So why say 'but...' then? Why not complement them on their interest?
False dilemma there "grammar scholar". I guess that you're NOT a "logic scholar" then.
But means: you are going the wrong direction anyway.
No, it does not (except in your fairy tale mind).
The BUT is simply there to say that NOW is NOT the time and Christ EVEN goes on to CLEARLY explain that by telling them, "It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power."
Christ did NOT tell them that they were on the wrong track. They clearly understood WHAT the kingdom was and that it would be a restored Israel.
Paul also makes this clear in his "life from the dead" statement in Romans 11.
And where in Acts is the next great step in establishing a permanent place for Judaism as such? Fairy tale, actually.
Your many false premises lead you to all kinds of false conclusions (silence of OT prophecy means cancellation seems to be your primary one).
It's all these people trying to read back into the gospels things that are not there, or just missing 'behold the lamb of God' from the start. It's people not knowing Dan 8-9. It's people not realizing that isaiah was looking beyond another round for Israel, and that text says so.
You constantly (as many here on TOL do) conflate salvation from sin and the MANY other things that God is doing in the world.
You are a self-centered humanist, thinking that everything is about forgiveness of sin.