Moon Landing Hoax


First he says
And all these satellite I have designed and built are commercial satellites with no connection to the government.

Then he says

At that time I actually worked at Lockheed Martin Space Systems. I worked on classified programs. When this article was published there was an internal email sent to all the people in my group letting us know that were are not to comment publicly on anything that the article says. I was surprised how surprisingly accurate some of the information in the article was. :

There you go. Government ex-employee will never bite the hand that feeds them.

The Berean

Well-known member
First he says

Then he says

There you go. Government ex-employee will never bite the hand that feeds them.

More Nimrod nonsense. You have no idea what you are talking about. I have spent 13+ years at Space Systems/Loral designing and building COMMERCIAL telecommunications satellites. I worked for Lockheed Martin for just 18 months. I have NEVER been a government employee as I was a employee of Lockheed Martin directly.
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And your point is? If you are trying to imply that I have worked for the government let me correct your ignorance once and for all. I have never been a government employee.

You don't understand the point. Your clients, i.e. Government, pays your company which pays you. Follow the money. Even though you are not a government employee, your funds do.

The Berean

Well-known member
You don't understand the point. Your clients, i.e. Government, pays your company which pays you. Follow the money. Even though you are not a government employee, your funds do.

WRONG ANSWER. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. Let me make this clear once again. We are a COMMERCIAL space company. We do not build any satellites for the US government. We haven't for a very long time, unless you think XM-Radio, DirecTV, Echostar, SES, AsiaSat, and Hispasat, etc., are "governments". Now Intelsat, one of our major customers, used be run by a group of European governments but since 2001 they are a private company. When I started at my company in 1998 were finishing up the last of the GOES series of satellites, which were weather satellites for NOAA (a government agency). This was the last of series of satellites for NOAA. We haven't built any since. And the GOES satellites were never a core business. And I never worked on them. It was a completely different business unit.

Since the merger with MDA a few years ago we have been trying to secure major government contracts. We haven't had any success yet because our company is not really set up to do government business yet. Perhaps in the future we will. We did build the propulsion subsystem for LADEE (Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer), a NASA project. Again, this is not part of our core business.

And what does this have anything to do with the Apollo missions? :idunno:
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New member
Once you see conspiracy in one place you see conspiracy literally everywhere, regardless of plausibility or evidence. I'm fairly sure I've seen at least one published study showing such an affect. Nimrod sees conspiracy in the moon landings so he to probably sees conspiracies everywhere, in this case that despite evidence to the contrary (and how stupid it sounds) he thinks berean is part of a conspiracy with the government.

Our to put it more succinctly, Nimrod is a kook.

The Berean

Well-known member
Another video from the film guy. He is responding to Jarrah White, an Australian moon hoaxer, who tried to "debunk" the film guy's first video.


Jarrah White claims that high speed video technology did exist in 1969. The film guy says, Ok, please tell us what this high speed video camera was called."


Time to add to the list.

IMBECILES who still claim that the Moon landings were faked.

ignorant the hoaxers demonstrate to be with their idiotic "proofs"

The idiots exist, yes. About 6 percent

Lots of imbeciles abound

It's too bad we don't have natural selection anymore. Otherwise I guess these individuals will be eliminated from the gene pool really fast.

The only thing going in slow motion today seem to be your neurons.

hahahahaha, I want to meet you just to be able to laugh at your face.

stupid theory many times. It's a dumb conspiracy theory. Let someone like Rocketman tell you of the idiocy of it.

Mythbusters they really touch all the crap that has been put out there

your ignorance is duly noted

The conspiracy sites put up truckloads of manure.

It's because of their deep-seated jealousy that they have not contributed anything important to humanity and this makes them want to tear down what others have contributed.

Just a bunch of thankless, socially suicidal punk agitators with too much time on their hands.

Only in flying saucers controlled by the Zionists.

Evolutionists present babble (and moon-landing conspiracies)

yet another utter and complete FLAKE here on TOL...

I am getting quite a good laugh reading the absolute ignorance being posted here

no more stupid than what you have posited in this thread

The ignorance in this thread is astounding.

I wonder if Nimnoo thinks reentry is faked too.

Sites like this make me weep for the stupidity they reveal. They clearly reveal that America is no longer great enough to once again reach for the stars. We should hang our heads in shame that our educational system produces thus degree of stupidity.

Wing nuttery just keeps getting better:

Tyrathca could not hold back any longer.....

Our to put it more succinctly, Nimrod is a kook.


Another video from the film guy. He is responding to Jarrah White, an Australian moon hoaxer, who tried to "debunk" the film guy's first video.

Did you see the guys first video?

This is what he says "They(the moon hoax people) don't know very much about photography, video or lighting or even perspective".

Wow. You obviously did not see my OP with those videos. There were expert testimonies by those in the film industry and even one who worked for the company that provided NASA with the Hasenblad camera.

None of this will dissuade any of you. Your inability to have an adult conversation without name calling is beneath you. It shows your lack of understanding and possibly "cognitive dissonance". It must really hurt you guys mentally when we show the Moon Hoax for what it is.

The Berean

Well-known member
Did you see the guys first video?
Yes, I posted it.

This is what he says "They(the moon hoax people) don't know very much about photography, video or lighting or even perspective".
That is his opinion as a someone who has worked in film industry for over 30 years. Have you worked in film at all?

Wow. You obviously did not see my OP with those videos. There were expert testimonies by those in the film industry and even one who worked for the company that provided NASA with the Hasenblad camera.
One video is two hours long and 13 minutes long and another is one had a half hours long. You really expect people to go through all that? The third video is just over 5 minutes and it posits the ridiculous idea that astronauts cannot survive traveling through the Van Allen Belts.

None of this will dissuade any of you. Your inability to have an adult conversation without name calling is beneath you. It shows your lack of understanding and possibly "cognitive dissonance". It must really hurt you guys mentally when we show the Moon Hoax for what it is.
You are unable to understand film/video technology, science, and engineering You, sir, are TRULY lost. For some reason it appears that you have some emotional and personal attachment to the moon hoax conspiracy. You need the Apollo missions to be fake for some reason. I'm not sure why. You truly believe that the Apollo missions were faked. That makes you delusional. Every moon hoax theory has been addressed and debunked by many, many people over the years. But I will leave you and your ilk to your delusions while the rest of us will continue to accept the truth of the Apollo missions.

Good day, sir. :wave:

The Berean

Well-known member
So you did. Glad you finally admit to it.
Nice try trying to put words in my mouth. But you failed. One more time, I, The Berean, as an employee of SSL have never built any satellites for the US government. If you try to imply this once more I will call you out as a LIAR.

If you want them as a client again, better play ball.

We are no longer focusing on government business.