When you describe it as unobservable, it sounds subjective.
This is lame, Rex. repeatedly making assertions based on what you feel is a waste of time.
So, something that isn't influenced by personal feelings or opinions can only be accepted by the individual? That seems inherently subject to personal feelings and opinions. No Stripe. You have to do better than that.
I did do better than that. Your summation has no relationship to what we have been discussing or what I have said.
You're the one making the assertion. You're the one saying that morality must be objective or it is only an opinion.
You noticed? However, your
tu quoque attempt ignores the fact that my assertion is based on necessity, while your assertion is based on your opinion. It is necessary for morality to be objective, otherwise it is just opinion.
And you assert that morality is not objective, meaning that what is right and wrong is dependent upon people's opinions.
So either you agree with what I said or you show how it cannot be true. However, demanding that I give up what I believe without reason just does not cut it.
You go ahead and offer some support for that idea, if you can.
You already provided the definition. If you think morality is dependent on people's opinions, then you think morality is based on opinion. I think morality is objective -- that right remains right regardless of what you think.
It's impossible to have a rational discussion when your worldview is so obviously self-contradictory. All it serves to do is put distance between the challenge to evolution that you are desperate to avoid: If evolution cannot account for morality, it cannot be the only game in town.