I don't think any of us disagree with that.
No. You're confusing yourself.
Gospel means "good news." Right? Right.
News is something that's heard and learned, and in this case, hopefully, believed.
Now pay close attention here if you want to understand us:
God has sent more than one "good news" to mankind over the course of Bible history.
The content of those good newses -- what He told people He wanted them to know and believe -- has varied.
Noah: build the ark and get inside.
Abraham: believe Me and I'll bless the world through you.
Israel: keep My commandments and live.
John: Repent and be baptized, He's coming.
Peter: Repent and be baptize, He's coming back.
Were those all identical good newses? No, they weren't. The relayed content varied, sometimes widely.
Did they all ultimately key on the death, burial and resurrection of Christ? Yes, they did.
Did everyone at all times KNOW that their particular good news keyed on the DBR? No, they didn't. It wasn't possible. The full scope of the Cross wasn't revealed until Paul.
Agree or disagree, do you understand at least that much of what we believe?
I agree on some points and disagree on some described below:
You do not believe Jesus taught the full scope of the cross as in my blood is shed for the remission of sin etc ?
YOU keep going back to Paul as the first and only one to know and reveal what God had already revealed and had been believed and trusted by some so PAUL was not the first to understand and believe God's word of the D.B.R./Gospel of grace.
Luk 1:77
To give knowledge of salvation unto his people by the remission of their sins,
What was the knowledge of salvation ? Why that would be the D.B.R. and the "Gospel of Grace ".
7 Through the tender mercy of our God,
With which the 1Dayspring from on high 2has visited us;
To give light to those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death
Hmmm,knowledge of salvation=D.B.R. & the Gospel of Grace.
To give light= sacrifice and forgiveness through Jesus' D.B.R. & ascension.
Can you not understand that some knew and believed the D.B.R. and Gospel of grace before Paul made that mystery known to many ?
I was told this morning that Paul was the first saved by the Gospel of grace based on his bad translation.
The scripture where Paul said he was the chief of sinners was changed to the "first" of sinners making him believe Paul was the first person saved under the Gospel of Grace, which is wrong.