my thoughts re KY clerk Davis.. no bail!


New member
The Supreme Court interprets the law and can determine whether or not state or Federal law is unconstitutional. Since 1803, Marbury v. Madison. Federal law trumps state law. The Constitution trumps all. Despite what Justice Scalia and the other originalists might claim, the court has interpreted the Constitution differently over time. When the language and thought of the late 18th century no longer fits with the present the Court can and does change its interpretation of the Constitution. It does not happen all that often but it does happen.
In Plessey v Ferguson, separate but equal schools were fine in 1896, but by 1954 Brown v Board of Education determined otherwise.

Under your interpretation, the Supreme Court has no power if a state law says otherwise. That is simply not the way it works.

Under your interpretation Federal law would mean nothing.

Apparently you didn't notice the question mark?
I am not qualified to interpret the law. That is why I asked the question.
I have another question. If Federal Law always trumps State Law, then, what is the point of State Law?



the courts NEED to be given the finger.

God bless her

that thug judge made a martyr of her

"If you deny Me before men, I will deny you before the Father"



Well, you just go do that. Put your convictions in front of the world.
Some how I suspect you are not as tough as you suggest in real life.


Apparently you didn't notice the question mark?
I am not qualified to interpret the law. That is why I asked the question.
I have another question. If Federal Law always trumps State Law, then, what is the point of State Law?

Because most Federal law does not impact on most state law. For example, states have criminal laws that usually do not require the Feds to be involved. You assault someone in your state, the state charges you.
You default on your home mortgage, the foreclosure happens in state court.
the Feds do not necessarily control your use of your property---zoning for example---your state does---or your local municipality.
But if the Federal government has legislation in an area it usually preempts state law---the Clean Air Act for example. Or bankruptcy.
The Federal Constitution preempts everything.

In terms of interpreting the law---that is the province of a judge. Some states elect their judges, some appoint them. Federal judges are appointed.
Some judges are good, some are great, some are awful. Some, especially those who are elected pander to the public, some who are appointed pander to the politicians who appointed them. They are each a human being who may or may not be trying to do a good job.


New member
I don't even know where to begin concerning how AWFUL this situation is with Kim Davis, the KY clerk who refused to give "marriage licenses" to gays

When i supported her yesterday, there were a couple facts i didn't have:

apparently, she not only refused to grant these same-sex "licenses" but also refused to allow her deputies to do so

Well, assuming there aren't other pertinent facts i need to know, i say that is going too far. It would seem she should allow them to make up their own minds and follow THEIR consciences to wherever it leads, as she wants done for herself.

Then again, if something is OBJECTIVELY immoral, as most people say same-sex "marriage" is, then why should we have a problem with her trying to keep her deputies from issuing the licenses?

Well, here is one of those problems that FEW ever want to talk about: objective moral TRUTH. That is one of the bigger problems in our world today, no one wants to acknowledge that there IS such a thing..

But setting that, albeit very important, problem aside for now.. Well.. We aren't talking about murdering unborn children, just issuing "licenses" to perverts so as to legitimatize their perversities..

not good, but no one is being murdered. I know... I know... I am already regretting (somewhat) saying this b/c... She is right to stand up for her beliefs. I am still behind her except for her decision to block other clerks giving these licenses.

But the absolute WORST part of this whole strange incident (no, the 2nd worst) is that she was JAILED. So until we face THAT most egregious facet of the situation... I don't even want to hear about gays and their newly given (by 5 people) "rights."

I love what Huckabee and Santorum and Cruz had to say about this situation.. Every one of them said AWESOME things.. (more on that later)

WHY is she in jail? Even worse, she was given NO BAIL!!!!!!!! (another of the facts i didn't have yesterday)

As Huckabee said, Dahmer was given bail... other murderers as well, but someone who puts her religious faith into action, HURTING NO ONE in the process (Don't want to hear it--she hurt NO ONE; the pervs could have gone to other courthouses)

She is treated like... well, what the heck is worse than a mass murderer? Well, whatever is worse than that, she is it... according to this crazy, lawless, THUG of a judge.

I'm going to leave it at that for now b/c my mind is frankly reeling... overwhelmed with the ridiculousness and evil of this situation... This judge himself should be put in jail


Here's the thing about the objective moral truth. We already have one. It's called the law. That is the standard that everyone within the United States has to abide by, OR face the consequences.

Kim made her decision.


New member
so if you lived in berlin in 1943, you would have acquiesced to every order emanating from the bundestag?

That doesn't address my question, and if you think Berlin was bad, how about Roman dominated Jerusalem that Paul was in?
You either believe what the Bible says, and obey it, or you always look for excuses to not believe and faithfully obey.

That choice of course is yours.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
your question:

Apparently you have NEVER read Rom 13:1-7 (NIV)?

my response requires you to connect the dots, but i'll do it for you

we are not, as Christians, required to honor corrupt law, made by evil men.

clear enough for you sparky?


Well-known member
so if you lived in berlin in 1943, you would have acquiesced to every order emanating from the bundestag?

Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies:

"As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1" —​ that is, if an online discussion (regardless of topic or scope) goes on long enough, sooner or later someone will compare someone or something to Hitler or Nazism.



your question:

my response requires you to connect the dots, but i'll do it for you

we are not, as Christians, required to honor corrupt law, made by evil men.

clear enough for you sparky?

And just how will you not honor this particular "corrupt" law? Are you someone who provides marriage licenses? Are you a judge? Other than that what will you do to show your particular displeasure???

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies:

"As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1" —​ that is, if an online discussion (regardless of topic or scope) goes on long enough, sooner or later someone will compare someone or something to Hitler or Nazism.


actually, the jokes on you (and me - Spitfire would have caught this)

the Bundestag was not only not Nazi, it wasn't in existence in 1943 :p

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
And just how will you not honor this particular "corrupt" law? Are you someone who provides marriage licenses? Are you a judge? Other than that what will you do to show your particular displeasure???

i don't recognize homosexual "marriages" as such

The Horn

Same sex marriage is NOT "objectively immoral ". YOU and some other right-wing Americans think it is because you are hostile to gay people .
Murdering people, cruelty, cheating, stealing , lying , etc are
immoral . How can gay people being married harm anyone or deprive others of their rights , or violate their rights, interfere with their
private lives and cause them difficulty ? It can't and doesn't .
How is Kim Davis harmed by gay people being married ? Does this interfere with her current marriage ?
Davis refused to do her job because of HER personal religious
beliefs . She has no right to do this, nor does anyone else .
She should seek employment in another field . No one is "persecuting " her for being a Christian . She is reaping the consequences of her foolishness, and has no one but herself to blame .

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
No need for such dishonesty. I have never condoned adultery. It's rather interesting that you wouldn't agree that IF she were consistent, she would refuse to issue marriage licenses to adulterers or those having sex out of wedlock.

Well, fornicators are actually supposed to marry each other.


Yeah, I think that people who commit adultery and then want to get married ought to be turned away.

And, other than being in the adulterer's bedrooms how are you going to know in order to make that decision? Ah, but perhaps that is the point, you get to monitor others' private and sex lives.