ECT MADs Are Weird...


New member
Ephraim's descendants were NOT Jews !!!!!

Ephraim went to war against the Jews !!!!

Why is this so hard for you Darby Followers to understand?

Its interesting. I recently witnessed a discussion between a Palestinian Muslim and a second generation American Jew along the line of this very issue.

The Palestinian says to the Jew "you know, you are not true Israelite. You are of the European Jew. They lost their birthright long ago. I am Palestinian and know this, why do you not know this?"

This was in a barber shop I at times hang out at, as I have all sorts of friends.

Anyway, some young guy turns around in his chair and says something in Arabic.

Turns out he is, as he puts it, a third generation Israelite...some of his family having returned to Israel from Europe after WWII.

So he then says something in Hebrew to the American Jew.

Who replies that he understands very little Hebrew.

So the young man says, in a beautiful Israeli accent, "you are Israelite. We are one stick."

The American Jew responds in his typical Jewish humour "mind if I borrow that stick a minute..."

We all cracked up.

I turn to the Palestinian and say 'look at em; they're world's apart, and yet they are not. And look at their mannerisms - its like watching twins. Let me see that Bible you have in the shop...'

The young man then said something in Hebrew and then in Arabic.

I go 'hunh?'

At which point the Palestinian and the American Jew both say to me at the same time - he just quoted those same words.

Well, you know the rest; deny it though you will...

In your books based ignorance...


Its interesting. I recently witnessed a discussion between a Palestinian Muslim and a second generation American Jew along the line of this very issue.

The Palestinian says to the Jew "you know, you are not true Israelite. You are of the European Jew. They lost their birthright long ago. I am Palestinian and know this, why do you not know this?"

This was in a barber shop I at times hang out at, as I have all sorts of friends.

Anyway, some young guy turns around in his chair and says something in Arabic.

Turns out he is, as he puts it, a third generation Israelite...some of his family having returned to Israel from Europe after WWII.

So he then says something in Hebrew to the American Jew.

Who replies that he understands very little Hebrew.

So the young man says, in a beautiful Israeli accent, "you are Israelite. We are one stick."

The American Jew responds in his typical Jewish humour "mind if I borrow that stick a minute..."

We all cracked up.

I turn to the Palestinian and say 'look at em; they're world's apart, and yet they are not. And look at their mannerisms - its like watching twins. Let me see that Bible you have in the shop...'

The young man then said something in Hebrew and then in Arabic.

I go 'hunh?'

At which point the Palestinian and the American Jew both say to me at the same time - he just quoted those same words.

Well, you know the rest; deny it though you will...

In your books based ignorance...

Your little story doesn't help you.

Christ rejecting Jews today still wait for their Messiah. They (like Darby Followers) claim the two sticks have not been joined together yet, and that the two houses have not been joined together. They (like Darby Followers) deny the NC.

Your friends at the barber shop are also very confused. The only person to ever lose their birthright was Esau. Joseph had the birthright, and Judah the sceptre. The Jews never had the birthright, and because they had the sceptre, they were the kings (except for King Saul, who was a Benjaminite)

That's why Jesus came from the line of Judah.

So, the barber shop guys don't help you with Gen 48:19.

You have no explanation for Gen 48:19 because Darby ignored it.


New member
Your little story doesn't help you.

Christ rejecting Jews today still wait for their Messiah. They (like Darby Followers) claim the two sticks have not been joined together yet, and that the two houses have not been joined together.

Your friends at the barber shop are also very confused. The only person to ever lose their birthright was Esau. Joseph had the birthright, and Judah the sceptre. The Jews never had the birthright, because they had the sceptre, they were the kings.

That's why Jesus came from the line of Judah.

So, the barber shop guys don't help you with Gen 48:19.

You have no explanation for Gen 48:19 because Darby ignored it.

Make of it what you have. The story itself matterred not. It happened, this thread brought it to mind, and as with other accounts that other moments have brought to mind in the past on here, I recounted it.

Fact is I was not attempting to convince you of anything, as I am well aware you are simply not there. That your self-delusion is fully in place.

Thus, when I answer a question of yours I do so when I do because you asked; nothing more.

Even right now, I am merely exposing you to others; not to you.

You are gone.

You just don't get that. You are that full of self-loathing.

The best to you in that; you really need it.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Make of it what you have. The story itself matterred not. It happened, this thread brought it to mind, and as with other accounts that other moments have brought to mind in the past on here, I recounted it.

Fact is I was not attempting to convince you of anything, as I am well aware you are simply not there. That your self-delusion is fully in place.

Thus, when I answer a question of yours I do so when I do because you asked; nothing more.

Even right now, I am merely exposing you to others; not to you.

You are gone.

You just don't get that. You are that full of self-loathing.

The best to you in that; you really need it.

He's a lying, bitter, condescending, hypocrite, and wimp, so obsessed with dispensationalism, and those meanie MADists, who hurt his feelings a few years ago, that he will employ any tactic, to "prove" that dispensationalism is part of "The Evil Empire." This obsession, in which the punk spends hour, after hour, on TOL, and listening to the "UnBiblical UnAnswer Man" radio broadcast, with Hankie Hanegraaf, every day, has resulted in this habitual lying, explaining why he was expelled from his "man made" church, and why he is unemployed. With his unemployment, and no church affiliation, and failure in life, he attempts to give meaning to his sad, miserable life, via TOL, as his outlet.

Pathetic clown is Tellalie Craigie.

No charge, Craigie, for the above.

And get out of your "house," and get a job.


New member
He's a lying, bitter, condescending, hypocrite, and wimp, so obsessed with dispensationalism, and those meanie MADists, who hurt his feelings a few years ago, that he will employ any tactic, to "prove" that dispensationalism is part of "The Evil Empire." This obsession, in which the punk spends hour, after hour, on TOL, and listening to the "UnBiblical UnAnswer Man" radio broadcast, with Hankie Hanegraaf, every day, has resulted in this habitual lying, explaining why he was expelled from his "man made" church, and why he is unemployed. With his unemployment, and no church affiliation, and failure in life, he attempts to give meaning to his sad, miserable life, via TOL, as his outlet.

Pathetic clown is Tellalie Craigie.

No charge, Craigie, for the above.

And get out of your "house," and get a job.

He is pretty bad off - where the context of that conversation between those three men was able to define for them what the Palestinian had meant when he used the word "birthright" that went right past Tet, given his agenda.

Never ceases to amaze what he and his take to be a reference to despite the obvious.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame

Ezekiel tells us the two sticks (Jews & Israelites) were separate.

Jeremiah tells us the two houses (Judah & Israel) are separate until the NC is made.

Nobody on our side denies this. We emphasize it. They will be resurrected, born of the Spirit, and will be joined together and never again apart. They will have his law on their hearts and they will do his statutes.

According to your own testimony, Israel is full of homos.


New member
Nobody on our side denies this. We emphasize it. They will be resurrected, born of the Spirit, and will be joined together and never again apart. They will have his law on their hearts and they will do his statutes.

According to your own testimony, Israel is full of homos.

Yep, the Lord was ready but Israel rejected it. You'd a self-styled expert on Acts and Hebrews such as Tet believes he is, would know this.


what the Palestinian had meant when he used the word "birthright" that went right past Tet, given his agenda.

What the Christ rejecting Palestinian said to the Christ rejecting Jew went right over your head. It was a false statement.

Esau was the only person in the Bible who lost their birthright.

The Jews never lost their birthright, because they never had the birthright.

You're just as confused as the Christ rejecting Palestinian and Christ rejecting Jew.


Nobody on our side denies this. We emphasize it. They will be resurrected

That's my point. You guys deny that the two sticks have already been joined together.

You deny that the new covenant was made.
According to your own testimony, Israel is full of homos.

The people who call themselves Jews who live in the nation of Israel today have nothing to do with the Bible.

The old covenant, law of Moses, Jews, Judaism, the temple, etc all came to an end in 70AD.


Yep, the Lord was ready but Israel rejected it.

Once again, your ignorance is on display.

It was the Jews who rejected their Messiah, not a new covenant.

You'd a self-styled expert on Acts and Hebrews such as Tet believes he is, would know this.

The new covenant was made at the cross with the shed blood of Christ Jesus.

Only a follower of John Nelson Darby with an agenda would deny the new covenant like you do.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame

Only a follower of John Nelson Darby with an agenda would deny the new covenant like you do.

Wimpy Craigie Tellalie, once again wimps out.

I deny that the new covenant is enacted today.

Since I do, do I, as you state below, " then you deny what Jesus accomplished on the cross…," 'slap Christ," and thus I am not saved?

Can one deny the New Covenant, thus "slapping Christ," and thus, according to you, "deny what Jesus accomplished on the cross…," and still be saved?

Well, Wimpy? 2 years, and counting, and not a peep from you? No spine, eh, sweetie?

Oh, yes....Tellalie asserts that we are saved, even if we "deny the New Covenant is in place right now, then you deny what Jesus accomplished on the cross."

I've never said Dispensationalists aren't saved. In fact, I've made it clear that I think all Dispensationalists are brothers and sisters in Christ.Can't say the Dispies say the same about me. According to Dispies, I'm a demon, spawn of satan, child of the devil, a serpent, a wicked liar, etc.”-Craigie/Corky Tet. The Clown

“They are deniers of the new covenant….. Dispensationalists deny the New Covenant.Dispensationalists claim Jesus is going to oversee animal sacrifices. Dispensationalists claim God still has a plan with certain fleshly people. These beliefs are a slap in the face to what Christ Jesus accomplished on the cross.You can't deny the New Covenant, and at the same time claim to adhere to Paul's gospel.Denying the New Covenant & Adhering to Paul's Gospel are mutually exclusive…. Denying the new covenant is a MAJOR point in my career.A denial of the New Covenant is a slap in the face to what Christ Jesus accomplished on the cross… If you deny the New Covenant is in place right now, then you deny what Jesus accomplished on the cross… The New Covenant was implemented with the shed blood of Christ Jesus.If you deny the NC, then you deny what Christ Jesus accomplished on the cross..”- Craigie/Corky Tet. The Clown

__________________________________________________ __________

Tellalie, on record, asserts that one can deny what Christ Jesus accomplished on the cross, but they can still be saved, in that state of denial.

On record.

You are not a member of the boc; you are a child of the devil.


I deny that the new covenant is enacted today.

We already know that Little Johnny W.

There's no need to keep repeating it.

Although, your fellow MADists Danoh slipped up today. He got caught admitting the two sticks were joined together, and claimed Paul verified it.

He's been backpedaling ever since.


New member
What the Christ rejecting Palestinian said to the Christ rejecting Jew went right over your head. It was a false statement.

Esau was the only person in the Bible who lost their birthright.

The Jews never lost their birthright, because they never had the birthright.

You're just as confused as the Christ rejecting Palestinian and Christ rejecting Jew.

Context of their conversation...

Are you really that dense?

Seriously - do you take someone saying "you can't fight city hall" to mean they were talking about city hall proper?

Seriously, you can not be that obtuse; not you - you're book learned.


New member
We already know that Little Johnny W.

There's no need to keep repeating it.

Although, your fellow MADists Danoh slipped up today. He got caught admitting the two sticks were joined together, and claimed Paul verified it.

He's been backpedaling ever since.

Not at all. Peter offers it in Acts 3 again. By Acts 7 Israel's/the Jew's rejection of it is in full swing.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
We already know that Little Johnny W.

There's no need to keep repeating it.

Although, your fellow MADists Danoh slipped up today. He got caught admitting the two sticks were joined together, and claimed Paul verified it.

He's been backpedaling ever since.

We all know that you are a sodomite, emailing me, and admitting it, you unemployed punk.There's no need to keep repeating "Little Johnny W" with your sodomy charge,for, as Nick, and others point out, you are also obsessed with homos,as you are one.

I'm a stock trader, effeminate one, unlike you, an unemployed loser, and admitted sodomite.

Answer the question, you wimp.

I deny that the new covenant is enacted today.

Since I do, do I, as you state below, " then you deny what Jesus accomplished on the cross…," 'slap Christ," and thus I am not saved?

Can one deny the New Covenant, thus "slapping Christ," and thus, according to you, "deny what Jesus accomplished on the cross…," and still be saved?

Well, Wimpy? 2 years, and counting, and not a peep from you? No spine, eh, sweetie?

No wonder your wife is divorcing you, you are unemployed, and were booted from your "man made" church, jelly fish.


Look around O books learned one.

No, I mean leave the house and look around.

Like I said, if you understood Gen 48:19, you wouldn't be so confused about Romans 11, and claim Israel had a prophetic clock that stopped.

(Gen 48:19 YLT) And his father refuseth, and saith, `I have known, my son, I have known; he also becometh a people, and he also is great, and yet, his young brother is greater than he, and his seed is the fulness of the nations;'

(Rom 11:25 YLT) For I do not wish you to be ignorant, brethren, of this secret -- that ye may not be wise in your own conceits -- that hardness in part to Israel hath happened till the fulness of the nations may come in;