Matters That Need Clarification

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Jason Thomas

Banned by Mod
I am a person who enjoys being blunt and honest in what he feels. Unfortunately, in the daily American world hypocrisy is the order of the day. Tell the truth all the time and expect to make many enemies. It’s interesting to note that Jesus demonstrated this truth about two-thousand years ago. So forums of this nature have been a blessing to my soul in that I can say what I truly feel on matters rather anonymously. I enjoy being honest with my feelings and I find American hypocrisy to be a spiritual crime. You can never be quite certain how Americans feel about you behind your back. They are masters of hypocrisy. Well, I won’t go into this now.

There are certain matters that I would like to have addressed by you, Bob. I am truly impressed by your courage to tackle the tough issues publicly. Your enemies know your real name and face and have even sent you to jail for your convictions. That's rather powerful stuff. In at least certain ways I can humbly say that you are a better man than I.

Okay, lets get to the matters at hand. I recently watched a sermon on television by pastor Dr. James Kennedy on a program called The Coral Ridge Hour. It was called: ‘Fearfully and Wonderfully Made’. In it Dr. Kennedy said that the evolutionists have been doing all they can to hide recent discoveries in microbiology. Supposedly, it has been discovered that there are about a trillion microscopic organic machines in each and every human cell working like an entire giant city full of factories to sustain the human body. I have been using this information to cancel out the ‘simple to complex’ theory among atheists that is the very bedrock of Darwin’s evolution theory. In actuality life on every and any level is NOT SIMPLE except to the simple-minded. If anything I feel Darwin got the theory backwards. Take any average moronic hobo simpleton-minded bum and retrace his existence in this world and you will find that he began his existence as two united cells so complex that it stagers the imagination to even conceive such complexity. So, Mr Dawin, if anything at all, complex life forms “evolved” from even more complex life forms. Your theory, Mr Darwin, that individual human cells are “simple” is completely bogus and incorrect.

Now here’s the thing: I’ve performed independent research with an MSN search engine in order to find independent sources to confirm the information that each and every human cell contains a trillion microscopic organic machines at work twenty-four hours a day and have come up short. I’ve written Coral Ridge Ministries about this and have only received an automated response to my inquiry.

The question: Bob, or anyone here, have you heard about these recent discoveries in microbiology? Can you provide more than one website independent of each other that documents these discoveries as fact? People have been asking in the posting forums I frequent and I sure don’t blame them as they have performed searches of their own and have come up short as well. Thanks.
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New member
I would suggest that you contact Dr James Kennedy--I'm sure he has a site. If you are addressing this to Bob Enyart, or another Bob, your best bet would be to PM him with a link to this page--there's a lot of posting each day, and few people can read each and every one, and your question might be inadvertently missed.

Jason Thomas

Banned by Mod
The Presbyterian Cult?

The Presbyterian Cult?

Well, supposedly these discoveries in microbiology have happened within the last decade and have been hidden by evolution believing scientists. Seems to me that Bob Enyart is up on all current discoveries that would disprove Evolution. So far it seems that none of you have heard about this supposed discovery and that says much. We have a number of people who have viewed this thread and chances are they have lots of Christian friends. Only one responds to essentially say that he doesn’t know anything about this matter. Coral Ridge Ministries has not sent anything besides an automated response to my inquiry. I called their 800 number yesterday and the department that handles taking people’s money and shipping Dr Kennedy’s products couldn’t help me and gave me the direct 800 number to the actual church. The church was closed at the time of my call.

So, I’m beginning to get suspicious. They are acting like a group of semi-blind, all-accepting cult believers and I don’t like it one bit. This incident is not helping to augment my faith in the Presbyterian Christian cult. If you doubt they or other Christian offshoots are “cults” just look in any standard dictionary, find the word “cult” and see just who it applies to.

CULT *My Commentary:

1: A system of religious worship and ritual

(*Well, seems to me that every Christian church meets the first requirement of a “cult” in my dictionary)

2: A religion or sect considered extreme or false

(*I would imagine that during the beginnings of Christianity the religious order of the Jews would have felt this way about Christianity. Not to mention how the Catholic church must have felt about the Protestants during the beginnings of the Protestant Reformation. So the concept of an “extreme or false” religion or sect is fully dependant upon who is doing the considering)

3a: Obsessive devotion to a person or principle

3b: The object of such devotion

*Once again, obsessive in who’s opinion? I find it curious to imagine how the word “cult” is defined in the dictionaries written in predominantly Hindu, Muslim or Buddhist countries. Seems to me that if Christianity really had so much more to offer the rest of the world then they would have been able to fully prove it after two-thousand years.

As you might have guessed by now I have had quite a number of bad experiences with organized religion and this current incident with the Presbyterians is beginning to fuel a remembrance of this fact. So, I’m hoping you here will help to restore my faith in organized religion.

Like it or not, you do not have to have faith in organized religion to be forgiven by Christ or saved in His Kingdom. God does not need my money to run or fix the universe and AMEN TO THAT!!!!!


Well-known member
To be honest, Jason, I really don't think actual scientists expend much time or energy worrying about Creationist's arguments. And I certainly don't think they would or even could "hide" such scientific discoveries as you describe. People who spend their lives seeking out information about the universe using scientific methodology BELIEVE in that methodology, and have no fear of religious arguments that try to disparage it. They also just wouldn't have it in them to spend their lives and energy discovering something only to then hide it from their collegues and the public. That would be contrary to their natures.

On the other hand, it sadly does not seem contrary to the nature of a religious zealot to invent lies in the service of his "mission". After all, religion has a long history of imagining that the ends justify the means, even when the means was oppression, imprisonment, torture and murder. So what's a little lie here and there compared to the "salvation of souls", right?

Jason Thomas

Banned by Mod
Post To the Atheists

Post To the Atheists

“On the other hand, it sadly does not seem contrary to the nature of a religious zealot to invent lies in the service of his "mission". After all, religion has a long history of imagining that the ends justify the means, even when the means was oppression, imprisonment, torture and murder. So what's a little lie here and there compared to the "salvation of souls", right?”

I am quite shocked that you would make such a true statement in a Christian forum. I will admit that I have had my share of outrageous blind cult stupidity from quite a number of Christian posting forums who have banned me. I remember one in particular. I entered my first post which was nice and not offensive to anyone and I was immediately banned. I find many Christians in forums of this nature blindly defend stances that they are not certain of and have the tendency to talk proverbial ‘baby talk’.

I’ll be quite honest in that I do not appreciate famous religious leaders who present information that is proving impossible to verify through independent sources. At one point Dr James Kennedy had a supposed actual moving picture taken by one of the powerful microscopes that showed these microscopic organic machines at work in a cell. So why is it that no one can find any independent information substantiating this outrageous claim? I don’t know. I truly do not like to think any less of organized religion, but…what can I say?

I thought you might find this recent post I created in a forum frequented by intelligent atheists rather interesting:

Well, as I have stated, the overall common denominator between all God/Creator believing religions and religious books is that God, as an enemy, is the worst thing any person could ever possibly want. The concept of ‘God is Love’ is not the common denominator element in the evaluation of the popular God/Creator religions. So how could I possibly love a God who is a tyrant? First of all I worship no one. I feel worship is love warped into some sort of blind craziness. I point towards the actions of blind worshippers throughout the ages to prove my hypothesis. Next: God is only a tyrant to those who he has rejected and He obviously seems perfectly content to reject most of humanity. Fortunately, I am not one of you who He has rejected. I am being loved and guided towards a more wonderful, happy and fulfilling life and feel quite confident that upon death I will enter a paradise of unparalleled beauty and love. So you who do not believe in God and are only prepared to insult and flip Him off, should you find He truly exists at the time of your deaths, are the real losers. You seem to think you will accomplish some great thing standing at the judgment seat of the All-mighty telling Him off. At best, you will be remembered for all eternity as stupid fools who are food for hell.

Like it or not, you atheists have faith that there is no afterlife. You have faith that Darwin was correct in his evolution theory when all the evidence points toward all life being outrageously complex. Nothing “evolved” from simpler life forms for there are no simpler life forms! They only appear to be simple to the simple-minded. You feel that there is no intelligence involved in the union of a sperm and egg cell and the knitting of a human being in a period of nine Earth months? Mankind is literally knitted into being by pure, purposeless, accidental stupidity, right? You look at a picture of the Mona Lisa, which is considered the most famous painting in the world, while listening to the music of Mozart and say to yourselves, ‘My, what beautiful and positively lovely meaningless and purposeless random accidents’. If it doesn’t take faith to believe such a ridiculous concept then there is no such a thing as faith.


Well-known member
Re: Post To the Atheists

Re: Post To the Atheists

Originally posted by Jason Thomas I am quite shocked that you would make such a true statement in a Christian forum. I will admit that I have had my share of outrageous blind cult stupidity from quite a number of Christian posting forums who have banned me. I remember one in particular. I entered my first post which was nice and not offensive to anyone and I was immediately banned.
Yes, somewhat surprisingly, this site doesn't ban everyone with a different idea about God or religion. I have also been banned many times from other supposed theology sites that in fact can't tolerate any theology but their own.

Jason Thomas

Banned by Mod
Yo Crow!!!

Yo Crow!!!

At Costco, I recently bought a boxed set DVD collection of many of the most famous works of Alfred Hitchcock. I was extremely surprised to find an incredibly detailed documentary about the movie ‘The Birds’ contained along with the DVD movie. Sinful or no, I have to admit that ‘The Birds’ is still one of my all time favorite movies. Considering your icon I would say that you would most probably flip over that in-depth documentary about the making of the movie. It’s really something and something else as well. :bannana:

I was wondering if I'd ever use that silly dancing banana. Seems now is a good a time as any.

Jason Thomas

Banned by Mod
The Secret

The Secret

The secret to having really skinny legs is an aerobics program that never, ever stops:


Jason Thomas

Banned by Mod
Strength in The Lord

Strength in The Lord

It seems that I do not have to treat you here with proverbial baby kid gloves. I’ve recently been inspired to create posts in a predominantly atheist forum that have shut them up. I would like to share some of the most prominent posts with you. The post I shared above was written after this one. They are not in sequential order as I share them, but they do indeed give insights into my CURRENT beliefs. Those beliefs are subject to change as more truth unfolds itself to my mind. So unlike many blind religious believers I am always ready to find I am incorrect on any subject:

“When I finally shook the Christian shackles off my mind I turned with a vengeance and decided that it was time to give them a taste of their own medicine. They wanted to scare me into surrendering my life and finances to their authority well now I would use what I felt was obvious truth to tear their smug sense of security apart and push the self-doubt they would snare me with into their own faces. I began to call pastors and debate them over the phone in order for them to either prove my error or to have them admit theirs. I remember one pastor I met with. I essentially said: ‘Do you honestly believe that all the infinite secrets of the entire universe can be contained in a book with a beginning and an ending?’ Without even giving the question the proper thought it deserved he blurted out, “Yes!” For years afterwards I came to the inescapable conclusion that he had to say ‘yes’ or risk losing his job and everything he had worked for up until that point. Saying ‘no’ would completely shatter the religious brainwashing that was paying his way through life.

Finally, after debating many church leaders of many Christian offshoot faiths, I came to a conclusion that my conscious felt was the correct one: Who the hell am I to disturb the happiness of religious believers with what I feel is obvious truth? Is it a righteous and good thing to throw believers in God into doubt with the bottom line truth? I decided that if ignorance is bliss then I should desist debating religious believers and allow them their ignorant bliss. Now I usually do not bother attempting to wake them up to obvious truths about the nature of the outrageously wild and contradictory Biblical matters they accept as rock solid fact.

So now I am wondering about you atheists. Should I deal with you the same way? If you are blissful believing that there is no afterlife should I disturb your bliss with what I feel is perceived truth? You seem much more rugged and sure of yourselves in that I sense you are not going to come apart at the proverbial seams if I test your faith. Face it atheists, with all the evidence out there it takes quite a bit of faith to flatly believe that there is no afterlife, period. Just as the believers have no irrefutable proof that there is an afterlife you have no irrefutable proof that there isn’t one. As far as I can see it’s a spiritual standoff. You atheists have faith that all kinds of things happened millions of years ago. You have faith that what you perceive as complex life began simply. Recent evidence is proving this to be false. What seems to be the actual case is that what evolutionists call complex life forms actually “evolved” from even more complex life forms. I don’t know about you, but if it’s true that there are a trillion microscopic machines in each and every human cell that sounds insanely complex to me.

You evolutionary atheists have blindly believed that singe-celled organisms like amoebas and paramecium are “simple”. Well, if they are so very “simple” then lets all see you create a reproducing paramecium type of single-celled organism from scratch in your standard kitchen. Can’t do it, right? Why? Because it is not “simple”! I would even go so far as to say that chances are with all the money on Earth you cannot create a reproducing single-celled organism like a paramecium from scratch. Germ warfare may manipulate and mutate existing cells, but to create a self-reproducing single-celled organism from proverbial scratch is beyond current Earth technology. Please correct me if I am wrong.

I’ve shared what I feel are some important truths in the religious forum that would proverbially blow the religious world apart to face. I now consider it merciless of me to shatter their blissful ignorance with the truth. Should I feel the same way about you staunch atheists or are you of sterner stuff and have nothing to lose by considering more baroque possibilities to human existence?”

Jason Thomas

Banned by Mod
Truth or Damnation

Truth or Damnation

I’ve discovered that when an atheist usually says that he or she doesn’t believe in God what they actually mean is that they do not believe in religion. I feel religion has had a vested interest in making people believe that they hold the exclusive proverbial patents on a deep and abiding relationship with the God of Creation. The atheist view has usually been born of very trying and negative situations involving organized religion. Scaring and intimidating people into believing in a God who supposedly loves them more than their very parents do just does not make sense.

Read My Lips: You cannot threaten anyone or anything into sincerely loving you, period. Any book that presents a God that essentially says ‘love me or else!’ should be held in high suspicious rather than elevated to a position of ‘infallible inerrancy’. You should find that it is the ‘infallible’ and ‘inerrant’ book believers who have been at the heart of the greatest religious atrocities known to man. That in itself says much.

So, if you feel the Spirit of Truth is in you then you will embrace the truth no matter how much it may hurt to do so. To reject the truth in favor of a religion is to embrace proverbially sugar-coated damnation.

Jason Thomas

Banned by Mod
Jesus Christ Paragon of Virtue

Jesus Christ Paragon of Virtue

I just created this post in a powerfully atheist forum and I want to share it with all of you:

From what I have learned through direct experience and what I feel are the inspired simplifications of Biblical Scriptures, Jesus Christ’s sacrifice protects those who ask Him into their lives from all eternal harm. It’s obvious that the Old Testament Biblical God parallels the tyrannical nature of many of the Creator/God religions of ages past. Through the blood sacrifice to end all blood sacrifices Jesus Christ now lives as the very eternal paragon of virtue, kindness, mercy, self-sacrifice, eternal protection and LOVE. Many are the accounts of modern near-death experiences that demonstrate this as more than the idle fantasies of any one individual. Like it or not, there have been more miracles associated with those who call upon the name of Jesus Christ than from any other name I have ever heard of. I challenge any of you to present any name under Heaven to which more miraculous wonders of healing and the power of the Living God have been associated with other than Jesus Christ. If there is any other name that has commanded more miraculous healings I sure have never heard of it.

The essential process is simple. There is no need to surrender your existence to any organized religion. Ask Jesus Christ to prove the reality of His existence in your lives. Speak to the universe as though it is Jesus Christ and say that you are sorry for anything you may have done that has damaged your ability to realize the love of God in your life. Ask Jesus to make the reality of His existence known to you then always be on the alert for outrageously marvelous “coincidences”. I’ve found that the marvelous “coincidences” continue to keep growing in power and strength as I strive to live in growing gratitude for all that has been entrusted to me. It is common knowledge to the spiritually advanced that those who can give thanks in both good and bad times equally are also those who are most pleasing in the sight of God. Greater and greater manifestations of the Living Christ continue to refine and lead me to the sense of an incredible eternal victory over this insane world. Slowly the bad in me seems to be ‘drying’ up and falling away all by itself. This is a truly miraculous process and as I grow more virtuous in the sight of God I grow more appreciative and thankful.

As I have stated: I believe God is much more concerned with what we are becoming than He is with what we are.

Witnessing for Christ is like picking fruit. Only a fool will pick fruit before they are ripe. When you are ready to share the goodness of God in your lives you will know because there will be much goodness to share. If you do not have powerfully growing manifestations of the power of Christ in your lives then all you have are words that you are not as certain of as you may think you are. These words may be good enough to snare someone into your respective religions, but…well…I don’t want to over-generalize. I trust you can catch the gist of what I am attempting to state. I don’t feel fully qualified to represent Jesus Christ and so I don’t want to leave you with the impression that I am fully ready to witness for I do not feel I am.

In spite of my shortcomings, I have everything to look forward to upon my death. You atheists have nothing to look forward to because of your FAITH in there not being a Jesus Christ. I wouldn’t trade my faith for yours even if you offered me all the gold in the world.

Jason Thomas

Banned by Mod
Heaven or Hell

Heaven or Hell

Heaven :bannana:


Hell :devil:

Choose now or forever hold your...peel


brother Willi

New member
Jason Thomas
I believe I know you, yes?

links to the cell

The Amazing Cell – evidence for creation and against evolution!

How Simple Can Life Be?

Did cells acquire organelles such as mitochondria
by gobbling up other cells?

Chemical soup is not your ancestor

Supposed eukaryote evolution pushed back one billion ye

Jason Thomas

Banned by Mod


I skimmed through those links and found nothing stating that each human cell has a trillion microscopic organic machines in it. Did I miss something or did you not understand what I was looking for? Did I not make my request simple enough to understand or was it shrouded in esoteric mystical fog?


Jason Thomas

Banned by Mod
Conclusion To this Particular Matter

Conclusion To this Particular Matter

Okay. I have grown tired of waiting for substantiating evidence about this supposed discovery of a trillion microscopic organic machines in each and every human cell. I’ve prayed about this and have come to a conclusion that settles this matter for me. Whether each and every human cell has a trillion microscopic organic machines or not there is still more than enough evidence that individual cells are so outrageously complex…if Darwin had any idea, as he was postulating his evolution theory, we all would probably have never heard of it because he would have burned his manuscript of his simplistic evolution theory. I’ve heard that one of Darwin’s colleagues went to far as to state that individual cells are some sort of simple blobs or something equally ridiculous.

Miracles, miracles, miracles. We are surrounded by miracles. As a matter of fact there is not so much as a single thing that is not a miracle. That being the case the atheists cannot see the proverbial forest for the proverbial trees. They strive to look between all the miracles to see the miracles and essentially say: ‘What miracles? We see no miracles! You are delusional. Prove to us all scientifically that there are such things as miracles.’ Then they pick up their wireless phones and call someone thousands of miles away and laugh at their supposed victory over the ignorant. Why, if they were whisked back in time producing a pocket lighter and striking a flame they would have most probably been burned at the stake as a witch by the Catholic church. But not before a confession was tortured out of them in the name of God.

It’s a mad, mad, mad, mad world. Thank God that at least I am sane, eh?

'You put your right foot in,
You take your right foot out,

You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around,
That's what it's all about'

Oh, you've never heard the above song? Tell it to the banana

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Jason Thomas

Banned by Mod
Post I Created in an Atheist Forum

Post I Created in an Atheist Forum

"So, these hundreds of languages just appeared overnight. Do you really believe that?"

Yup! Sure did. Obvious to any fool, all these hundreds of languages happened over proverbial night by mere random accidents. Just a simple accidental combination of atoms, electrons and DNA. Stick them all in a cosmic blender and voila! Instant mountains, streams, multi-colored birds and fish, hundreds of languages and beliefs about the nature of the universe to go with each language. It’s all rather simple. The Ape evolved from the amoeba, mankind evolved from the ape and languages evolved from a simple accident…or two…or three or four hundred…er…thousand…million that just so happened to fit together conveniently. Makes perfect sense to the astutely intelligent.


Jason Thomas

Banned by Mod
Another Post Created in an Atheist Forum

Another Post Created in an Atheist Forum

I once did research on Mithra so I have quite a few links on the subject to share with anyone interested. There are many who feel that much of the aspects of ancient Christianity were blended in with pagan imagery and beliefs. Who can truly say what happened two-thousand years ago. Are you fool enough to blindly believe the religious storytellers? For that matter, who can truly say what happened millions of years ago? Are you fool enough to blindly believe the non-religious storytellers?:

Jason Thomas

Banned by Mod
Another Post Created in an Atheist Forum

Another Post Created in an Atheist Forum

"Simple is a relative term. Compared to a human, a single celled organism is very simple."

So your faith states. Yet, those who have brainwashed you with their faith cannot create such a “simple” form and yet are dead certain they know that those one-celled organisms are “simple”. You have FAITH that they are indeed correct and yet, you most probably believe it takes no faith whatsoever to believe that they are correct. Such is your atheist type brainwashing.

“In addition, why is it that man has to create life in order for you to believe that life can be created?”

All I am saying is that it is indeed ‘simple-minded’ to label life forms “simple” when you have no real Idea how to create them. It is just plain ignorant to make such ‘simple-minded’ assessments of the nature of life and the universe under such a situation.

All indications point towards all life being outrageously, mind-boggling complex on any level you may find. Consider the zygote of a newly formed combination of human sperm and egg cell. All the genetic DNA information needed to create a human is hidden somewhere within that newly formed single-cell human *zygote. Would you be so foolish as to call such an outrageously miraculously complex cell “simple”? Calling it “simple” based on a faith in atheist evolutionists while believing that you are exercising no faith whatsoever to do so is nothing short of ridiculously blind and brainwashed shortsighted.

“Why is it that something that is created out of randomness is instantly A) a "mistake". B) "sloppy", or C) "simple". None of those things are indicated by a random ocurance.”

Well then please do enlighten us all as to just what exactly is indicated by a “random occurrence”. This should prove interesting.

Jason Thomas

Banned by Mod
Another Post Created in an Atheist Forum

Another Post Created in an Atheist Forum

I share these posts I have created in a predominantly atheist forum to show you the way I feel the Lord is inspiring me to deal with them. Chances are you will see angles of approach that you, in your religious brainwashing, have not considered.

I have usually found religious people to be rather weak and cowardly. They talk big as long as they are surrounded by their Christian friends. Well, I go into this atheist forum with no one's support besides what I feel is the Spirit of the Living God to back me up. I share some of the things I have been inspired to come up with to see if any of you have the courage to point out the flaws in my reasoning. The quotation marks usually designate the person who has responded to my post:

"All I'm saying is, when I look at a chart of randomly created numbers, I don't see a mess, I see something beutiful. All of these things that you're discribing, and which if I might say so, you seem to have much venom concerning, are all very relative things. As for random not being a mistake. A mistake is something which you don't intend to have happen. If I create a program which at random times is supposed to do something, I'm creating it with the intention that this 'something' is going to occur."

Well, as I see it, if someone creates the numbers that person is the only one with the right to determine just which numbers are simple and which are not. I would imagine that a ‘zero’ is the simplest number, no? And the number ‘1’ is next in simplicity, no? You can stack an infinite amount of zeros together, add them up with an equal amount of zeros and the sum will still be nothing. However, if you put a number ‘1’ in front of those zeros then you have an infinite amount of something. Not so “simple” anymore.

I say that only the creator can properly label something “simple” or “complex”. It is not for atheist evolutionists to brainwash children into believing life is “simple” on any level when they cannot so much as create a single-celled organism from scratch.

You look at randomly created numbers and see something beautiful. All you are proving is that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Just because something is beautiful to you that does not mean you have the right to brainwash children into seeing things YOUR way. Such it is with the evolution THEORY. It was based upon the concept that single-cells are “simple”. This assumption is incorrect. It was incorrect, it is incorrect and chances are there are a trillion organic microscopic machines that make up each of the trillion organic microscopic machines that purportedly make up each and every human cell.

“A mistake is something which you don't intend to have happen. If I create a program which at random times is supposed to do something, I'm creating it with the intention that this 'something' is going to occur."

So you are implying that there is a creator and yet you also come off as a supporter in evolution. Unless there are evolutionists who wish to state their view of this strange combination of beliefs there seems no point in continuing this conversation.

Tell us, you atheists. What do you think of a person who believes in the theory of evolution and who also believes in God? Is that an oxymoron, or what? Seems to me that Darwin would have called such a stance preposterous.

"If they said that a one celled organism was the most simple life form, you might have an arguement, but you're just blowing your top over the silliest little thing."

To say that a single-celled organism APPEARS to be the simplest life form is one thing. To say that IT IS the simplest life form when you are not certain of this is to teach children a lie. What appeared to be “simple” is now proving itself to be outrageously complex. What atheist evolutionists are trying to brainwash people into believing is that: ‘LIFE IS SIMPLE AND IT DOESN’T TAKE A GOD TO CREATE IT’. That is the core of the atheist evolution message that is being brainwashed into children and I say it is criminal to brainwash children in this manner when you are not absolutely certain of what you are talking about.

If you believe in God then you should know that ALL LIFE IS A MIRACLE and no one miracle is any less miraculous than any other. Is it “simpler” for God to create a blade of growing grass than it is for God to create a human? Are you dead certain of your answer? Would you be willing to bet your soul?????

Jason Thomas

Banned by Mod
Post I Created in an Atheist Forum

Post I Created in an Atheist Forum

When I watched a PBS special about evolution there were reconstructed scenarios about Darwin’s life and the circumstances that led to the writing and publishing of his book The Origin of Species. According to what was shown, Darwin’s book was finished and ready for publication for quite some time before he was finally encouraged to have it published. I believe I remember that he was quite frightened and had many nightmares that motivated him to keep the book secretly locked away. After the book was published and came out there supposedly was a big courtroom argument for and against the theory of evolution. On one side of the argument were the religionist theists. On the other side where the evolutionists certain that mankind evolved from the ape. I saw no middle ground stating that maybe all life came about from a combination of both principle beliefs. It was either one or the other and now you are telling me that there is a middle ground? Well, I have heard of no such thing from the religious sermons on the subject and I most certainly got no impression of such from the documentary on evolution. It has consistently been said that the evolutionist view is an atheist view. I have never heard of any midway point of the evolution view until now. Interesting. Glad I didn’t fully put all my proverbial eggs in any one philosophical basket.

So, let’s clarify this issue: What some of you are saying is that the process of evolution is a miraculous process whose source is a creator God? Doesn’t sound very evolutionary Darwinian to me. All those who hold this view need a new label to clarify their differentiation. How about: Evolueation or Crelution or Crearwin or….
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