Now I don't know who killed who.

Grosnick Marowbe

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Today is Sheni (Second) Ziv 22. It is Boker, Morning. It is Yom, Day. Omer 37.

I am sorry but I do not relate to that. I am talking about the Office of the President of the United States of America, not a foreign king.

The real problem is, do you REALLY know what you're talking about? Are you jesting or are you TRULY not in your right mind? "To be, or not to be: that is the question."


That's the problem.
Never mind, I have my answer. :)

The real problem is, do you REALLY know what you're talking about? Are you jesting or are you TRULY not in your right mind? "To be, or not to be: that is the question."

I have wanted to be the President since I was a child. And I know that it is not required for me to run for President for this to happen or occur.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
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I stayed with an 'Advanced Alzheimers/Dementia patient for nearly a year when I was traveling from one state to another. The 'patient' was a relative of a childhood friend of mine and they needed a caretaker. This 'victim' would repeat the same stories over and over again each and every day. Every ten or fifteen minutes, like clockwork, they would repeat things that occurred, maybe fifty or sixty years ago. You see, a victim of this terrible 'Mind cancer' have a great 'long-term memory, however, they have a problem with short-term memory. They can remember things that occurred many years ago, but, are not able to remember what they said a few minutes ago.

This was a parent of my old friend from Junior High School and he didn't quite understand how I was able to have the patience for his parent? My own Son stopped by one day, he was about thirty-something then. He told me that he could barely stand being around this 'victim' for more than twenty minutes, let alone nearly a year. I found a way to deal with a person plagued by this horrendous disease of the mind, was to react appropriately to every memory that they repeated. In other words, act as if it was the first time they spoke those memories. That's one way to deal with such a sad situation.

In order to deal with the ever-repeating story memories, one has to become a marvelous Actor and just play the part of hearing something for the first time, every time it's repeated. My experience with acting came in mighty handy in those days. Most people cannot handle the emotional/mental toll they must pay by having to be around a victim of this dreaded 'Mind disease.'

Is Jacob mentally/emotionally ill or is he merely 'playing a part in a hyperbolic scam? I'm beginning to think he might just be faking.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Is Jacob mentally/emotionally ill or is he merely 'playing a part in a hyperbolic scam? I'm beginning to think he might just be faking.
Either way, it is hilarious to watch him bumble around thinking that it's normal.