More trouble for Trump


Surely, if there were some real dirt re Uranium-one/Clintons etc then The Trump band wagon would have used it big time during the election campaign.

Yet, when Trump went head to head with Hilary on live TV, not a mention. Instead Trump behaved like a juvenile delinquent e.g. staying in camera view behind Hilary when she was speaking and making the most outrageously stupid gestures: silly faces etc.

If Trump is not a delinquent he sure does good impressions.

This is why credibility in th US nose-dived around the world.

This is why a nut job, Kim Jong-un, feels so confident in baiting the US.


he troubling phenomenon is far reaching. Pew research surveyed 37 countries and found a widespread collapse of trust in the US president and in the United States. A median of just 22% said they have confidence in Trump to do the right thing in world affairs, a jaw-dropping collapse from the 64% who trusted the US president at the end of the Obama presidency.

Perhaps it's a FAKE. Yeah, right. Not just the Brits but even the Scots don't want to visit.


Mired in record low approval ratings at home, President Donald Trump is even less popular globally, with a majority describing him as dangerous, arrogant and intolerant. Those are the results of the Pew Research Center’s annual survey on global attitudes toward the United States and its president, released Monday. (No, not lefty propaganda)

I just returned from France where the people favored Trump as the lesser evil to Hillary. I think most in the world dislike America in general and like Americans who dislike America like Michelle Obama and company.

Observation: the ability to see things as they really are.

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I just returned from France where the people favored Trump as the lesser evil to Hillary.
Codswallop. I live and work in Europe (just a mere pen pusher in the EU machinery). A preference for 'the lesser evil', whatever one interprets that to be, is a another storey.

The majority consensus is that Trump is a diplomatic disaster.

I think most in the world dislike America in general
I would not say the French nor Germans do. After all, they would not be where they are now if it was not for American policy after WW2.

and like Americans who dislike America like Michelle Obama and company.
No. Obama has huge respect.

Observation: the ability to see things as they really are.
Should have gone to Spec Savers ( A low cost optician chain in the UK).
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Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Surely, if there were some real dirt re Uranium-one/Clintons etc then The Trump band wagon would have used it big time during the election campaign.

So do you think that those who donated millions and millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation just did it out of the kindness of their hearts?

It is interesting that since Hillary lost the election the funds going into the Clinton foundation have slowed to a dribble.

Wonder why that is happening?


So do you think that those who donated millions and millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation just did it out of the kindness of their hearts?

It is interesting that since Hillary lost the election the funds going into the Clinton foundation have almost ceased.

Wonder why that is happening?

Of course not. They did it for cheap nuclear bomb material. Point you evade is why did the trump team miss this COMPLETELY during the election campaign. Had there been one scrap of factual evidence the whole show would have been a done deal. No need to buy Russian dirt.


The general consensus, word wide, is that Donald Duck would make a better President. That's the one with the yellow beak; not current duck with the yellow hair do.


Anyway, enuf of this dreary stuff. The real issue is how much Melania is going to get in the divorce settlement.

After all, an attorney has already proven guilt with the $130,000 bung.


That explains the jealousy. I live in the greatest country of prosperity and opportunity since the beginning of the world. Live in Hawaii, prefer San Diego to France.


That explains the jealousy. I live in the greatest country of prosperity and opportunity since the beginning of the world. Live in Hawaii, prefer San Diego to France.

Not had the pleasure of visiting Hawaii, nor San Diago. But, I would pass up SD anytime for France - a chilled out country. Paris is a bit manic but a few clicks West is the Loire - Heaven on Earth.


Will Trump use the divorce settlement as a loss to fiddle his tax?

Or will the tax payer get stung?