
Well-known member
Nope. There's none to see. Your pretend belief doesn't persuade me, either. I have faith in Scripture, not your mis-interpretations of It.


Active member
I believe the Bible. You say you do, but you don't.

It's easy for us all to see, but you can't see your problem with fallacious logic.
Fallacious logic?

Go tell that to the thousands of churches and thousands of missionaries that go out and risk their life's to spread the Gospel.

The mission to go and make disciples of all nations was given to all churches in every nation. The gospel continues to spread around the world, and as churches have multiplied and matured, they, too, have engaged in sending and supporting missionaries.

You error and your logic is Fallacious.

Right Divider

Body part
Fallacious logic?
Yes, he has consistently used fallacious logic. Are you unable to see that?

Go tell that to the thousands of churches and thousands of missionaries that go out and risk their life's to spread the Gospel.
So you are going to join the fallacious reasoning crowd? What "lots of churches and missionaries" do is NOT relevant to what the scripture says. The commission given in Matthew 28 was given to eleven apostles (soon to be restored to twelve). These twelve apostles were told that they (and not anyone else) would sit on twelve throne judging the twelve tribes of Israel. Why does this give you such problems?

The mission to go and make disciples of all nations was given to all churches in every nation.
Provide some scriptural support. You're just giving unfounded opinions, just like so many that believe the myths of Churchianity.

The gospel continues to spread around the world, and as churches have multiplied and matured, they, too, have engaged in sending and supporting missionaries.
This is cute but irrelevant to what the scripture says.

You error and your logic is Fallacious.
No, that would be you.

Right Divider

Body part
Nope. There's none to see. Your pretend belief doesn't persuade me, either. I have faith in Scripture, not your mis-interpretations of It.
You have yet to provide even the tiniest bit of evidence that I'm "misinterpreting" scripture.

You on the other hand have been sputtering fallacious opinions left and right.

Right Divider

Body part
I haven't see anything from you, other than derision and posturing. I respond in kind.
You can make vacuous claims all that you want.

I have shown you the scripture clearly and you continue to use fallacious logic at every turn. What's probably worst is that don't even understand what a logical argument is or why your's is fallacious.

How's that ark coming?


Well-known member
Right Divider,

You can make false claims all that you want. I have shown you the scripture clearly and you continue to use fallacious logic at every turn. What's probably worse is that don't even understand what a logical argument is or why yours is in error.


Active member
Yes, he has consistently used fallacious logic. Are you unable to see that?.

So you are going to join the fallacious reasoning crowd? What "lots of churches and missionaries" do is NOT relevant to what the scripture says. The commission given in Matthew 28 was given to eleven apostles (soon to be restored to twelve). These twelve apostles were told that they (and not anyone else) would sit on twelve throne judging the twelve tribes of Israel. Why does this give you such problems?.
Because right there is where you error.

Provide some scriptural support. You're just giving unfounded opinions, just like so many that believe the myths of Churchianity.
You kidding right. I would have to almost right the entire Bible. Not enough room on this thread. Lol

This is cute but irrelevant to what the scripture says..
That is what's on my Bible. I don't know about yours.

You see we're talking about God's mission. It's not Paul, Marks, John, etc, etc mission. But God's . You want scriptures. How do I do that? When God's mission has to include the entire Biblical narrative.

God mission starts in Genesis all the way up to the Acts of the Apostle. You want scriptures re read your Bible again from cover to cover.

No, that would be you.

Nope. That's you.

Right Divider

Body part
Right Divider,

You can make false claims all that you want. I have shown you the scripture clearly and you continue to use fallacious logic at every turn. What's probably worse is that don't even understand what a logical argument is or why yours is in error.
So now you turned from fallacious logic to lying. That's sad.

You don't even understand logic nor fallacious logic.

Here is FALLACIOUS logic (by you):
YOU claimed that since Jesus was speaking to believers (the 12 minus one) that he is speaking to ALL believer.


How's that ark coming?


Well-known member
I believe that all of Scripture is written to each and every one of us, paid for by the blood of those who wrote it, due to their singular dedication and consecration to The Lord. Inventing doctrines and dispensations that Scripture doesn't state or even infer is the fallacy of those who have churchianity. Organized religious organizations aren't endorsed or even winked at by God. He wants us to come into a dynamic relationship with Him. He had my Bible printed so that He could use It to speak to me, Personally.

Right Divider

Body part

Because right there is where you error.
You are just making false claims too. Seem like it might be contagious.

You kidding right. I would have to almost right the entire Bible. Not enough room on this thread. Lol
So you cannot support your statement with scripture. Got it.

That is what's on my Bible. I don't know about yours.

Get serious

You see we're talking about God's mission. It's not Paul, Marks, John, etc, etc mission. But God's . You want scriptures. How do I do that? When God's mission has to include the entire Biblical narrative.
Just keep :juggle:

Get serious or don't reply.

God mission starts in Genesis all the way up to the Acts of the Apostle. You want scriptures re read your Bible again from cover to cover.
People that cannot support their belief with scripture always say silly things like this.

Nope. That's you.
We can all see that you are unwilling to actually discuss anything and just prefer to talk to yourself.


Well-known member
So now you turned from fallacious logic to lying. That's sad.

You don't even understand logic nor fallacious logic.

Here is FALLACIOUS logic (by you):
YOU claimed that since Jesus was speaking to believers (the 12 minus one) that he is speaking to ALL believer.

I'm sorry you feel that way. One day: perhaps you'll come to a knowledge of the Truth. Hopefully it's on this side of eternity; otherwise: you'll have to take remedial Bible classes in Heaven.
How's that ark coming?
Are you still unable to determine what is and isn't meant for you? That's too bad. You should get some help with that, since you're unable to listen to reason. God wants us to build an ark with our faith that can handle every single storm that comes our way: financial, medical, personal or impersonal (read: political). We who are Christian often even step out of our ark and walk on the water of faith, if we're able to keep our eyes on Jesus and then we can do things that seem impossible to others.

Right Divider

Body part
I'm sorry you feel that way.
It has nothing to do with how I feel. It's plain to all.

One day: perhaps you'll come to a knowledge of the Truth.
Falsely claiming the "high ground" is a childish approach.

Hopefully it's on this side of eternity; otherwise: you'll have to take remedial Bible classes in Heaven.
More fake humility on your part.

I'm saved by grace through faith and have nothing to fear from you.

Are you still unable to determine what is and isn't meant for you? That's too bad.
Continue is your false logic. It will get you nowhere.

You should get some help with that, since you're unable to listen to reason.
Advice from someone that constantly uses fallacious logic? No thanks.

God wants us to build an ark with our faith that can handle every single storm that comes our way: financial, medical, personal or impersonal (read: political).
That's hilarious. You live in quite the fantasy world.

We who are Christian often even step out of our ark and walk on the water of faith, if we're able to keep our eyes on Jesus and then we can do things that seem impossible to others.
You should write your own science fiction books.


Well-known member
It has nothing to do with how I feel. It's plain to all.
Yes, it is plain. 'All' being the BOC in whole (or for the sake of argument: MOST). It's clear to the author, Matthew; which is why he called the eleven, "Disciples," when describing The Great Commission. He didn't differentiate, saying, "Apostles."

Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them. And when they saw him, they worshipped him: but some doubted. And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

We KNOW that the eleven couldn't possibly teach ALL nations... all nations hadn't been discovered yet. We also know that Jesus wouldn't say to the disciples that He would be with THEM until the end of the world, since He knew they would be martyred long before that end. Obviously: The Great Commission is for ALL believers. You may not believe that, but I'm sure that the majority of Christians do.

Right Divider

Body part
Yes, it is plain. 'All' being the BOC in whole (or for the sake of argument: MOST). It's clear to the author, Matthew; which is why he called the eleven, "Disciples," when describing The Great Commission. He didn't differentiate, saying, "Apostles."

Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them. And when they saw him, they worshipped him: but some doubted. And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

We KNOW that the eleven couldn't possibly teach ALL nations... all nations hadn't been discovered yet. We also know that Jesus wouldn't say to the disciples that He would be with THEM until the end of the world, since He knew they would be martyred long before that end. Obviously: The Great Commission is for ALL believers. You may not believe that, but I'm sure that the majority of Christians do.
Once again, your theory does not determine what scripture means. As you confirmed AGAIN by quoting the scripture, Jesus called HIS ELEVEN into a mountain where He has appointed THEM. There... Jesus spoke unto THEM.

Again with the FALLACIOUS LOGIC .... the majority does NOT determine truth.

Go learn about your gross mistake:


Well-known member
Matthew called the eleven: disciples. The difference was to emphasize that The Great Commission is for ALL disciples. Obviously you're incapable of grasping the obvious. :duh:

Right Divider

Body part
Matthew called the eleven: disciples. The difference was to emphasize that The Great Commission is for ALL disciples. Obviously you're incapable of grasping the obvious. :duh:
Just keep making your fake claims. :nono:

So according to you it could be any eleven disciples and not the apostles? :rotfl:


Active member

You are just making false claims too. Seem like it might be contagious.

So you cannot support your statement with scripture. Got it.


Get serious

Just keep :juggle:

Get serious or don't reply.

People that cannot support their belief with scripture always say silly things like this.

We can all see that you are unwilling to actually discuss anything and just prefer to talk to yourself.
Ok. This is going to take while. But I need to know your position first. This is what I make of your position. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

1. "Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." (Matthew 28:18-20)

2. "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come." (Matthew 24:14)

So you are saying that the above mentioned was mistakenly misunderstood by the early Churches because:

A. It is nearly an impossible commandment to carry out.

B. Jesus was the Jewish Messiah, the Savior of Israel. And His first commission was to them exclusively. See the scripture below.

"These twelve Jesus sent out after instructing them: ‘Do not go in the way of the Gentiles, and do not enter any city of the Samaritans; but rather go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And as you go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.'” (Matthew 10:5-8)


C. But, after His resurrection, He gave a new commandment to spread the gospel to “all nations.”

I'm I correct?


Well-known member
The Great Commission was one of Christ's commands. The Great Commission instructed the disciples to make disciples of all nations - teaching them to obey his commands. Thus the Great Commission instructed the disciples to teach those of all nations to obey the Great Commission. Thus the Great Commission is for all.

Simple recursion.


Active member
The Great Commission was one of Christ's commands. The Great Commission instructed the disciples to make disciples of all nations - teaching them to obey his commands. Thus the Great Commission instructed the disciples to teach those of all nations to obey the Great Commission. Thus the Great Commission is for all.

I agree

Simple recursion.
Not so simple if the perspective is that Jesus gave a new command to spread the gospel to “all nations" after his resurrection.There is a very distinct contrast happening there.

Now the message of salvation by grace was to be spread to all people groups, not Israel exclusively. And that will derail Mat. 28:18-20.

So if I'm correct about JudgeRightly position. Then this has to be looked into further into the scriptures. I'm not saying that I agree with his theory but I have to look into it more closely.