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Link me to the thread...

Yes. I watched video in OP
Post 6 was just the song Hall of Fame playing to pictures of Trump as most of the others are (music playing with Trump stills and quotes)
The one in post 17 is really just bizarre. I like when Trump's aiming a gun at the viewer with an American flag in the background and the Trump tank and Trump is a leather jacket. Weird stuff.
Post 16 video was satire that was one of those moments when I laugh so hard I spit all over my computer screen.
When he cried out "OBAMA!" the first time, I started laughing just because of the voice.
When he cried it out again several seconds later, I lost it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a little fun every now and then.
It's allowed, ya know.






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Cartoon Boy, this thread is about Making America Great Again.
You will be banned from this thread if you take it off topic to your Trump hating mantra.
There are plenty of other threads you can paste your hate in.


New member
He can sling that poo with the best of 'em!
They are not going to out-smack him, by golly!

In contrast to the witness of...

Philippians 3:17 Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an ensample. 3:18 (For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: 3:19 Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.) 3:20 For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: 3:21 Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.

See, this is not about a maga, or what have you - but about YOUR ideal of a maga.

And you believe Trump represents YOUR view of a maga.

As vile as his representation of it is.

And that is your right - as this forum is not yet your "one size fits all" "maga" version of "America," let alone of a forum - this forum still largely remains what a forum is - a place for the asserting of and the exchanging of, and the debating of...ideas

I have friends who are Trump supporters who would disagree with you.

Because Trump supporters are of all sorts.

Some are outright bigots who support him for the bigotry they not only see in him, but that they believe is maga to them, and they and I are ever at odds about - when - we "go there."

Others are just fed up with the way things have been, and the way of the politician, but can not see that is exactly Trump all over again, and worse.

Others I know believe Trump was sent of God but is some sort of a new Christian still figuring out his supposedly new Christianity.

They have long since rationalized Trump's spitting on others.

And so on...

Each believing his or her version not only of a maga, but of the person presently in the Oval office as being the person who will deliver that to them.

An interesting delimna, being that they are not all on the same page.

The same was the case with previous administrations.

The same old, same old...

I know one thing though, Tam...

"Ye have not so learned Christ..." Ephesians 4:20.

At least not as I had come to understand that about you.

We will have to differ on this thing that so obviously differs between us.

Ban away, if you must.

I'll not be the last person in history such have "hated...without a cause" John 15:25.
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Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
In contrast to the witness of...
No contrast to you that slings poo with your opinionated self also.

See, this is not about a maga, or what have you - but about YOUR ideal of a maga.
It is about maga, silly.
You act as though only YOUR 'one size fits all' ideal is what it's all about.

And you believe Trump represents YOUR view of a maga.
I (along with half of America) agree with a lot of his viewpoints in politics.

As vile as his representation of it is.
Not as vile as yours.

And that is your right - as this forum is not yet your "one size fits all" "maga" version of "America," let alone of a forum - this forum still largely remains what a forum is - a place for the asserting of and the exchanging of, and the debating of...ideas
Don't forget the smacking you do every day here, and your graceless behavior towards Trump and all that voted for him as you place them all in your'one size fits all' box you create.

I have friends who are Trump supporters who would disagree with you.
And some that do.

Each believing his or her version not only of a maga,
Well I'll be darn, just like you do!

but of the person presently in the Oval office as being the person who will deliver that to them.
More so than Hillary, yep.

An interesting delimna, being that they are not all on the same page.
There ya go again.
Who here has said that everyone that supports Trump has to be on the exact same page?????
You assert arguments that have not been made.

The same old, same old...
Yes you are.

I know one thing though, Tam...

"Ye have not do learned Christ..." Ephesians 4:20.
I know you are a liar.
And one that misquotes Eph 4:20.

At least not as I had come to understand that about you.
You suck at reading people.

We will have to differ on this thing that so obviously differs between us.
You could be on the right side for a change.

Ban away, if you must.

I'll not be the last person in history such have "hated...without a cause" John 15:25.
As you just have, but are too blinded by your intense hatred to see it.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Great title. Really puts it right out there. Yes, learn to love the Dear Leader, the Fuhrer, Il Duce, Big Brother. Many names, same idea. Worship the leader, follow him, he is your savior, he can do no wrong, you have to love him, and if you don't love him, it's your fault and you have to be fixed.
I do not worship the President of the United States of America, silly willy.
Do you worship who you voted for?


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Come on now, you're disrupting the flow of idol worship.
Do you idol worship the one you voted for?
Or was it just a vote for the one that best supported the policies you wanted over the policies the other candidates supported?