ECT Modern boredom and the historic issue of Jesus as Messiah


New member
It's clear he doesn't honestly consider anything anyone says. Some say we should continue to be patient and attempt to be instructive. No.


At the same time, who then would be left to go back and forth with?

For in this, IP and his are all as you rightly described.

dodge is like that.

As are Tel, and northwye, and so on...

Looks like all you'd mostly have left would be to go back to the MAD forum, where you can mostly basically just post your agreement with one another, largely undisturbed by one "outsider" or another, as most on TOL appear to ignore (to their loss, more or less) that forum even exists.

Personally, I've learned much from all views/all posters, and continue to.

Even while opposing one thing or another.

Can you honestly say you have never ended up clearer in one thing or another within your own view as a result of something said in opposition to your view - by anyone, "MAD" or not?

In this, any opposition can tend to result in that kind of a positive.

During one's reflection on both one's own, and another's view - when both views are reflected on objectively.

And during reflection on both one's own and an opposing view, while reflecting on how one will answer the opposing view being presented.

Or while taking in an opposing view in light of one's own - only to realize something they have said that is off has nevertheless resulted in reflection on something within one's own view to greater clarity on one's own view.

In this, Mid-Acts' Richard Jordan is right "Opposition is good for ya..."

Proverbs 27:17


TOL Subscriber
No your shadow of what's coming is totally misunderstood. I just knew it. I knew there would be some infantile understanding that was screwing it all up.

He meant Paul's past. Those Judaistic things were shadows of the Reality of Christ who is now (Paul's now) here. You can't be trusted with the time frames of the Bible. The same is true of Rom 11 and several places in Hebrews.

You replace Christ with Judaism. You have totally missed the message and you are redoing the very thing Paul was fighting. Where did you get your background in psych ops?

It is clear as a bell, so I can only accept they cannot see it; nor do they want to see it. They are blinded.


TOL Subscriber

This is a picture of Nang trying to get one over on the Dispensationalists...

Cute dog!

Better looking than the fish . . .


New member
For MADs it was going okay until you got here.

LOL- you can't go long without starting up a thing can you :chuckle:

Perhaps that is both our problem :D

And you mean things were going okay for your hybrid of errors that you refer to as "MAD."

The history over on the MAD forum shows your pals were at it hot and heavy against DanP, and vice-versa, followed by that war between your pals and Jerry S - both of which were way before I was even visiting, let alone, posting anywhere on TOL.

Were you honest, you'd report yourself for this one :chuckle:

Besides, why should I compromise my understanding of one thing or another, for that of yours and your pals, just to make you happy?

Bad enough is your obviously willfull ignorance in your bliss.

Bad enough you take issue with the ever needed sword against sword aspect of these things, because you each value your pal network over truth.

No, Musti - none of you have proven my understandings unsound, none of you have proven yours sound, and none of you have any right whatsoever to expect anyone to kow tow to your way, or the highway.

Now, you can get some liberating edification out of this post, or not.

That is on you. It is that simple - notice:

Romans 5:3 And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; 5:4 And patience, experience; and experience, hope: 5:5 And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.

In short, Rom. 5:8.


Well-known member
It's clear he doesn't honestly consider anything anyone says. Some say we should continue to be patient and attempt to be instructive. No.

What is an example of dishonestly considering someone else's opinion here? D'ist doctrines are exempt because they are pretty dishonest anyway. What else?


Well-known member
Learned first hand from D'ist materials. They invent all kinds of devices and categories to evade the plain meaning. In Bible college, I got tired of learning the trap doors and started seeing what the text actually meant.

They still don't say Christ is the Seed of the passages in Genesis, because then all it takes is faith in the Gospel to be part of the blessings, and shatters the whole Judean dream.


Well-known member
My memory is in fact not the best lately. Medical issue.

It's no trouble for you to remind me. Give me the biggest names you allegedly learned disp'ism from. Ryrie? Scofield? Walvoord?

Do you remember the post I just gave? It said go back over the past 2 years and read.


New member
Learned first hand from D'ist materials. They invent all kinds of devices and categories to evade the plain meaning. In Bible college, I got tired of learning the trap doors and started seeing what the text actually meant...

All Acts TWO, Acts TWENTY EIGHT, and Acts HYBRID Mid-Acts Dispies.

So yeah, somewhat.

Actual Acts NINE Dispies have never needed to resort to that.

Rom. 5:8