive resignation? His best bet: Allow Pence to take his place with the agreement to pardon.

Though my preference is that he spend the rest of his life behind bars, a resignation would make the nation 100% safer.

The Barbarian

Who can beat him?

Sleepy Joe?

Joe Biden would beat him like a drum.


Warren would do nearly as well.

Bernie Sanders? Trump doesn't seem to be afraid of Bernie; he hasn't thought up a disparaging name for him. As his phone call to the Ukraine president shows, he's terrified of Biden. The real key to understanding Trump's behavior is that his emotional level is fixed somewhere about 6th grade.

For good reason, I think.

Just wait until the Dems finally pick a candidate and then look at the polls in the swing states.

You can look at it now.



It's why Trump fired his pollsters. Fox News disappointed him, too. Too early to panic and buy a one-way ticket to Brazil. But he better do something fast.

On this board, I commended Trump for his handling of the raid that got Al-Baghdadi,

only to get corrected:

Officials cringe as Trump spills sensitive details of al-Baghdadi raid


Trump's become a working definition of "schlemiel."

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Joe Biden would beat him like a drum.

Warren would do nearly as well.

Joe Biden? Do you really think that middle America doesn't know what was going on with Hunter? Perhaps you haven't figured it out yet but anyone with the least bit of common sense has.

Warren is a socialist as witnessed by her MediCare for All. Do you really think that those who will have to give up their employee-paid health care will vote for her?

Also, the cost of her MediCare for All plan will shock America and there will be few people who will ever take her seriously after she finally tells us how she is going to pay for it.

The Democrats have nothing but losers vying for the nomination and they will probably end up with Hillary again. Are you ready for that?