AKA sucking on the government's teat, rather than simply allowing businesses to operate.
Unable to work because of the government, forcing them to take such measures where not needed.
Because you say so? Seems like it's harmed businesses more than it's helped.
How about they simply return to work then?
All it takes it to release the lockdowns.
That's what a "benefit system" is, Arty.
That's what socialism is.
The government has no right to give or subsidize food, water, clothing, shelter, energy, healthcare, or education to/for people (excepting for emergency relief from natural disasters and short-term life-or-death crises).
Heck, it's almost as if you seem to think that countries around the world went into lockdown on a whim or something. They didn't. We've been in a time of international crisis for over a year now. I could care less whatever bunk you may buy into regarding them or masks and whatnot. The fact is they work to an extent. Is there a negative? Of course, several in fact. Businesses suffer, especially smaller ones, it impacts on people's jobs, lives in general. They are not pleasant obviously. So, governments, responsible ones at least are obliged to help out in turbulent times like these.
The alternative would have been just to go on as normal and have the infection rate escalate to a point where the national health service would have been completely unable to cope with admissions. More victims, more deaths. It would have been catastrophic and they were barely able to handle the influx of cases as it was. Doctors and nurses were coming out of retirement in order to help out so don't bother going on about how lockdowns don't work with me, I'm not interested.
Of course it would be better for businesses to be open than aided with grants. For some, those won't be enough and lots of jobs will have been lost. None of this situation is good.
I'm well aware of what you consider a benefit system to be and I could care less about that also. Not only does a civilized government have the right to do all as you describe, it also has a moral obligation to do so if it wants to remain civilized. Regardless, that doesn't excuse your ignorance in stating that I would rather have people on benefits than in work so please don't repeat such an asinine claim unless you want to be caught in a lie.