I would have to probably request fairly lax rules about the frequency of posts. My schedule at work right now is affording me a fair amount of time to post here, but in the next week or so (if things go well), I expect it to pick up again. But it does sound absolutely intriguing, so if that works for you, I'm in.
I will see what I can arrange with Knight. He does have a stated rule that these One-on-Ones must conclude within two weeks time. That said, Knight made an exception between Hiltson and Tet that ran for months. Stay tuned.
I am thinking that we each post one opening salvo, followed by four rounds each, then one concluding post each. Word lengths of each round would limited by the maximums set by the site's software for posts. (I welcome and employ verbosity.

) The person posting first yields the "last word" (the concluding post) to the other person. So what would be your preference: the first or the last word on the matter? I am willing to give you the option of your choice.
Lest we lose sight of the objective, let me re-state it:
Given that once a person believes that there is such a thing as objective reality and that there are such things objective truths, then that person has posited a metaphysical claim--namely that the correspondence theory of truth is an adequate test for truth.
Thus the question becomes, which worldview can adequately appropriate and support such a belief? It is a matter of who has the best explanation, not who can prove it objectively.
To ensure we are on the same page, from the above I assume we agree that:
(1) objective reality exists;
(2) objective truths exist;
(3) (1) and (2) are metaphysical claims;
(4) the correspondence theory of truth is an adequate test for truth; therefore,
(5) the person who has the best explanation for these metaphysical claims prevails.
Are we in agreement?