my thoughts re KY clerk Davis.. no bail!


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Davis refused to do her job because of HER personal religious
beliefs .

her job is to approve a couple's request for a marriage license

she didn't approve
her name is on the license
she was not giving any licenses out
she wanted her name off
why is that not reasonable?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
this was my post, a response to stan, that you responded to:

your question:

my response requires you to connect the dots, but i'll do it for you

we are not, as Christians, required to honor corrupt law, made by evil men.

clear enough for you sparky?

where is my "prurient interest"?


her job is to approve a couple's request for a marriage license

she didn't approve
her name is on the license
she was not giving any licenses out
she wanted her name off
why is that not reasonable?
Because she took the stand that she was not giving out marriage licenses to same sex couples. When it was not her decision to make if they were otherwise entitled to one. She tried to side step by denying all licenses, my guess on the advice of counsel, but that was even sillier.

She held herself out as more important than the Supreme court. She got what she deserved. If she were a private employer she should have been canned for not doing the job she was supposed to do.

Two questions:
1. Is she still being paid?
2. How long will she stay in the hoosgow? Contempt of court is not supposed to be punitive, it is supposed to be an effort to redress the disrespect done to the court as an institution. At some point Bunning may feel that there is nothing more he can do other than leaving her in jail and at some point it becomes just pointless. Although, I suspect he could leave her in there until she caves but not sure that is even legally appropriate. Despite the fact that I would hope he kept her and that she stopped getting a pay check. Lack of $ might make her give up quicker.

In any event she is dishonorable in that she claims she can no longer do the job she was elected to do, for whatever reason, the correct thing to do is resign. She can then politic all she wants against same sex marriage.


rather, she put God's Law over man's law

Then she should have resigned if her god's particular decree made it impossible for her to do her job.

The USA is not a theocracy. Our law's are man made. Deal with it or do something that does not conflict with your particular belief.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Then she should have resigned if her god's particular decree made it impossible for her to do her job.
Seems about right. If I worked for a firm and it took on representation of an abortion mill then expected me to act as counsel I'd resign. I wouldn't expect them to keep me on or want to remain associated with whoever did.

And she could always join the legal process of objection, rally, look for a constitutional convention if she thinks the public will is there and attempt to educate and convince the larger electorate if it isn't. That's how it's done in the Republic. If you can't win hearts and minds on the point then it has to remain a private matter of conscience, even if you feel compelled to continue to make it a public matter of debate, hopeful that the tide might at some point turn in your favor.


Then she should have resigned if her god's particular decree made it impossible for her to do her job.

The USA is not a theocracy. Our law's are man made. Deal with it or do something that does not conflict with your particular belief.

I agree. She should boldly (in the name of God) step down from her position, proclaim the job as serving Satan .....replete with the upholding faith that God has enough pocket change to pay her continued rent and board.

As it stands were getting nothing but whining from her....and her fans.


New member
rather, she put God's Law over man's law

No, she ignores what the NT says in favour of her own misguided understanding of what God wants from His sons and daughters, who are brothers and sisters in Christ. The Bible does NOT tell her to be the voice of morality in the Kentucky/county government. We all know who is behind hate mongering.


Hall of Fame
her job is to approve a couple's request for a marriage license

she didn't approve

Approve ... not Approve OF. There is a difference.

her name is on the license
she was not giving any licenses out
she wanted her name off
why is that not reasonable?

Because her approval of the morality of the marriage is NOT what she was to approve. OF. She was to approve marriage licenses. Period. It IS her job. IF she wishes to pick and choose who she is willing to provide with her service, easy to remedy. Quit. Start her own *private* business.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
And she could always join the legal process of objection, rally, look for a constitutional convention if she thinks the public will is there and attempt to educate and convince the larger electorate if it isn't. That's how it's done in the Republic. If you can't win hearts and minds on the point then it has to remain a private matter of conscience, even if you feel compelled to continue to make it a public matter of debate, hopeful that the tide might at some point turn in your favor.

seems to me us yankees had to beat the crap out of you immoral southern slave defenders 150 years ago to make you see the light

maybe the Supreme Court needs a few smacks upside the head to wake them up


New member
Our law's are man made. Deal with it or do something that does not conflict with your particular belief.

that is NOT true. Our country was founded on Christian principles

Deal with it or move somewhere else

The USA would not even EXIST if it weren't for these Christian principles being codified in our laws at every turn throughout our history (although if we continue on this liberal path, there will be no US in the future... Some say there isn't really one now.. not as we know it)




New member

that is NOT true. Our country was founded on Christian principles

Deal with it or move somewhere else

The USA would not even EXIST if it weren't for these Christian principles being codified in our laws at every turn throughout our history (although if we continue on this liberal path, there will be no US in the future... Some say there isn't really one now.. not as we know it)

Only if you believe Masons are Christian.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Only if you believe Masons are Christian.






New member
Yeah, the land would still belong to the indigenous people.

they were eventually compensated

and also, the Natives killed many settlers... in horrible ways. You libs act like it was one way street of corruption... usual black/white way of seeing things... and then you have the unmitigated gall to claim to be "tolerant" ...always critical of the Christian religion. All the while, you yourselves have a religion... and boy, is it an unattractive one...
