NC official storms out during Muslim prayer:I dont need no Arab telling me what to do


New member
I believe the people they were trying to protect would have been and still will be best served by lobbying to change what is unjust within the system. Using economic boycotts has been successful.
Direct, aggressive confrontation gets people killed.
I do believe that some things are worth dying for but if less drastic means can be employed I believe they should.
We all can find reasons to feel abused. Where does that get us?
Most of the wonderful positive effects of Dr. Martin Luther King's non-violent movement has been undone, or so it seems to me.
Hatred destroys. By its very nature it cannot create.
I believe that MalcolmX came to see that there was a better way to achieve the goals of equality under the Law.
I have hope that more leaders will stop to see that violence will not bring us closer together.
You didn't address my question though.

Were the Black Panthers fermenting ill will?

Another question, were they doing anything illegal by walking around armed?


New member
Exactly, so you see the ignorance of your question.

I see no ignorance in it...

I do not believe that time has always been the constant that science tells us. Our ability to observe such a small slice of time and extrapolate it over supposed billions of years is nothing less than asinine and violates all measurement standards.


New member
No it wasn't. What is your source for that bogus information?

BTW, even if it were, it would have to be proven in a Court of law for it to be remotely illegal.

Round them up, arrest them, then put them to trial.

I would do the same for each and every other para-military group.. and it doesn't matter what color they are.


New member
I see no ignorance in it...

I do not believe that time has always been the constant that science tells us. Our ability to observe such a small slice of time and extrapolate it over supposed billions of years is nothing less than asinine and violates all measurement standards.
Where is there a suggestion of mankind's current understanding of time in any of the previous statements?


New member
Round them up, arrest them, then put them to trial.

I would do the same for each and every other para-military group.. and it doesn't matter what color they are.
You are off the reservation.

BTW, you didn't address my question either.


New member
Just funny how times change. Openly carrying was perfectly legal, and the Panthers weren't breaking the law. Yet they terrified the cookie cutter suburbs and led to anti-gun legislation.

Flash forward and you've got these Tea Party boobs walking around with carbines, playing dumb when people react to their macho posturing with fear.

Cute trick.
Another clear example of white privilege.


New member
Uh, yeah. And keep in mind: The Panthers weren't breaking the law by open carrying.

The Oath Keepers walk the streets in camos bearing rifles. What else would you call that? And how do you think cops would react if a bunch of black guys in camos with guns showed up?

Just to further demonstrate this point:
White Open-Carry vs. Black Open-Carry

No crime committed, no suspected crime being committed, he's literally walking-while-black-while-openly-carrying.
Sums up the continued and enforced racial divide in this country, that too many people with personal ties to police officers refuse to acknowledge.

I love that after laying down in the street at gunpoint, he starts quoting statute at the officer holding him at gunpoint.
This is no longer the world of "take the officer's word for it," that too many people treat as the good ol' days.


New member
Just to further demonstrate this point:
White Open-Carry vs. Black Open-Carry

No crime committed, no suspected crime being committed, he's literally walking-while-black-while-openly-carrying.
Sums up the continued and enforced racial divide in this country, that too many people with personal ties to police officers refuse to acknowledge.

I love that after laying down in the street at gunpoint, he starts quoting statute at the officer holding him at gunpoint.
This is no longer the world of "take the officer's word for it," that too many people treat as the good ol' days.
Thank you for that.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Just funny how times change. Openly carrying was perfectly legal, and the Panthers weren't breaking the law. Yet they terrified the cookie cutter suburbs and led to anti-gun legislation.

Flash forward and you've got these Tea Party boobs walking around with carbines, playing dumb when people react to their macho posturing with fear.

Cute trick.

I don't understand, are you saying it was OK when the panthers did it but it's not OK now?

And what's the connection with the Tea Party?
Did you mean the Open Carriers?
It would seem the two demographics would have some overlap but I wouldn't use the two terms interchangeably.


New member
Hall of Fame
I don't understand, are you saying it was OK when the panthers did it but it's not OK now?

I'm saying it was considered unacceptable for the Panthers to do it but seems perfectly orthodox or "patriotic" for the Tea Party types to pull the same stunt. Put it this way: I consider the grievances of the Panthers to be slightly more tangible--and rooted in reality--than whatever it is the Tea Party's bloviating about. It's also worth pointing out the Panthers, big a bogeyman as the right made them out to be, never came close to achieving their goals, and posed much more of a PR menace than anything in actual reality.

Did you mean the Open Carriers?

Correct. I guess I'm using open carry/Tea Party/ a little too interchangeably.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Uh, yeah. And keep in mind: The Panthers weren't breaking the law by open carrying.
And neither are the Open Carriers.

The Oath Keepers walk the streets in camos bearing rifles.
As did the panthers.

What else would you call that?
Open carry with a side of poor fashion sense? :idunno:
And how do you think cops would react if a bunch of black guys in camos with guns showed up?
The same as they would if white guys with guns and camo showed up?


New member
You didn't address my question though.

Were the Black Panthers fermenting ill will?

Another question, were they doing anything illegal by walking around armed?

I don't think they were deliberately attempting to foment ill will. It seems to me they were attempting to instill pride in the Black Community? As so often happens with new logistics, it did cause alarm in some circles. But some people did come to see the justice of their cause.
As for the legality of walking around armed?
I don't know.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I'm saying it was considered unacceptable for the Panthers to do it but seems perfectly orthodox or "patriotic" for the Tea Party types to pull the same stunt.
You mean Open Carry types.
"Considered Unacceptable" by whom?
Some people didn't like the Panthers and Some don't like the Open Carriers, and some did like the Panthers and some do like the Open Carriers.
If you want to demonstrate some kind of hypocrisy then you can't do it with generalities.

Put it this way: I consider the grievances of the Panthers to be slightly more tangible--and rooted in reality--than whatever it is the Tea Party's bloviating about.
What if they were both bloviating about the same thing?
Seems like they are, the right to bear arms a defend themselves.

It's also worth pointing out the Panthers, big a bogeyman as the right made them out to be, never came close to achieving their goals, and posed much more of a PR menace than anything in actual reality.

Correct. I guess I'm using open carry/Tea Party/ a little too interchangeably.
And then there's the Oath Keepers


New member
Hall of Fame
"Considered Unacceptable" by whom?

Anyone who doesn't expect to run into someone toting an AR while diaper shopping, I guess.

Some people didn't like the Panthers and Some don't like the Open Carriers, and some did like the Panthers and some do like the Open Carriers.

My original point, lost in all this, was that white, conservative America reacted in hysterics to the Panthers, while largely supporting the recent open carriers. That strikes me as a bit hypocritical.

What if they were both bloviating about the same thing?

Ummmmmmm...not likely.

And then there's the Oath Keepers

Right, I already mentioned the handful doing nothing to help matters in Ferguson. Can't see a happy ending to that adventure.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Anyone who doesn't expect to run into someone toting an AR while diaper shopping, I guess.
I believe private businesses can ban fire arms.

My original point, lost in all this, was that white, conservative America reacted in hysterics to the Panthers, while largely supporting the recent open carriers. That strikes me as a bit hypocritical.
If you want to call some one a hypocrite you need to catch the same person saying different things about identical situations.
The Mulford act was passed in California in 1967, it's 2015 now.
And California isn't every where.
So, California in 1967 does not equal "white conservative America" today.
Also I don't think you can make the case the Open Carriers are "largely supported" today.

If you want to believe the the theoretical, monolithic "white conservative America" is an immutable category that owes allegiance to whatever position was held by their members 48 years ago AND you could show they largely support the Open Carriers today then at the best you could argue that that they had come around to the correct view point (if you're arguing that Open Carry is a good thing (which you seem to be doing by defending the Panthers at least by default since you're attacking their detractors) ).

Ummmmmmm...not likely.
I think they might be, they're both sticking it to the man by displaying their arms.
Do you have any evidence that the Open Carry groups are racist?

Right, I already mentioned the handful doing nothing to help matters in Ferguson. Can't see a happy ending to that adventure.
More gun sales, perhaps you're in the wrong business?