I don't mean to get explicict right out of the gate here,but this is a question that was posed to me not long ago,it did not take me long to realize the answer has to most certainly be......no. Even when my wife and I are reunited in glory.
I would love to here your responses as to why on this issue. I feel the reasons I came up with are rock solid, but perhaps i've missed something or maybe i'm way off.
Matthew 22:29-30
29 Jesus answered and said to them, "You are mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God. 30 For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels of God in heaven." (See also Mark 12:24-25) Jesus said it and what Jesus said is absolute truth.
Jesus response had to with the question from the Sadducess about if a man dies and the woman who survived to marry again and that husband died and so on, when she died she would be the wife to who, thus we read Jesus answer above.
I believe that we who are married and saved, will not be married in heaven, I believe we'll recognize each and will continue in heavenly discourse but not marriage, like for some marriage is dissolved when spouse dies, in heaven marriage for all will be dissolved. Reading the verses carefully, it does not say will be angels, it states we will be like the angels, angels do not procreate, and if we are to be like the angels then our intimacies as we know them in this earthly life are over. It has been said by those who've been for a number of years that their/our earthly marriage that is between a man and a woman is just a little piece of heaven on earth, for some that is probably true.
As much as we love and adore our spouses on this earth, in heaven our love and adoration with be for God, for God will not share or give His glory with another, but he shall be the center and focal point of our eternal worship. For the Bride of Christ will be focused on her Husband, the Lord of Glory, Jesus.
We have a niece who after being told by several well grounded Christian's after she asked about being married in heaven and walking hand in hand and know other intimacies, that in heaven that is not the case and for her to read Matthew 22:23-33. She became embittered against God feeling that God was not fair, that to keep husbands and wives from a continuance of what they shared on earth was mean spirited and wrong, this niece remains of the same opinion today.
I dearly love and adore my wife of almost 50 years (50 years in April 2013) and she knows that, she also knows that the day of our separation that our marriage will be dissolved and our undivided attention will be to the Lord of Glory, Jesus.