ECT Mary: Mother of God

God's Truth

New member
I see that Jesus is God and Mary is the Mother of God.

I see the Truth.

Do you see that Mary isn't Co Redeemer and Mediatrix? Do you see that you credit the Catholics for giving us the Bible, but left out a bunch that says to call Mary those things? lol


Mary is the mother of Jesus. Nothing more nothing less

we completely agree (and we both grew up Catholic. Elevating Mary to the "worship level was a great "financial" move by the leaders of the Catholic Church because she brings in millions per year to the Popes office to spend.


Well-known member
Every time I see the term, "Mother of God," I just want to throw up. Things the Catholic Church does just push most people away from Truth. It's despicable. The statue of Mary in the grounds of the St. Peter & Paul Cathedral was nice to look at when I used to walk the grounds of the seminary and pray or just sit and read my Bible. Now though, the church has been renamed: "Our Lady of The Holy Spirit." What a sacrilege! The neighborhood has a lot of Latino immigrants now and more often than not there's flowers, fruit and other gifts left at the feet of the idol... er, um... statue.

God's Truth

New member
Every time I see the term, "Mother of God," I just want to throw up. Things the Catholic Church does just push most people away from Truth. It's despicable. The statue of Mary in the grounds of the St. Peter & Paul Cathedral was nice to look at when I used to walk the grounds of the seminary and pray or just sit and read my Bible. Now though, the church has been renamed: "Our Lady of The Holy Spirit." What a sacrilege! The neighborhood has a lot of Latino immigrants now and more often than not there's flowers, fruit and other gifts left at the feet of the idol... er, um... statue.

Catholics in America are taught to bow to the statues at the alter that's what we are doing right before we sit down in the pew.


Well-known member
Catholics in America are taught to bow to the statues at the alter that's what we are doing right before we sit down in the pew.
I have spoken to several atheists who balk at the RCC's idols and purely religious practices that have absolutely NO PLACE in Christianity. Jesus didn't walk in Jewery because He hates religion. He loves those who love Him. Those who love the praises of men He hates. They already have their reward (read: all the reward they'll ever get).

God's Truth

New member
I have spoken to several atheists who balk at the RCC's idols and purely religious practices that have absolutely NO PLACE in Christianity. Jesus didn't walk in Jewery because He hates religion. He loves those who love Him. Those who love the praises of men He hates. They already have their reward (read: all the reward they'll ever get).

The Catholic church has the facade of holiness, but it is a haunt for demons.


Well-known member
We kneel (genuflect) to the Lord Himself, and we bow to His altar.
If you actually DO want to obey The Lord, then why do you allow so many people (untold millions, I'm sure) be turned away by what they see? I've heard things like this from SO MANY un-believers it makes me want to throw rocks at every RCC cathedral that I see. These people want God and they want Truth but you're chasing them away by using idols and praying to dead people. SICK!!!

Let not then your good be evil spoken of:

Just obeying that verse, alone, there are literally DOZENS of standard RCC practices that would be abolished tomorrow. Do you care? Do you realize that lost people see what you're doing as idol worship? Do you think it's 'okay' with God for you to continue to do so? We are ambassadors of Christ. We are His representatives on this earth. I want people to look at my life and see God. I know that there's nothing good in man, except God's Presence. Those who are without Him are going to one day ask you, "Why did you not represent God better? I might have come to Christ if I didn't see phony religion and idol-worship in the RCC. Now I have to go to hell because I never found Truth." Can't you understand that? Don't you want others to come to Christ? The superstitions of mixed up RCC churches in South and Central America notwithstanding: the RCC itself is at fault. Big time.


Well-known member
The Catholic church has the facade of holiness, but it is a haunt for demons.
I agree; but God doesn't want any of them to go to hell. I believe that 'a' Pope (not sure which one) will be filled with The Holy Ghost and we'll see many millions of Catholics get the same, very soon.

God's Truth

New member
I agree; but God doesn't want any of them to go to hell. I believe that 'a' Pope (not sure which one) will be filled with The Holy Ghost and we'll see many millions of Catholics get the same, very soon.

No such thing. A person sinning by being called a father won't give the truth. 'Pope' means father.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
If you actually DO want to obey The Lord
Your arrogance approaches hilarity.
, then why do you allow so many people (untold millions, I'm sure) be turned away by what they see? I've heard things like this from SO MANY un-believers it makes me want to throw rocks at every RCC cathedral that I see. These people want God and they want Truth but you're chasing them away by using idols and praying to dead people. SICK!!!
Your view is distorted.
Let not then your good be evil spoken of:

Just obeying that verse, alone, there are literally DOZENS of standard RCC practices that would be abolished tomorrow.
I should obey that verse and tell you to go to hell, you "Christian", impugning your Lord's own Church. But I won't.
Do you care? Do you realize that lost people see what you're doing as idol worship? Do you think it's 'okay' with God for you to continue to do so? We are ambassadors of Christ. We are His representatives on this earth. I want people to look at my life and see God. I know that there's nothing good in man, except God's Presence. Those who are without Him are going to one day ask you, "Why did you not represent God better? I might have come to Christ if I didn't see phony religion and idol-worship in the RCC. Now I have to go to hell because I never found Truth." Can't you understand that? Don't you want others to come to Christ? The superstitions of mixed up RCC churches in South and Central America notwithstanding: the RCC itself is at fault. Big time.
You're a pagan.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Catholics bow/kneel/curtsy/genuflect TO THE IMAGES on the ALTAR.

Catholics all over the world are instructed to do that.

Not supposed to do that!
Kneel /genuflect to the tabernacle where the consecrated host is. "This is My Body" and all. We kneel to Him. It is His Church, and we kneel to Him.

We bow to the altar itself. Not to "the images".


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
"Mary is Mother of God",
God is the Trinity,
Mary is Mother of the Trinity

Yeah, I see what you mean. Very straightforward.
So . . . she's not the Lord's mother? Or the Lord's not God? I don't get your point.

God's Truth

New member
Kneel /genuflect to the tabernacle where the consecrated host is. "This is My Body" and all. We kneel to Him. It is His Church, and we kneel to Him.

We bow to the altar itself. Not to "the images".

You don't know what the Catholic church teaches, for the Catholics bow to images.

In both East and West the reverence we pay to images has crystallized into formal ritual. In the Latin Rite the priest is commanded to bow to the cross in the sacristy before he leaves it to say Mass (“Ritus servandus” in the Missal, II, 1); he bows again profoundly “to the altar or the image of the crucifix placed upon it” when he begins Mass (ibid., II, 2); he begins incensing the altar by incensing the crucifix on it (IV, 4), and bows to it every time he passes it (ibid.); he also incenses any relics or images of saints that may be on the altar (ibid.). In the same way many such commands throughout our rubrics show that always a reverence is to be paid to the cross or images of saints whenever we approach them.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
You don't know what the Catholic church teaches, for the Catholics bow to images.

In both East and West the reverence we pay to images has crystallized into formal ritual. In the Latin Rite the priest is commanded to bow to the cross in the sacristy before he leaves it to say Mass (“Ritus servandus” in the Missal, II, 1); he bows again profoundly “to the altar or the image of the crucifix placed upon it” when he begins Mass (ibid., II, 2); he begins incensing the altar by incensing the crucifix on it (IV, 4), and bows to it every time he passes it (ibid.); he also incenses any relics or images of saints that may be on the altar (ibid.). In the same way many such commands throughout our rubrics show that always a reverence is to be paid to the cross or images of saints whenever we approach them.
Wait . . . so then we're both right. We do bow to the altar.