The Berean

Well-known member
you think its a coincidence that every latin country around the US is poor as dirt and full of US industry that gets to take advantage of the cheap/slave labor. also the US has constantly meddled in these governments for more than 100 years and of all these countries they never seem to progress out of their under developed status.

are there any unions left in the US? i know the government declared a crusade against them back in the 80s. i remember meeting a union iron worker back in the mid 90s, i was running a credit ap for him and was blown away when i saw he made 26 dollars an hour, non union iron works were lucky to get 14. i think the voice of the people has been all but removed from our country.

That is not true for all Latin American companies. Contrary to popular belief Mexico is NOT a poor country. Mexico has one of the largest economies in the world. Mexico has the 6th largest electronics industry in the world. Mexican construction company, Cemex, is the largest construction company in the world. Mexico also has a well established composites manufacturing center near Tijuana. An aircraft company that I have interviewed with in Vacaville, CA built a composites factory in Tijuana last year to build their air frames.


New member
What you're feeling is your visceral response to propaganda, which is exactly what those videos are calculated to elicit in you.

Propagandists know that adding stirring music to the message arouses the primal part of your brain, which can overwhelm the part of your brain that controls your decision-making. They also know that causing the targeted viewer/listener to feel part of a larger group makes them feel like they are caught up in something greater than themselves. These are powerful emotions being triggered - and they're meant to be.

It's a calculated manipulation of you. If being manipulated by your in-group doesn't bother you, if you welcome it, because it feels good? That's your call. But I hope that you'll recognize that you're being manipulated. These videos are classic propaganda. They make you feel like you're part of something great, something powerful, and they generate pleasure in you as you feel at one with the group. Propagandists know the power of the group, know that when you see others saying what you say then you believe they feel like you do, which reinforces your feelings. The downside is that to maintain that positive group feeling, there's a pressure to conform to the group - you have to ignore things that might cause you to fall out of step with the message.

Yep, just like all those videos on YouTube put together by one fool fanatic follower or another of a Benny Hinn and his rabble.

Some of those fanatics are also just as good at moving the emotions of their kind, in homage to the particular false idol who has taken their own fool imagination captive.

But anyway - Look at the crowds! Look at the crowds!

Apparently elsewhere :chuckle:


like marbles on glass
Yep, just like all those videos on YouTube put together by one fool fanatic follower or another of a Benny Hinn and his rabble.

Some of those fanatics are also just as good at moving the emotions of their kind, in homage to the particular false idol who has taken their own fool imagination captive.

I remember watching a video that was meant to change opinion. While I happened to agree with the overall point and didn't need convincing, I was turned off by the music obviously chosen to elicit anger and pathos at various points. I felt manipulated. Maybe it was poorly done and that's why I noticed, I don't know. :chuckle: I'm not an expert at that kind of thing.

But anyway - Look at the crowds! Look at the crowds!

Apparently elsewhere :chuckle:


No worries. Sarah Sanders will be on later today to tell us what we we did wrong by noticing.

patrick jane

Yep, just like all those videos on YouTube put together by one fool fanatic follower or another of a Benny Hinn and his rabble.

Some of those fanatics are also just as good at moving the emotions of their kind, in homage to the particular false idol who has taken their own fool imagination captive.

But anyway - Look at the crowds! Look at the crowds!

Apparently elsewhere :chuckle:
Maybe people were too busy counting their money in their 401K's and making plans for early retirement. :idunno:

Besides that, D.C. is like 90% democrat and the whole town hates Trump. If it was held in OH, MI, PA, FL, WI, or practically anywhere else in America, it would be standing room only.

I bet millions show up for Mayor Marion Barry the crackhead criminal's new statue that costs how much? I suppose Trump could have filled the seats by flying people in and paying them like dems do.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Aired earlier today.

Starting at 1:50
Mike Flynn pleads guilty. Is it bad news for Trump?

Starting at 9:55
Kate Steinle's killer not guilty of murder. Should have been charged with man-slaughter instead of murder?

Starting at 23:21
Tax Bill has a good chance of passing today. Why it should pass.



New member
I remember watching a video that was meant to change opinion. While I happened to agree with the overall point and didn't need convincing, I was turned off by the music obviously chosen to elicit anger and pathos at various points. I felt manipulated. Maybe it was poorly done and that's why I noticed, I don't know. :chuckle: I'm not an expert at that kind of thing.


No worries. Sarah Sanders will be on later today to tell us what we we did wrong by noticing.

Yep, plenty of those kinds of videos also -sound just on their assertions alone but that some fool's nevertheless obvious fanaticism can not but have to attempt to over paint the picture of, and by that actually end up casting their sound assertions in a poor light.

Would that such were the case with those two hucksters obviously long "past feeling" any sense of right and wrong: Trump and his Archie Bunker's daughter of a woman, had Archie alone raised her: That absolute fraud of a so called "Christian" - Sarah Huckabee.

Ephesians 4:18 Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart: 4:19 Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness.

Rom. 5:6-8.


I am someone who believes Trump is well-connected to the Russian Mafia. I do not believe Trump or the Russian Mafia is well-connected to the Republican party.

The Barbarian

I am someone who believes Trump is well-connected to the Russian Mafia. I do not believe Trump or the Russian Mafia is well-connected to the Republican party.

Flynn is about to have something to say on that, if he hasn't already. He got a fairly light charge for him to plead guilty to, and that means he offered something significant to the investigators.

Trump's lawyers are already issuing announcements, telling us why it's not a disaster for him.

The Barbarian

Retired Lt. Gen Michael Flynn has promised “full cooperation” in the special counsel’s Russia investigation and, according to a confidant, is prepared to testify that Donald Trump directed him to make contact with the Russians, initially as a way to work together to fight ISIS in Syria.

What's the problem? He lied about it to Pence, which he would have had no reason to do, if it wasn't something criminal.

patrick jane

ABC News issues retraction for claiming "Candidate" Trump told Flynn to talk to the Russians. They couldn't help themselves, because. Ratings.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
ABC News issues retraction for claiming "Candidate" Trump told Flynn to talk to the Russians. They couldn't help themselves, because. Ratings.
I may be behind.
Have they said anything other than speculation, cause I haven't seen anything yet that has confirmed anything illegal against Trump?

patrick jane

I may be behind.
Have they said anything other than speculation, cause I haven't seen anything yet that has confirmed anything illegal against Trump?
I've been watching FOX and there's certainly nothing on Trump yet. So far, the worst I've heard is "somebody" told Flynn to talk to the Russians or knew about it, maybe a "senior official" so says the Fake News. It's really nothing new or anything that wasn't already speculated. I think they were hoping for so much more.