if it did happen, who stole it Arabs ? Muslims ?
Don't recall having accused anyone. Simply asking a question. If you believe your land was stolen, whom do you believe stole it?
if it did happen, who stole it Arabs ? Muslims ?
Don't recall having accused anyone. Simply asking a question. If you believe your land was stolen, whom do you believe stole it?
do you?
Well I have many answers that was the one I really believe ... I am really Okay with it (As someone who have really tried Arabs and Muslims I think it is reality).
Well, Why don't you feel okay about it ?
it is too long
it relies on the past to justify the present
with no hope for the future
I warned it would be long, Well actually I didn't talk about past , Okay lets put it in points :
1- We have 1.6 Billion people
2- Not as much as 10-100 millions of them REALLY know about theology
3- BUT : All if them think they know theology, and are religious (I was watching a video for a female interviewing an Egyptian Wahabbi Sheikh, who said she MUST wear Hijab to interview him (She's known to be one of the.... well not that "religion" people) - he was trying to make her go for Islam :crackup: - so she unveiled the Hijab and threw it at him on air and started screaming "Allah don't accept it", so she became the religious person in the case, although the hijab thing is obvious to be an Islamic order from Allah)
4- like the woman everyone got a theology that he thinks is right and everything else is wrong.
5- BUT more than 95% of the Umma (Umma=Nation, try to get used to the term) is actually ignorant about theology, I for one, thought I was a theologian before a year, but when I started reading I knew that I was just ignorant and strict more than I should be.
6- then you will have 95% of 1.6 billion idiot.
looks ration to me, that was the first thing I told you about, the second one (which you think is about past, while it is not, a way how a nation is made stays in the mindset of its children forever) is about how the nation was opened to door it didn't have the capabilities to withheld so they started to take from else, and soon they got more conflicted aka more strict about opinions + that all of them think he is a cleric = more idiots.
the third thing is the relation between Islam and Politics, the idea that there's a full relation (there's nothing like "church and government" in Islam, there's just Allah, and as the known Islamic traditional sentence says "O' Only Government is of Allah", which somehow means better position for clerics in government, from Fatwa (Sunna) up to Khomeini government).
looks logical now ?
about future.... Well We are not doing so good right now, pray for us please.
I warned it would be long, Well actually I didn't talk about past , Okay lets put it in points :
1- We have 1.6 Billion people
2- Not as much as 10-100 millions of them REALLY know about theology
3- BUT : All if them think they know theology, and are religious (I was watching a video for a female interviewing an Egyptian Wahabbi Sheikh, who said she MUST wear Hijab to interview him (She's known to be one of the.... well not that "religion" people) - he was trying to make her go for Islam :crackup: - so she unveiled the Hijab and threw it at him on air and started screaming "Allah don't accept it", so she became the religious person in the case, although the hijab thing is obvious to be an Islamic order from Allah)
4- like the woman everyone got a theology that he thinks is right and everything else is wrong.
5- BUT more than 95% of the Umma (Umma=Nation, try to get used to the term) is actually ignorant about theology, I for one, thought I was a theologian before a year, but when I started reading I knew that I was just ignorant and strict more than I should be.
6- then you will have 95% of 1.6 billion idiot.
looks ration to me, that was the first thing I told you about, the second one (which you think is about past, while it is not, a way how a nation is made stays in the mindset of its children forever) is about how the nation was opened to door it didn't have the capabilities to withheld so they started to take from else, and soon they got more conflicted aka more strict about opinions + that all of them think he is a cleric = more idiots.
the third thing is the relation between Islam and Politics, the idea that there's a full relation (there's nothing like "church and government" in Islam, there's just Allah, and as the known Islamic traditional sentence says "O' Only Government is of Allah", which somehow means better position for clerics in government, from Fatwa (Sunna) up to Khomeini government).
looks logical now ?
about future.... Well We are not doing so good right now, pray for us please.
Christians have done some pretty horrific things in the not so distant past too, just not so much in the West, in which case what you're really talking about/comparing is the distinction between well educated, reasonably affluent adherents compared to less or poorly educated and impoverished adherents coupled with specific cultural sets and not a large, more encompassing and accurate assessment.we have over 2 billion christians
we should have more idiots
it is all about ration to you
it does not look that way to us
Christians have done some pretty horrific things in the not so distant past too, just not so much in the West, in which case what you're really talking about/comparing is the distinction between well educated, reasonably affluent adherents compared to less or poorly educated and impoverished adherents coupled with specific cultural sets and not a large, more encompassing and accurate assessment.
we have over 2 billion christians
we should have more idiots
it is all about ration to you
it does not look that way to us
May G-d bless that you come to Yeshua and believe that He died for you and your sins. May you turn away from false teachings and accept the Messiah of the world.
This is my prayer.
As a Nationalist Arab whom his land was stolen ?
or as a Muslim in theology ?
the first is obvious (PS: I am a Pan-Arab)
the second, I don't have a problem with Jews only if they start war on me, and I am no Nazist so the aftermath of their slaughter in Europe must be held on me. they waged war and they don't want peace however they tried to look peaceful.
and also, they are an atheist racial country, most of the Zionists are atheists, and the theist Jews have good relations with muslims but the Zionists.
I don't like atheist countries, but not surely I am in favor in waging war against them because they are just atheists.
Christians have done some pretty horrific things in the not so distant past too, just not so much in the West, in which case what you're really talking about/comparing is the distinction between well educated, reasonably affluent adherents compared to less or poorly educated and impoverished adherents coupled with specific cultural sets and not a large, more encompassing and accurate assessment.
and still you compare ?
Why not re-write history? ...oh you already did.
When Iraq with five other arab nations decided to wipe the Jews off the face of the earth they first advised the Palestinians to move out then when the Jews were utterly destroyed the Palestinians would have the land...ALL of it.
But the arabs failed, God fought with the Jews. That is how the Palestinians were disposessed.