This I am Inspired to Do
This I am Inspired to Do
After this incident with the information shared by Dr James Kennedy my view of Christians has sunken to an all time low. I now feel that you Christians were tricked into voting a member of the Order of the Skull & Bones into the office of president of the United States. The Order of the Skull & Bones is said to be linked with the Illuminati and the establishment of The New World Order which will no doubt be a platform for the coming Anti-Christ you seem certain will soon arrive. So, you Christians were tricked into voting an Anti-Christ into the office of President of the United States. He pretends to be a righteous Christian and easily fools you who supposedly know God personally. What a disgrace you are!
This I am Inspired to Do
After this incident with the information shared by Dr James Kennedy my view of Christians has sunken to an all time low. I now feel that you Christians were tricked into voting a member of the Order of the Skull & Bones into the office of president of the United States. The Order of the Skull & Bones is said to be linked with the Illuminati and the establishment of The New World Order which will no doubt be a platform for the coming Anti-Christ you seem certain will soon arrive. So, you Christians were tricked into voting an Anti-Christ into the office of President of the United States. He pretends to be a righteous Christian and easily fools you who supposedly know God personally. What a disgrace you are!