McCabe fired


Well-known member
I suspect that if they could charge him with false statements, they would have. That's why I think it makes sense to be careful how we interpret "lack of candor".

Lack of candor is well defined in the FBI. It's lying. Almost 20 agents have been fired this year for the exact same thing...except theirs was not under oath.

I suspect there will be charges...they aren't to that step yet.


True. McCabe's Wife was running for an office (As a Democrat) and she received about $700,000.00 from a person that was very close to the Clinton's. Hillary's E-Mails were being looked into at that time, by the FBI, which McCabe was part of. McCabe didn't feel it was necessary to disclose this fact, after all, that may have been considered a 'Conflict of Interest.'


McConnell says he won’t recuse himself from wife’s cabinet confirmation
November 29, 2016

President-elect Donald Trump isn’t the only one getting questions about mixing family affairs with work.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), whose wife Elaine Chao is Trump’s pick for transportation secretary, was asked if he plans to recuse himself from her Senate confirmation process.

McConnell’s answer? In a word: no.

“I’ve heard rumors that it should be an outstanding appointment,” McConnell said to laughs at a Senate news conference Tuesday. “Someone actually asked [spokesman Don Stewart] if I was going to recuse myself. Let me be quite clear: I will not be recusing myself.”
Speaking of conflict of interests, just how does "Grosnick Marowbe" and Trump supporters reconcile the Majority Leader in the Senate for refusing to recuse himself from voting on the confirmation of the current Secretary of Transportation, Elanie Chao - Mitch McConnell's wife?

How is it possible to have a greater conflict of interest than to have the Senate Majority Leader vote on the confirmation of his own wife to a government position in the President's Cabinet!

Apparently President "David Dennison" thinks McCabe committed the "ultimate betrayal" of having a wife running for office as a Democrat, but appointing the wife of the Senate Majority Leader to his Cabinet and having McConnell vote on her confirmation gets a "free pass!"
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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Speaking of conflict of interests, just how does "Grosnick Marowbe" excuse the Majority Leader in the Senate refusing to recuse himself from voting on the confirmation of the current Secretary of Transportation, Elanie Chao - Mitch McConnell's wife?

I only respond to well thought-out 'intelligent questions.' :)


I only respond to well thought-out 'intelligent questions.' :)


As has been repeatedly demonstrated throughout the last 2 years those associated with President "David Denison," trying to justify his words and actions, invariably end up having their reputations tarnished and diminished!
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New member
Lack of candor is well defined in the FBI. It's lying. Almost 20 agents have been fired this year for the exact same thing...except theirs was not under oath.

I suspect there will be charges...they aren't to that step yet.

At the moment, we don't know the fact-pattern the IG is citing. I'm reserving judgement on that. But, while it's certainly true that "lack of candor" is a potential firing offense, it is entirely possible that it is well short of lying. We just don't know. McCabe maintains that he did nothing wrong, and so far, the case against him is entirely administrative, and he was only allowed to see it himself a couple of days ago, and it seems to at least fit a political witch-hunt against him.
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The Barbarian

.....they're closing in. ;)

Yep. And here's another signal that tells us so:

Trump’s lawyer calls on Justice Department to immediately end Russia probe
If Dowd’s statement reflected Trump’s legal strategy, it would represent a significant shift in the president’s approach to the Mueller investigation.

Trump’s lawyers and spokesmen have long pledged that he and his White House staff would cooperate fully with Mueller’s probe. The White House has responded to requests for documents, while senior officials have sat for hours of interviews with the special counsel’s investigators.

Asked Thursday whether the special counsel’s subpoena of documents from the Trump Organization regarding its dealings with Russia crossed a red line in the view of the president, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said it did not.

“As we’ve maintained all along, and as the president has said numerous times, there was no collusion between the campaign and Russia,” Sanders told reporters. She added, “We’re going to continue to fully cooperate out of respect for the special counsel.”

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said in a statement Saturday that there will be “severe consequences” for both Democrats and Republicans if Trump and his legal team take steps to interfere with or end Mueller’s probe.

“Mr. Dowd’s comments are yet another indication that the first instinct of the president and his legal team is not to cooperate with Special Counsel Mueller, but to undermine him at every turn,” Schumer said.

McCabe’s firing touched off a firestorm late Friday.

Mueller has either turned up something, or is about to turn up something that Trump cannot have found, and his lawyers are desperately trying to stop him from doing so.

It's an ugly dilemma for Trump and his legal team. Do nothing, and Mueller will likely find what he needs to finish the job. Fire Mueller, and wreck his presidency.

I'm guessing he wishes he never went down that escalator.

The Barbarian


As has been repeatedly demonstrated throughout the last 2 years those associated with President "David Denison," trying to justify his words and actions, invariably end up having their reputations tarnished and diminished!

My dad used to say that if you handle dung, you shouldn't be surprised if you get it on your hands.





No, the timing was the IG's. I know you don't like it, but that's the way it is. Why should the American people pay that man's retirement when he lied under oath and was obviously politically motivated....what he did is against everything the FBI stands for.

Not one of those tears are for Mike Flynn, are they? He had to pay a fortune in legal fees for something of much lesser degree.
Given President "David Dennison's" tweets, Attorney General Sessions could have been under no illusions as to what was expected of him - and that he would be relegated to the same fate as former Secretary of State Tillerson had McCabe been allowed to retire instead of being fired!

The McCabe firing was a political statement - it was this Presidents version of the "Kim Jung Un" management style whereby anyone who doesn't pledge total allegiance to the Supreme Leader will be banished!

It established that those in leadership positions within the FBI and Department of Justice serve at the pleasure of this President - owing their personal allegiance to him, not the Constitution!


New member
I find it rather ODD that Libs, such as yourself, desire to not only see Trump's Tax returns, you also desire to see some 'supposed' pictures of Trump in compromising 8 x 10 glossies? Do you guys have another problem that you don't want to be exposed? Know what I mean? I'm referring to Adam Schiff's desire to receive those kinds of pictures.

Now who's the dirty old man? :vomit:

You've got issues...



I find it rather ODD that Libs, such as yourself, desire to not only see Trump's Tax returns, you also desire to see some 'supposed' pictures of Trump in compromising 8 x 10 glossies? Do you guys have another problem that you don't want to be exposed? Know what I mean? I'm referring to Adam Schiff's desire to receive those kinds of pictures.
President "David Dennison" and his surrogates like to play "hardball" when they think they have the advantage, but are quick to cry "foul" when the same tactics are turned against them!

Apparently "Grosnick Marowbe" didn't get the memo that his self-righteous "holier than thou" and "God is a registered Republican" approach only alienates other Christians - not to mention non-believers!
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Well-known member

President "David Dennison" and his surrogates like to play "hardball" when they think they have the advantage, but are quick to cry "foul" when the same tactics are turned against them!

Apparently "Grosnick Marowbe" didn't get the memo that his self-righteous "holier than thou" and "God is a registered Republican" approach only alienates other Christians - not to mention non-believers!

You can't speak for others, because you're just plain weird yourself.



Andrew McCabe was just offered a job by a congressman so he can get his full retirement. And it just might work.

That's one way of protesting Andrew McCabe's firing as deputy FBI director, roughly a day before he was set to retire: At least one Democratic congressman has offered McCabe a temporary job so he can get full retirement benefits — and McCabe appears to be considering.

Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Wis.) announced Saturday afternoon that he has offered McCabe a job to work on election security in his office, “so that he can reach the needed length of service” to retire.

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“My offer of employment to Mr. McCabe is a legitimate offer to work on election security,” Pocan said in a statement. “Free and fair elections are the cornerstone of American democracy and both Republicans and Democrats should be concerned about election integrity.”

A spokeswoman for McCabe, Melissa Schwartz, didn't immediately rule out a job with one of the most liberal members of Congress, which might only need to last for a day or so for him to get his full retirement benefits: “We are considering all options.”

Rep. Seth Moulton (D-Mass.) tweeted that he'd consider hiring McCabe, too.

McCabe fired

Despite the best efforts of President "David Dennison" and the "deplorables," Andrew McCabe may have the last laugh - he's been offered a temporary government job by at least one Democratic congressman to bridge the 26 hours gap that should allow him to get his full retirement benefits!

What this episode does reveal is just how ruthless Trump and his surrogates are prepared to be with those unwilling to swear allegiance to the "Dark Lord" - that will only strengthen our resolve to see this to the end!
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Nah....I'm above a down to earth common sense sorta way.

In which case, in a common sense sorta way, you can't go along with bat crazy views such as wanting to legislate laws that simply lock folk up for having relations outside of wedlock then? Ya know, to keep with the whole 'down to earth' stuff and not the loopy zealous crap an' all?


Well-known member
In which case, in a common sense sorta way, you can't go along with bat crazy views such as wanting to legislate laws that simply lock folk up for having relations outside of wedlock then? Ya know, to keep with the whole 'down to earth' stuff and not the loopy zealous crap an' all?

I don't believe we can legislate morality. Guess that puts a cork in your yapper, don't it, brit?


New member
Regardless of the fact that it's unclear what, exactly, the IG may have found, the fact that Trump has weighed in and declared it a great day for democracy, and the fact that his lawyer John Dowd has used it to call for an end to the Mueller probe suggest a great deal of political pressure was being applied, which, contrary to Trump's comments is bad for democracy and the fair an impartial administration of justice.