Interesting thread, and an interesting article by Enyart. I think he has a partial point, but he misses much.
Yes, there is a time and a place where a Christian should not be afraid to give offense to sinners. But Enyart doesn't say that---he claims that Jesus was mostly offensive to sinners, and that's simply not true. If he were so offensive to them, one would be surprised that he was always invited to dine with sinners and live among them.
So now that we have established that, I would like Clete or one of his ilk to explain to me what value is added to their online conversations with homosexuals by referring to anonymous people on the internet as "homos", "fags", and "queers"? In what precise way does that advance the kingdom of God? Do you think Christ would have dinner with sinners and get them to repent by using derogatory terms to demean them for their particular sins?
Clete, when you talk with an overweight person, I hope that you call them a "fatty", "slob", or "tub of lard" just so your ideology is consistent. There are far more unrepentant gluttons in America than unrepentant homosexuals.
You make me sick! I want to vomit when you get near me or my family! You deserve execution you filthy discusting perfert! God is your enemy and so am I! Get away from me! You don't deserve to see God's sun light reflecting off my face!
None of us deserves to see God's sunlight. Surely you don't claim to deserve it!! We are all sinners---whether our sin is stealing a paperclip from a classmate or engaging in homosexual activity, we all are deserving of the same penalty. So perhaps a tad less Pharasitic self-righteousness from you would be in order, hmm?
Even if we're repentant of our sin we don't
deserve anything but death. God wouldn't have to show us grace you know.
My intent is not primarily to engender repentance in the homo's case but to impact those around him and myself in such a way as to cause them to think twice before associating or participating with homo's.
Yeah, because Christ would never have associated with sinners. (HEAVY SARCASM)
That, however, is not at all the way you should treat people who are not only your enemies but enemies of God and criminals!
What happened to "love your enemies. Do good to those who spitefully use you."? They are the words of Christ after all.
So, in answer to your question, if you catch someone in your employ who is a homo, or an adulterer then fire them. In some places doing so may cost you your business, in which case be patient and wait to find some other reason to fire them.
Yes---do the same with any fat people you have in your employ who are unrepentant gluttons. Fire them and don't associate with them in any way. That would help. (HEAVY SARCASM)
As things are now, homo's and the like are running toward hell and most Christians wave as they pass and say "We love you...want to come to church with us?" It's discusting! I would prefer that we tackle them and break their legs (figuratively speaking)! They would like it at the time, but the swift decent into hell might at least be slowed.
Yes, shame on those Christians who try to reach the lost rather than revile them. Your way is much more Christlike. (HEAVY SARCASM)
How does it feel to get accolades from gutter slime homo's in your statements against Christians?
Yes, if a homosexual ever agrees with a Christian on any topic, they must be bad Christians--at least not as righteous as you.
Hate the sin and love the sinner is not a Biblical concept.
Enyart does not think that we should hate nonchristians you disgusting vomitous mass of filth!
He thinks, as do I, that we should hate homo's like you which is at the same time the most loving thing possible.
Glad God doesn't think that way. Why is homosexuality your favorite sin to pick on? Try substituting other sins in for homosexuality and read your own sentences back and listen to what they say.
Can you produce anything to back up this idiotic claim? You are not only preverted but a liar!
I can't wait for judgment day!
Longing for judgement day to come soon so that "perverted liars" can be condemned to eternity of hell is sick, twisted, unChristian thing I can conceive of. But I suppose it would be a great chance for you to say "I told you so".
It's amazing that I have to specify where I'm being sarcastic, but after reading some of these outrageous quotes which I was quite sure were absurdities, and then finding out that they were not, I find it necessary to specify my tone.