Millions of Muslims fleeing to Christians nations


like marbles on glass
I'm gunna cut across the grain a little here folks, might incur a little wrath...I won't say that nothing should be done to help these people.

They are not like other refugees I have ever seen


Demanding human rights which they themselves afford to none, Insisting that the western Christians show them compassion [who they refer to scathingly as cross worshippers] they themselves are not a compassionate people.

Arabs by and large are cruel and bloodthirsty....they know how to play at being civilised.

I see nothing but heartache for the nations that take them in.

We have them already in Britain...France has them.

The Indians and only to a little lesser degree the Pakis we have absorbed, they are now Asian British, the Africans, the West Indians, the Chinese

Lord help us even the Irish

All these we have absorbed in our tiny Island

...but Arabs are different

No wrath, but reading your post makes me sad.

Xenophobia fears the foreigner. I wish I saw more willingness to acknowledge the difference between the savagery of Islamic fundamentalists like ISIS and the refugees fleeing their barbarity and the accompanying warfare. Yes, they share the same religion, but it doesn't mean they share the same bloodlust. As for "nothing but heartbreak," there were a number of Muslim men and women in my classes the last couple years because there are a lot of immigrants in my area from various countries in the Middle East. Somehow, life has managed to go on, and it's my hope that the women in particular will face a better and an easier life here than they would have in their birth country.

Lord help us even the Irish


like marbles on glass
No. There are plenty of other safe countries in the Middle East, including the wealthy Arab nations who are sitting idly by and doing nothing. Perhaps they should open their borders for a change? There are already an increasing number of Islamic ghettos in the UK, and I for one don't wish to see more of them spring up. The UK is a breeding ground for fundamentalists and terrorists, many of who get exported back out to the Middle East to wreak ever more death and destruction. I'm all for helping genuine refugees as much as possible, but surely there must be other solutions than simply opening the borders to migrants who have illegally passed through ten safe countries to come here.

So, basically NIMBY.


Well-known member
No wrath, but reading your post makes me sad.

Xenophobia fears the foreigner. I wish I saw more willingness to acknowledge the difference between the savagery of Islamic fundamentalists like ISIS and the refugees fleeing their barbarity and the accompanying warfare. Yes, they share the same religion, but it doesn't mean they share the same bloodlust. As for "nothing but heartbreak," there were a number of Muslim men and women in my classes the last couple years because there are a lot of immigrants in my area from various countries in the Middle East. Somehow, life has managed to go on, and it's my hope that the women in particular will face a better and an easier life here than they would have in their birth country.


I don't fear the foreigner and I'm not xenophobic. We do have Islamic ghettos in the UK, and they seem to be growing. They are becoming no go areas for British people, with Muslim mobs patrolling areas at times to enforce their beliefs on others. In some parts of London, I would genuinely be in fear of my life. It has nothing to do with where these people are from and everything to do with what they believe. These ghettos are breeding grounds for fundamentalism and terrorism. A number of high profile, most wanted Islamic terrorists around the world were made in the UK. Some are even British converts to Islam. The Kenyan mall massacre in Nairobi was masterminded by a British woman who converted to Islam to marry her husband.

If we keep letting Islamic people come here en masse, things will only get worse and terrorism will grow. It's that simple. I don't like it, and I hate to see people suffer. But what can we do? I'm not a believer that all Muslims are terrorists, but I do believe that Islam predisposes people to supporting terrorist actions in the name of 'Allah'.


like marbles on glass
We've taken in refugees by the truckload for years. There is a limit to how many more we can take!

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Whoops... wrong country. :eek: :chuckle:

patrick jane

since i'm not there, it seems ok to me, lol. i saw a blurb in the paper today about how friendly, caring and hospitable Germany and Austria were. i got a warm fuzzy feeling.

maybe this is all a ploy by ISIS to spread Arabs and refugees all over Europe. where are you ? they're headed there too !!!!!!!! :angrymob:


Well-known member
I don't fear the foreigner and I'm not xenophobic. We do have Islamic ghettos in the UK, and they seem to be growing. They are becoming no go areas for British people, with Muslim mobs patrolling areas at times to enforce their beliefs on others. In some parts of London, I would genuinely be in fear of my life. It has nothing to do with where these people are from and everything to do with what they believe. These ghettos are breeding grounds for fundamentalism and terrorism. A number of high profile, most wanted Islamic terrorists around the world were made in the UK. Some are even British converts to Islam. The Kenyan mall massacre in Nairobi was masterminded by a British woman who converted to Islam to marry her husband.

If we keep letting Islamic people come here en masse, things will only get worse and terrorism will grow. It's that simple. I don't like it, and I hate to see people suffer. But what can we do? I'm not a believer that all Muslims are terrorists, but I do believe that Islam predisposes people to supporting terrorist actions in the name of 'Allah'.


Talk about an eye opener. This will happen here, folks, if it isn't stopped. Sadly, I don't see it being stopped unless we have a drastic change in leadership. Even then.....


Well-known member

Talk about an eye opener. This will happen here, folks, if it isn't stopped. Sadly, I don't see it being stopped unless we have a drastic change in leadership. Even then.....

Many over here wish that it was stopped. The problem is that the monent someone dares speak out and says something like I just did they get branded a 'racist bigot' in an attempt to shut them up. Worse still, they could be accused of that made up, non-word 'islamophobia'.


Well-known member
Many over here wish that it was stopped. The problem is that the monent someone dares speak out and says something like I just did they get branded a 'racist bigot' in an attempt to shut them up. Worse still, they could be accused of that made up, non-word 'islamophobia'.

Yep, it's part of the liberal makeup to see the world through rose colored glasses and attack anyone who isn't buying into their little lala land mentality. The funny part is they can get downright ugly to those who refuse to enter lala land with them.


like marbles on glass
Many over here wish that it was stopped. The problem is that the monent someone dares speak out and says something like I just did they get branded a 'racist bigot' in an attempt to shut them up. Worse still, they could be accused of that made up, non-word 'islamophobia'.

You mean like I said earlier in the thread to someone else?

Yes it is very sad. But which side do you favor, Christian, or Muslim? Would you invite a murderer into your house to kill your family? 75% of Muslims believe that the White race must be destroyed so Islam can grow.
The White population has less than two children on average, whereas they have as many children as they can. Yes, hundreds of millions.

"Our" or "We" is Christians or white race.

That's what I thought. You're a straight up racist bigot.

I'd say it to him again. If you agreed with what he said, I'd say it to you. Here's your chance to distance yourself from him.


Well-known member
Yep, it's part of the liberal makeup to see the world through rose colored glasses and attack anyone who isn't buying into their little lala land mentality. The funny part is they can get downright ugly to those who refuse to enter lala land with them.

Indeed, I've observed a number of words and phrases used in debates about different subjects which liberals use to shut down all dissent and criticism of their ideologies. 'Bigot' must surely be at the top of the list of misused words for just this purpose.


Well-known member
You mean like I said earlier in the thread to someone else?

I'd say it to him again. If you agreed with what he said, I'd say it to you. Here's your chance to distance yourself from him.

He brought race into this. Race has nothing to do with it. Maybe he fails to realise that a large proportion of Christians are not white? I don't care what colour of skin someone has, I don't care what country they come from. What I care is this: can we afford to support people from other countries when we can't even support our own? And are the people who come here going to integrate into our society, or create their own ghettos and then try and tell us how we should all live? As I stated earlier, race doesn't even come into my thought process. As far as I'm concerned, and I've said this for years - I don't see a black race, Asian race or white race. All I see is one race, the human race. We're all a part of it. Does that clarify my position for you?


Well-known member
Indeed, I've observed a number of words and phrases used in debates about different subjects which liberals use to shut down all dissent and criticism of their ideologies. 'Bigot' must surely be at the top of the list of misused words for just this purpose.

Yeah, that and racist. I have to laugh when one of my liberal friends gets stuck between two worlds. The "black lives matter" is sorta hard to fit in with "support our policemen". Some of them almost fight with themselves over what to do. Shoot em or root em? A real quandary.


Well-known member
As I stated earlier, race doesn't even come into my thought process. As far as I'm concerned, and I've said this for years - I don't see a black race, Asian race or white race. All I see is one race, the human race. We're all a part of it. Does that clarify my position for you?

I wonder why that is so hard for some people to believe? I'm not talking about whoever you happened to be responding to....I didn't notice, but this did catch my eye. Race hasn't mattered for a long time to most people. But it does make a nice card to play when there are no other cards left on the table. It gets people fired up...doesn't matter if there is truth there or not.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
I don't fear the foreigner and I'm not xenophobic. We do have Islamic ghettos in the UK, and they seem to be growing. They are becoming no go areas for British people, with Muslim mobs patrolling areas at times to enforce their beliefs on others. In some parts of London, I would genuinely be in fear of my life. It has nothing to do with where these people are from and everything to do with what they believe. These ghettos are breeding grounds for fundamentalism and terrorism. A number of high profile, most wanted Islamic terrorists around the world were made in the UK. Some are even British converts to Islam. The Kenyan mall massacre in Nairobi was masterminded by a British woman who converted to Islam to marry her husband.

If we keep letting Islamic people come here en masse, things will only get worse and terrorism will grow. It's that simple. I don't like it, and I hate to see people suffer. But what can we do? I'm not a believer that all Muslims are terrorists, but I do believe that Islam predisposes people to supporting terrorist actions in the name of 'Allah'.

As I said earlier, we Brits have absorbed them all in our tiny Island, but Arabs are different....dammit they very nearly got sharia law on the legislature....until it was pointed out that it meant female genital mutilation, hands being cut off and floggings in the street.

They demand the council build mosques for them....and that's where all the radicalisation takes place.

They flee these things in their own country but want to establish it all here.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
He brought race into this. Race has nothing to do with it. Maybe he fails to realise that a large proportion of Christians are not white? I don't care what colour of skin someone has, I don't care what country they come from. What I care is this: can we afford to support people from other countries when we can't even support our own? And are the people who come here going to integrate into our society, or create their own ghettos and then try and tell us how we should all live? As I stated earlier, race doesn't even come into my thought process. As far as I'm concerned, and I've said this for years - I don't see a black race, Asian race or white race. All I see is one race, the human race. We're all a part of it. Does that clarify my position for you?


Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
What the Arabs don't understand is that our liberties [eroding as they are] and social benefits were hard fought for and were costly.

They don't just fall out of the sky