More on that nonexistent Mohammedan problem in England


like marbles on glass
It must be convenient to be able to argue without having your argument constrained by such annoying limitations like facts.

You rely on fanatical anti-muslim sources like the Frontpage Magazine, whose reports from Europe are so far from reality as it can get. I live in a social democratic part of Europe. What you are describing has no connection with reality at all. The only thing that comes close to your ludicrous descriptions of the state of Europe, is your ludicrously poor understanding of Islam. Your rants on Islam sound like something that belong in the manifesto of Anders Behring Breivik.

The anti-islam attitudes on this site are starting to sound like the propaganda that used to come from people who relied on The protocols of the elders of Zion as a source. Blatant demonization and de-humanization of muslims, they are just nameless demons to you, not concrete human beings that you ever engage with on a human level.

Well said.