like marbles on glass
I'm gunna cut across the grain a little here folks, might incur a little wrath...I won't say that nothing should be done to help these people.
They are not like other refugees I have ever seen
Demanding human rights which they themselves afford to none, Insisting that the western Christians show them compassion [who they refer to scathingly as cross worshippers] they themselves are not a compassionate people.
Arabs by and large are cruel and bloodthirsty....they know how to play at being civilised.
I see nothing but heartache for the nations that take them in.
We have them already in Britain...France has them.
The Indians and only to a little lesser degree the Pakis we have absorbed, they are now Asian British, the Africans, the West Indians, the Chinese
Lord help us even the Irish
All these we have absorbed in our tiny Island
...but Arabs are different
No wrath, but reading your post makes me sad.
Xenophobia fears the foreigner. I wish I saw more willingness to acknowledge the difference between the savagery of Islamic fundamentalists like ISIS and the refugees fleeing their barbarity and the accompanying warfare. Yes, they share the same religion, but it doesn't mean they share the same bloodlust. As for "nothing but heartbreak," there were a number of Muslim men and women in my classes the last couple years because there are a lot of immigrants in my area from various countries in the Middle East. Somehow, life has managed to go on, and it's my hope that the women in particular will face a better and an easier life here than they would have in their birth country.
Lord help us even the Irish