Are the red words important?
They were to me.
Are the red words important?
Past tense?They were to me.
Past tense?
They were the door into scripture for me.
I like the red letter edition, I have one with and one without. Both of them are KJV
I remember that, at the time, I had tried a couple of times to read the Bible like a novel and would flame out in the "so and so begat so and soes". I didn't see the point in this seemingly endless genealogy until much later. At that point I needed something more immediate and visceral. To cut to the chase so to say. The red letters gave me that. Jesus had a unique way of speaking in that what He said worked on many levels depending upon the level of understanding of the listener. In that respect you can return to His words after years of study and still glean something new.
That's true, I learn something new or see thii in a different light everytime I read it.
What is a person like gorulz about, that they go on like that?
I don't think that you comprehend that all your fancy words obfuscate the truth.
He had 50,000 posts but hasn't been hanging around much the last year or so. All people eventually see through obfuscation and then you need to move on.
Nick M, the Magnificent:
I would like to see Tet's classic dissertation regarding "Who is Israel, who are Jews".
complete lack of acknowledgement that Israel split into two and God divorced 10/12 of all Israelites, and the making all Israelites Jews.
All Jews are Israelites, but not all Israelites are Jews.
The Jews were the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
The House of Israel included every tribe except Judah, Benjamin, and some Levites. (no Jews)
That's not what I am saying.
I am saying that Gentiles become Israel.
It was the fall of Israel in 750BC that made salvation available to the Gentiles.
but apparently the ten tribes could not do the same thing.
Um......they didn't want to become Jews. They hated the Jews. They went to war against the Jews.
Why do you think David had to rule as king from Hebron the first seven years?
Why do you think the nation of Israel split into two nations?
Sometimes you say things that makes me think you have never read the OT. :think:
In the first century, you have twelve tribes of circumcised people who believed in the one true God. And they were all Jews.