ECT More evidence that Preterism is a cult


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Luke 1:1 Forasmuch as many have taken in hand to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us, 1:2 Even as they delivered them unto us, which from the beginning were eyewitnesses, and ministers of the word; 1:3 It seemed good to me also, having had perfect understanding of all things from the very first, to write unto thee in order, most excellent Theophilus, 1:4 That thou mightest know the certainty of those things, wherein thou hast been instructed.

1 Corinthians 7:12 But to the rest speak I, not the Lord: If any brother hath a wife that believeth not, and she be pleased to dwell with him, let him not put her away.

And who was inspired to write Genesis thru Deuteronomy?

Who then added the following HISTORY?

Deuteronomy 34:5 So Moses the servant of the LORD died there in the land of Moab, according to the word of the LORD.

And that is just some of that.

Being inspired writing and something coming from the heart of God are not equivalent. Being inspired simply means that God had a purpose for it being in his word and it is there to teach us something. Paul said what he was saying wasn't from God but obviously there is something God wanted us to learn from it.

Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
Not all 66 books of the Bible were inspired.

Luke and Acts are two that are not, just as some of the other histories (in the OT) are not.

And not all that Paul wrote was inspired.

And throw out the KJV - it was not inspired.

Neither are its' book titles, and so on.

As for your Jordan comment, thanks for the compliment :chuckle:

You're the ONE that's NOT inspired.

Grosnick Marowbe

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No one has the right to "pick and choose" what parts of the Bible to believe and not believe. It's either ALL true or none of it is true. It's either ALL inspired or none of it is. I happen to believe it's all true and all inspired.

Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
God inspired ALL of Scripture. He even inspired whatever Paul or anybody else had to say. Everything in the Bible is totally inspired by God. Oh, and a note to Danoh, the KJV is inspired by God. Don't you think that God was able to work it so that His written Word would be available throughout the ages?

Grosnick Marowbe

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How do we receive faith? Romans 10:17 "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."I happen to read/study out of the "NKJV", however, both the NKJV and the KJV are equally inspired by God.


New member
How do we receive faith? Romans 10:17 "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."I happen to read/study out of the "NKJV", however, both the NKJV and the KJV are equally inspired by God.

GM, heir disagrees with you on that. As does STP.

As would Jordan...musti

And GM, it takes more than your cult-like "say so, agree with me or else" to prove a thing one way or the other.

Thank goodness the Mid-Acts owners of TOL are nowhere near as cult-like as some of you within MAD...clearly are.

You guys neither barely ever correct one another where one of you is off, nor care for having an error pointed out to any of you.

But o do you glory in calling others out - and often; cluelessly so.

You wanna find cult-like types - look in the mirror.

Preterism is a cult - what superstitious, cult-like dribble.

Neither Reformed (Partial Preterism) nor Dispensational (MAD) Theology are a cult.


Each your real problem is VERY obvious...

Galatians 5:18 But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.

Now watch that go above each your cult-like heads.

Then again, some of you live for strife; you would not want to understand what that passage has to do with any of this :chuckle:


New member
Putting any extrabiblical, postcanonical writing on par with Scripture is cultic. That's a consistent cessationist position. Didn't think I had to spell it out like that but nothing's a safe assumption with argumentative Danoh around.

Like Sir Robert Anderson's The Silence of God?

One of my favorite books, by the way.

You can't have it both ways, Musti.

Unless, you (just as equally ever argumentative) are once more being one-sided and cult-like :chuckle:

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
GM, heir disagrees with you on that. As does STP.

As would Jordan...musti

And GM, it takes more than your cult-like "say so, agree with me or else" to prove a thing one way or the other.

Thank goodness the Mid-Acts owners of TOL are nowhere near as cult-like as some of you within MAD...clearly are.

You guys neither barely ever correct one another where one of you is off, nor care for having an error pointed out to any of you.

But o do you glory in calling others out - and often; cluelessly so.

You wanna find cult-like types - look in the mirror.

Preterism is a cult - what superstitious, cult-like dribble.

Neither Reformed (Partial Preterism) nor Dispensational (MAD) Theology are a cult.


Each your real problem is VERY obvious...

Galatians 5:18 But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.

Now watch that go above each your cult-like heads.

Then again, some of you live for strife; you would not want to understand what that passage has to do with any of this :chuckle:

I consider you an "EVIL" influence on TOL.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Like Sir Robert Anderson's The Silence of God?

One of my favorite books, by the way.

You can't have it both ways, Musti.

Unless, you (just as equally ever argumentative) are once more being one-sided and cult-like :chuckle:

So, you don't believe that the entire Bible is inspired by God, but, Sir Bob is right on the money, huh?


New member
Walter Martin in his book, The Kingdom of the Cults said,
"By the term cult I mean nothing derogatory to any group so classified. A cult, as I
define it, is any religious group which differs significantly in one or more respects as to
belief or practice from those religious groups which are regarded as the normative
expressions of religion in our total culture."

The problem with this definition is that Martin does not say that a cult's doctrines differ significantly from
scripture itself. Martin says a cult's beliefs differ significantly from "the normative
expressions of religion in our total culture." This could mean that a cult's interpretation of scripture differs significantly from that which is normative or generally accepted.

But a cult - defined as having significantly different beliefs than the normative at the time - can take over many Christian denominations and itself become that which is normative. Which is what happened with dispensationalism from the late 19th century to about 1960-1970.

There are several New Testament scriptures which do not agree with the fundamental dispensationalist doctrines of consistent literalism in interpretation and that God now has two peoples, Old Covenant Israel and the Church, with a Capital C. Some of these are John 10: 16, Romans 12: 4-5, Ephesians 4: 4, Romans 2: 28-29, Romans 9: 6-8, Romans 11: 17-20, II Corinthians 3: 6-11, Galatians 3: 3, 16-17, 27-29, Galatians 4: 24-26, and Hebrews 10: 9.

Some will argue that the fundamental doctrines of dispensationalism, which became Christian Zionism, include the assumption or postulate that God now has two peoples, Old Covenant Israel and the Church. But to avoid confusion about what this theology is you have to define it according to quotes from its founders.

The scriptures listed above when compared with the fundamental doctrines of dispensationalism show that the theology of dispensationalism differs significantly from scripture on the continuation of Old Covenant Israel and the Old Covenant after the Day of Pentecost.

Here is a quote from the Kingdom of the Cults, "The student of cultism, then, must be prepared to
scale the language barrier of terminology. First, he
must recognize that it does exist, and second, he must acknowledge the very real fact that unless terms
are defined when one is either speaking or reading cult theology, the semantic jungle that the cults have
created will envelop him, making difficult, if not impossible, a proper contrast between the teachings of
the cults and those of orthodox Christianity. "

"The well-trained cultist will carefully avoid definition of terms concerning cardinal doctrines
such as the Trinity, the deity of Christ, the Atonement, the bodily resurrection of our Lord, the process
of salvation by grace and justification by faith. If pressed
in these areas, he will redefine the terms to fit
the semantic framework of orthodoxy unless he is forced to define his terms explicitly. "

"First and foremost, the belief systems of the cults are characterized by closed-mindedness. They are
not interested in a rational cognitive evaluation of the facts. The organizational structure interprets the
facts to the cultist, generally invoking the Bible and/or its respective founder as the ultimate source of
its pronouncements. Such belief systems are in isolation; they never shift to logical consistency. They
exist in what we might describe as separate compartments in the cultist’s mind and are almost incapable
of penetration or disruption if the individual cultist is completely committed to the authority pattern of
his organization. Although many people are closed-minded about their religious faith, including many Christians,
cultists are usually closed-minded not only because of their own determinations, but also because the
cults almost invariably teach their followers not to
question, not to interact with outsiders."

"Secondly, cultic belief systems are characterized by genuine antagonism on a personal level since
the cultist almost always identifies his dislike of
the Christian message with the messenger who holds
such opposing beliefs. "

This gets close to the dialectic method of argument to promote and defend the doctrines of cults. Often cults set up direct oppositions between their doctrines - or their interpretations of scripture with their unique definition of words - and orthodox Christian doctrines from scripture.

"Secondly, cultic belief systems are characterized by genuine antagonism on a personal level since
the cultist almost always identifies his dislike of
the Christian message with the messenger who holds
such opposing beliefs. learned, and possessed of a genuine love for the welfare of the cultist himself (which is easily
detectable in the Christian’s concern for his soul and spiritual well-being generally) can have a
devastating effect upon the conditioning apparatus of any cult system. "

And the cultists have defenses against this "devastating effect upon the conditioning apparatus of any cult system."

The cultists will learn how to personally attack the orthodox Christian to discredit him, and the cult has developed "theologically incorrect" labels to apply to orthodox Christians, almost like the Transformational Marxists use the political correct system to label their enemies racists, sexists, Islamophobes, etc.


New member
Danoh (The Fraud) assumes that anybody who disagrees with him is "Cult-like." The guy is a Weasel.

Nope. Only those who are cult-like.

Like you :chuckle:

And again, heir will not agree with some of your views.

But that is how cult-like individuals are. When you're in, error is long as the cult is not called out for what it is.

If anyone on here is a fraud; it is you.

Post a Scripturally sound response every other day; not your useless dribble 98% of the time.

But this is exactly what you live for - strife.

If allowed you will go post after post day after day posting useless, strife driven dribble.

Heck, if ignored, you still do :rotfl:

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Nope. Only those who are cult-like.

Like you :chuckle:

And again, heir will not agree with some of your views.

But that is how cult-like individuals are. When you're in, error is long as the cult is not called out for what it is.

If anyone on here is a fraud; it is you.

Post a Scripturally sound response every other day; not your useless dribble 98% of the time.

But this is exactly what you live for - strife.

If allowed you will go post after post day after day posting useless, strife driven dribble.

Heck, if ignored, you still do :rotfl:

Where do you think I'm wrong? Don't just say: "About everything." Give me a list of things that you feel are "Cult-like?"