You are correct, then. If you believe that Christ is the One and Only Way ®, then we are in opposition. However, while it may be true that you would want me to come over to the other side and believe the way that you do, I do not have the desire to bring you around to my way of thinking. Just promise not to burn me at the stake and we'll get along fine
I understand; and in my opinion, you are not intolerant. If you were to shout me down, or try to remove my right to believe the way that I want or maybe open a church (?) proclaiming my beliefs then that would be intolerant, obviously. I get the feeling that I may not be expressing myself as consistant as I'd like to.
That's good to hear; please forgive me by the way, I tend to start talking about something then spiral off into a tangent! You see, you are not one of the believers that I have problem with at all, you are consistant, based on the views that you have expressed and I can see where you are coming from.
To throw another log on the fire, if my views remain the same and I discover that I am wrong at the end of this life, I will be without excuse. I do accept the possibility that I could be misled, that Christianity is the way, or Mormonism is correct, or whatever. Do you have those doubts? I'm not talking about a momentary crisis of faith, but an honest questioning that perhaps you may be wrong?