Moses Law Done Away With IF


Ok your ego is more entertaining when torturing scripture...

So run that “one covenant abolishes the previous one” by me again...

Any other covenant do that? Does the abrahamic covenant abolish Noah’s?...

Oh and at which point before He died did the Testator to the new covenant declare you are given permission to make another day Holy or each of the other days?...

One covenant overrides another...

As if there is one law for one and another for the if the kingdom of Yah is an apartheid

I said
ROFLOL I'm not the one with the over sized ego, you are. When the Word says that dogs will not see the truth, will not understand, will be blind leaders of the blind. That's you. and the rest of the "others".
What is an "other", are you muslim, or the little bat guy on a stick, atheist, agnostic.


New member
I said
ROFLOL I'm not the one with the over sized ego, you are. When the Word says that dogs will not see the truth, will not understand, will be blind leaders of the blind. That's you. and the rest of the "others".
What is an "other", are you muslim, or the little bat guy on a stick, atheist, agnostic.

Ok...was hoping this could be about your OP...About how the faith of Yahushua cancels out the “here are they that keep His Father’s commandments” part...but maybe you are a little too preoccupied...


Ok...was hoping this could be about your OP...About how the faith of Yahushua cancels out the “here are they that keep His Father’s commandments” part...but maybe you are a little too preoccupied...

I said
Explaining the things of God to you is like explaining to a blind man how to drive a car. You will never get it. And you will just start guessing and making up things. Its a useless conversation.

[2Ti 2:23
23 But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife.



I said
lol I guess you proved my point. You cant go to the bible for evidence. Because you are blinded to the true Word of God. Why would you ask me anything if your going to keep proving me right.

[2Co 4:4
4 whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them.


New member
I said
lol I guess you proved my point. You cant go to the bible for evidence. Because you are blinded to the true Word of God. Why would you ask me anything if your going to keep proving me right.

[2Co 4:4
4 whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them.

The god of this age has people think they are able to make things Holy which are not

and to replace that which is not theirs to claim what they wish it to be...

He said “Think not that”...squeaky

Yours is NOT the faith and testimony OF Yahushua...


The god of this age has people think they are able to make things Holy which are not

and to replace that which is not theirs to claim what they wish it to be...

He said “Think not that”...squeaky

Yours is NOT the faith and testimony OF Yahushua...

I said
ROFLOL lolol Your an other and your judging me??????????????????

You really should go read the revelation on intellectual idiots. You are one.


New member
I said
ROFLOL Well you just convicted yourself.

You might recall it is only known as the Law of Moses but it is actually given by you know Who right?

You might also recall that He also made the seventh day Sabbath Holy...something you can not do with any other day...or every day...

You are to “Remember” Squeaky, remember what?

The faith OF Yahushua did not destroy/replace anything while He was alive...”Think NOT that”...

So the covenant was signed and sealed...Testator was killed...and His followers hurried to keep the day Holy as was the commandment why Paul kept Sabbaths and Peter even KOSHER...


You might recall it is only known as the Law of Moses but it is actually given by you know Who right?

You might also recall that He also made the seventh day Sabbath Holy...something you can not do with any other day...or every day...

You are to “Remember” Squeaky, remember what?

The faith OF Yahushua did not destroy/replace anything while He was alive...”Think NOT that”...

So the covenant was signed and sealed...Testator was killed...and His followers hurried to keep the day Holy as was the commandment why Paul kept Sabbaths and Peter even KOSHER...

I said
lolol Like I said you are blind. The new testament is written in the milk understanding. The Holy Spirit leads us into purging our minds of all carnality before we come to the revelations of Jesus Christ. But and If one does make it to the revelations of Jesus Christ. Jesus makes everything clear with the revelation of Jesus Christ. So you stay where your at, and I will stay where I'm at.


New member
I said
lolol Like I said you are blind. The new testament is written in the milk understanding. The Holy Spirit leads us into purging our minds of all carnality before we come to the revelations of Jesus Christ. But and If one does make it to the revelations of Jesus Christ. Jesus makes everything clear with the revelation of Jesus Christ. So you stay where your at, and I will stay where I'm at.

His revelations are not contrary to His Father’s will...nor does the Spirit lead outside the path which is His Way...His Faith...demonstrated and clearly outlined in scripture...

You are NOT following His way as He did both demonstrate and choose any day or every day to claim to make Holy and rest...

Your rejection of His Way is milk understanding...not the faith OF Him


His revelations are not contrary to His Father’s will...nor does the Spirit lead outside the path which is His Way...His Faith...demonstrated and clearly outlined in scripture...

You are NOT following His way as He did both demonstrate and choose any day or every day to claim to make Holy and rest...

Your rejection of His Way is milk understanding...not OF His faith

I said
lol Your an idiot. Did you read the revelation on "Intellectual Idiots"? It fits you so well.


New member
I said
lol How many more dumb replies are you going to make before you realize your blind.

In Hebrews 11:5, we see Enoch is “translated” from earth to heaven. He is transferred. His position is changed. The same word “metatithemi” is seen in Gen 5:24 in the Septuagint (LXX) as well. Using the same meaning in place of the words “change” in Heb 7:12, provides a much different meaning to what it is usually understood to be. It is not that the priesthood “changed” as in, it was “replaced”. It is that the Priesthood has been “transferred”/”changed places” from earth to heaven. From an earthly Aaronic High Priest to Yeshua(Jesus’ true name), the High Priest of the Heavenly Temple. The necessity of a “change” in the Law, does not mean that God’s Law was replaced here on Earth. Rather that there is a transference also of the Law. This transference is speaking of the priesthood – of an Aaronic Priest on earth to a Priest in the line of Melchizadek in heaven. Not that the Aaronic priesthood is expunged, but that the Melchizadek Priest would receive preeminence standing before God with a far superior offering.



In Hebrews 11:5, we see Enoch is “translated” from earth to heaven. He is transferred. His position is changed. The same word “metatithemi” is seen in Gen 5:24 in the Septuagint (LXX) as well. Using the same meaning in place of the words “change” in Heb 7:12, provides a much different meaning to what it is usually understood to be. It is not that the priesthood “changed” as in, it was “replaced”. It is that the Priesthood has been “transferred”/”changed places” from earth to heaven. From an earthly Aaronic High Priest to Yeshua(Jesus’ true name), the High Priest of the Heavenly Temple. The necessity of a “change” in the Law, does not mean that God’s Law was replaced here on Earth. Rather that there is a transference also of the Law. This transference is speaking of the priesthood – of an Aaronic Priest on earth to a Priest in the line of Melchizadek in heaven. Not that the Aaronic priesthood is expunged, but that the Melchizadek Priest would receive preeminence standing before God with a far superior offering.


I said
[Gal 2:4
4 And [this occurred] because of false brethren secretly brought in (who came in by stealth to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage),


New member
I said
[Gal 2:4
4 And [this occurred] because of false brethren secretly brought in (who came in by stealth to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage),

You think Paul is referring to the Sabbath here? Paul kept remained a day made Holy by his Creator given as a gift to His people as a sign of their covenant...NOT a burden


You think Paul is referring to the Sabbath here? Paul kept remained a day made Holy by his Creator given as a gift to His people as a sign of their covenant...NOT a burden

I said
lolol Keep guessing. You see it amazes me how God can take two people one a believer and one that is not. They both read the same thing. And God can reveal the truth to the believer. And blind the non believer. But here is the amazing part the non believer doesn't even know it. I love it, it is so beautiful. Truth never changes. But look at yourself, how many times have you guessed about a verse, then later changed it.


New member
I said
lolol Keep guessing. You see it amazes me how God can take two people one a believer and one that is not. They both read the same thing. And God can reveal the truth to the believer. And blind the non believer. But here is the amazing part the non believer doesn't even know it. I love it, it is so beautiful. Truth never changes. But look at yourself, how many times have you guessed about a verse, then later changed it.

Indeed it is amazing...many are called but few are choosen...and for their choices...

you have chosen for yourself to serve another god of “do what thou whilst”...claiming
that you have the ability to make another day Holy changing both times and laws...

you should go study about what is said about those who think they have ability to change both times and laws...a good day today to rest and worship and reflect on what is His and what is man’s traditions...

Even Eve deceived herself with a WELL INTENDED lie...and ever since man has made false worship...