New member
CleverDan and I put in $10.00 We're sorry it can't be more...
God's blessings
We thank you so much, $10 is about 1/5 of my wedding dress so don't be sorry!!!! :bannana:
Hey Minerva, I gave you an early wedding present..... a one year TOL Gold subscription!
I am really excited about your TOL sponsored wedding!
God instituted marriage.... TOL sponsored it.
WOO HOO!!, now that is super cool! thank you thank you thank you! :bannana: :bannana:
Put in $25 .
Alright, there's my boquet right there! Thank you SO much!!
I just kicked in $100.00!:Wamba:
WOW, thank you so much CRASH...that is so awesome...(I hope you don't think this means I will go easy on ya in the debates...lol...j/k) :chuckle: Seriously, though, thank you so much, that is so generous of you! :BRAVO:
So that $170 so far! :up: Plus $120 in gifts.
Awww.....did you go to pubwik skool? :crackup:
Psalmist and Mrs Psalmist sent something for the grand event!
With almost 45 years, :hetro: we, "Punkin' and me", are firm believers that marriage works :thumb:
Congratulations to the happy couple :e4e:
:guitar: :straight: :drum:
- 30 -
:scripto:. . Psalmist
45 years huh? That's great! :cheers: here's to many more. And thank you!.:cloud9:
A 20.00 gift has been sent from the entire Mystery family!
:baby: :baby: :baby: :baby: :baby: :baby: :baby: :baby:
WHooo! Hun, if you have 8 kids, you might should have kept your $20!!! :crackup:
Seriously....thank you so very much!!!
I am bypassing paying for my TOL subscription this month to donate.
Much as I love being a subscriber, this is a great cause to give to. I'll re-sub next month.
That is so utterly giving of you. Thank you from both of us!
$10 from me! ^_^
Thank you so much!!!
Hope my small contribution helps towards a great day, best wishes Minerva.
It will help greatly, thank you very much! :thumb: