Muslims fight for right to kill their wives

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I just don't like them, and don't want them around.
I think they are a festering plague and needs to be eradicated.
I could try to be all PC about it, but I would have to lie to do that.

What, all Muslims or just the extremist minority? Cos if you just want to lay waste to an entire set of people over a difference of religion then you're no bloody better than ISIS, in fact you're just downright sick in the head.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Yeah, not really much into wishing to nuke a whole group of people when the outcome would be killing innocent children and unborn babies.

Also, if the idea is to completely wipe all of them off the planet, then why feign outrage over Muslims fighting for the right to kill their wives?

Hmm, let's see how much silence ensues on that one...




Hall of Fame
You know Rusha, all these babies and children you protect ARE HERE TO REPLACE US !!! THEY MUST BE STOPPED !!!

just kiddin' :chuckle:

:think: I could just never get behind eradicating a whole group of people when it would include those who are innocent.

patrick jane

There are some really bad extremist Muslims but by definition of Islam they are obviously not following the will of GOD. Most uhm not radical extremist violent Muslims are actually separating themselves from these extremists.

I have read the Qur'an. In its translated form it has additions that are within parenthesis. Other than these additions it is profitable for those inquiring of the direction of man under GOD. It is written differently but is very similar to the teachings of the bible and reiterizes the events and points of the Torah or Old Testament. It does however speak of the misdirection of the masses, but ultimately speaks of mercy and peace, for real. I haven't read any other Islamic writings. I may never. It doesn't refer to Jesus the Christ as the Son of GOD, but it does refer to him as the pure and perfect messenger of GOD and actually holds him in the highest regard among all messengers. I know that's a hard thing for some to get around. And Allah literally translates to GOD. It's the same GOD of Abraham, the same GOD of our Lord Christ.

And no, I believe in equality, compassion and unity, not beating or killing anyone.


Sent from my HTC Desire 512 using Tapatalk

They have twisted Mohamhead's writings to say it's ok to lie to non-muslims and to kill infidels with beheadings etc. not to mention what they can do to "their women" and any non muslim woman.


Hall of Fame
You know Rusha, all these babies and children you protect ARE HERE TO REPLACE US !!! THEY MUST BE STOPPED !!!

just kiddin' :chuckle:

I know you are just kidding, Patrick, however, it would be contrary to my values as an anti-abortion, pro-child advocate to dismiss the innocent lives of some based on their parentage. In regards to the OP, anyone, Muslim or otherwise, who sees his wife as property that he should be allowed to destroy/kill is scum. No one outside of a nutjob would defend their *right* to do so.


I know you are just kidding, Patrick, however, it would be contrary to my values as an anti-abortion, pro-child advocate to dismiss the innocent lives of some based on their parentage. In regards to the OP, anyone, Muslim or otherwise, who sees his wife as property that he should be allowed to destroy/kill is scum. No one outside of a nutjob would defend their *right* to do so.

Cool story

Tell it again..
and again
and again
and again

Why don't you see women "murderers" (who've aborted) as scum :think:


Hall of Fame
When it's time to obsess over and defend women, they'll sink their teeth into anyone who gets in the way or disagrees with them.

Men plead for their captors and women's self-involved lunacy causing strife on the rest.

Just another day ending with a Y :rolleyes:

Yeah we know youre a freak who would also defend wife beating. You have a huge gruj against sum women, right?

I don't defend wife beating, I just offend those who have a daily routine of defending women and ignoring the big elephant in the room.

You know Rusha, all these babies and children you protect ARE HERE TO REPLACE US !!! THEY MUST BE STOPPED !!!

just kiddin' :chuckle:

I know you are just kidding, Patrick, however, it would be contrary to my values as an anti-abortion, pro-child advocate to dismiss the innocent lives of some based on their parentage. In regards to the OP, anyone, Muslim or otherwise, who sees his wife as property that he should be allowed to destroy/kill is scum. No one outside of a nutjob would defend their *right* to do so.

Right. On. Cue.

Cool story

Tell it again..
and again
and again
and again

Why don't you see women "murderers" (who've aborted) as scum :think:

Cool delusion ...

And again ...
And again ...
And again ...

Seek therapy.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Also, if the idea is to completely wipe all of them off the planet, then why feign outrage over Muslims fighting for the right to kill their wives?
That's one of the reasons I can't stand them.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
That's what happens in war.
And it's already happening now by THEM.

There's such a thing as war atrocities and what you propose would be just that, not to mention bonkers, insane and thoroughly off the planet...

Not that there'd be much left of one if you were in 'charge'...


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
That's one of the reasons I can't stand them.

So your 'solution' to the problem of radical Muslim men beating their wives and children is to kill the women and children as well then. Yay!

Geez, it's a wonder this world hasn't blown up already...



So your 'solution' to the problem of radical Muslim men beating their wives and children is to kill the women and children as well then. Yay!


Well, there is another thing to consider: In the Old Testament, killing children was due in ensuring that they wouldn't rise again out of revenge or otherwise- and end up killing and dying anyway.

A 'kill now to save more later' type deal.

Greg Jennings

New member
I don't know why we would want any of them as our citizens.
BOOT them all!

Because some are good people who act like any other American citizen. Just a thought

Want to give Islamic extremists a real army? Then boot out all the Muslims here and watch every angry, spurned young man turn to ISIS instead