Naming Names! I Predict Bernie Sanders Will Die Mysteriously Before The Election.


Well-known member
Temp Banned
Very few conservatives I know personally and have read about DO NOT WANT TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT "Crony Capitalism."
Sadly, I think you're right. I think they like the idea of there being extreme winners and losers. They aren't really conservatives, they're extremists. Conservatives are generally the well-off, who want to maintain the status quo because the status quo has been good to them, or because they're the victims of authoritarianism who are just afraid of change, generally. But most of the self-described conservatives on TOL aren't really conservative at all. They're right wing radical extremists who want change, but they want to change things back their fantasy of the 1950s, or back to their fantasy of the 1850s, or even back to their fantasy of 'Bibleworld'. I don't know why they call themselves "conservatives" at all, because they generally hate traditional conservatives (calling the RINOs) and traditional conservative ideals. They align more with modern neo-cons who have more in common with nihilism than they do with conservatism.


Sadly, I think you're right. I think they like the idea of there being extreme winners and losers. They aren't really conservatives, they're extremists. Conservatives are generally the well-off, who want to maintain the status quo because the status quo has been good to them, or because they're the victims of authoritarianism who are just afraid of change, generally. But most of the self-described conservatives on TOL aren't really conservative at all. They're right wing radical extremists who want change, but they want to change things back their fantasy of the 1950s, or back to their fantasy of the 1850s, or even back to their fantasy of 'Bibleworld'. I don't know why they call themselves "conservatives" at all, because they generally hate traditional conservatives (calling the RINOs) and traditional conservative ideals. They align more with modern neo-cons who have more in common with nihilism than they do with conservatism.
The word "conservative" is meaningless today. We need a more descriptive, punchy label for what is going on now. I don't know what the hell it is, but it's certainly not "conservative."


Well-known member
If you've read this, then you understand how incendiary this information really is, and how condemning it is of both these corporate CEOs and the whoring politicians that enable them, costing the rest of us literally billions of dollars. Even as they BLAME US for the huge debt that results.

God bless Bernie Sanders for having the courage to speak out when NO OTHER POLITICIAN OF ANY PARTY has had the courage to do so. But I truly fear for his life. With billions of dollars at stake, and these corporate thieves willing to do anything to anyone to keep their massive wealth, and virtually every politician on both sides of the isle completely bought off, along with the main stream media, he's truly a voice crying out in a dangerous wilderness!

Seeing that Hillary and Bill have a history of their enemies dying, and Bernie is doing better than Hillary, it would seem more logical for Hillary to off the man.

Capitalism is a great process for any economy, but when corporatism steps in, it pollutes the good that capitalism can do and does.


Well-known member
Temp Banned
Seeing that Hillary and Bill have a history of their enemies dying, and Bernie is doing better than Hillary, it would seem more logical for Hillary to off the man.

Capitalism is a great process for any economy, but when corporatism steps in, it pollutes the good that capitalism can do and does.
Corporatism, monopoly, and oligarchy are the inevitable result of unrestrained capitalism.


Well-known member
Very few conservatives I know personally and have read about DO NOT WANT TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT "Crony Capitalism."

That's the root cause of our problems, just as the original 13 colonies had with the East India Tea Company, the closest thing to a global corporation in its day. The nonviolent protest of the Boston Tea Party in 1773 was a good start for our revolution in 1776.

We should pay more attention to history. Folks like Sanders are the ones who plant the seeds--or at least send them aloft and away like dandelions do in a strong breeze.

Three Corporations run the world, the City of London, Washington DC and Vatican city. All media and information comes through their filter, even the opposition is controlled by them to keep the outward revolution alive and well, when it is a revolution of the mind we need to expose their fraudulent system that has stolen the souls of men through the legal name slavery.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
The Clintons wacked a whole bunch of people already. They won't stop for him knowing she is trying to run again.