You twist scripture to fit your theology. And your beliefs do not mean squat to me.
Good post
You twist scripture to fit your theology. And your beliefs do not mean squat to me.
I prove my beliefs with scriptures. In addition, there are many different beliefs being discussed on this site.
Moron-clueless as to Paul's point there, as Paul always referred to the Corinthians as "saints," you wicked, vile enemy of the cross of Christ.The man in Corinth should be handed over to Satan.
He was a sinner and merely had faith alone.
Moron-clueless as to Paul's point there, as Paul always referred to the Corinthians as "saints," you wicked, vile enemy of the cross of Christ.
Romans 4:5 KJV
But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.
You, grinding your wolf molars, as your wolf face droops, wanting to kill the Abel's of the world...
yup SEE? it's about doing well and being accepted not just faith and belief...ONCE AND THEN SAVED AND ALWAYSGenesis 4 KJV
And the Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering: 5 but unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell. 6 And the Lord said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth? and why is thy countenance fallen? 7 If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him. 8 And Cain talked with Abel his brother: and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him.
You-Like father, like son...The devil's game plan....Eradicate the seed/seeds...
Antisemite, Jew hater....Pappy devil is "proud"(Isaiah 5 KJV..."I will...I will...I will...I will....I will......-pride) of you, high fiving you....
That is slick....real the subtil serpent(Genesis 3:1 KJV).
No, punk, he, like all you other self righteous Cains/rats, of the world, hate that your works are rejected by the LORD God,as his basis for acceptance by Him,a holy, holy, holy LORD God(Isiah 2 KJV,) and you/Cain's, due to your pride, just like your daddy satan had, and fell(survey Isiah 5 KJV), have a face drop, and grind your wolf teeth, as you Cain's want to kill us Abel's, as you think, "Well, I am a dirty rat, but I am not as dirty as my fellow rats, as, I think, look at the better "fruit of the ground an offering unto the Lord" I bring unto God/'god,' I can present, and I am cleaner than my fellow rats, so I must be saved."
the Sabbath day is a commandment of of the 10 which other one are we able to break? And if you do celebrate something else another day perhaps that is idolatry which is breaking another law yes?There is nothing wrong with celebrating a day, it has nothing to do with gaining salvation from God or losing it.
yes it is...Jesus never called Himself a day...much less of His replacing a commandment of His Father's law...and I judge as I will be judged and as one in the Body of CHrist are you?No it is nothing like that.
You are a bitter root who is sinning by not obeying and instead judging others according to a Sabbath, and you refuse to repent of it.
There are no shadows in the Light that came.
yes I said that...No, the blood sacrifices were the works!
"I HAVE GIVEN IT TO YOU" keep your end but it is not remains something HE gives YOU...He atones HE provides you life...YOU obey is all He sees that and is pleased and DOES WHAT ACTUALLY SAVES YOU...Leviticus 17:11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.
Did you read that?
Do you see how you go against what is clearly written?
worthless unto salvation...You just called something God commanded to be worthless, yet you got upset with me when I said observing special days are now worthless.
again He even got sick of them and made them to forget it as they did it but not out of gratitude or loveThe problem with the way you say it and the way I say it is that you don't seem to understand that I said they are worthless since Jesus came and you are saying the blood sacrifices WERE worthless.
tell me could one who did not repent EVERY SIN still present the lamb? The sacrifices were actually for sins do you repent that?You are badly mistaken this time. The sacrifice of animals to atone for the sins of the people were something the people HAD to do to have God.
for lack of unbelief...some of these uncleanliness was lifted at really think you can wash sin away like dirt? SIN IS NOT PHYSICAL can't tie it to the goat or baptize it with is SPIRITUAL in nature not literalAgain, if they people did not do those purification works then they could would be cut off.
That is beyond ignorant. You put down obeying on the one hand and then glorify it on the other. What don't you get about it never ever being a wrong time to obey God?
Not only that, you refuse the truth about the filthy rag scripture, for it is about BLOOD offerings for people to outwardly clean themselves, yet they did not really care about that righteous act, they did it with their heart not into it.
That is why God did not like the offerings that many of the people were giving. He did not like it that the people could be evil, give a sin offering, and have a relationship with God.
Hello, so this is the first time I have ever heard the term "madist" so if someone could please explain to me what this means I would really appreciate that
the Sabbath day is a commandment of of the 10 which other one are we able to break? And if you do celebrate something else another day perhaps that is idolatry which is breaking another law yes?
So yes Sabbath is about salvation as doing His Father's will is exactly that...
yes it is...Jesus never called Himself a day...much less of His replacing a commandment of His Father's law...and I judge as I will be judged and as one in the Body of CHrist are you?
Paul says they remain a shadow...nothing about no shadows or light fact He said nothing of the sort either but instructed Sabbath be prayed for that it be kept in the future time of trouble even...
He modelled Himself His life His Love and commanded we do AS HE don't just read the word DO IT if you LOve Him that is...
Hmmm, well let's see, if I remember correctly: "the law is abolished", (until "the rapture" of the MADists when the great tribulation begins, all hell breaks loose, and the Jews are under the law again for seven more years, lol), "the only relevant gospel for today is the gospel of grace only which is the gospel of Paul", "the Gospel of Jesus, (which Judas the betrayer also preached), was to the Jews", and "Jesus is JHWH", and I think that about sums it up at least from what I have learned from their own words and teachings. Oh yeah, and if you decide to join their club you will need to start calling everyone who disagrees with you a child of the devil. Yeah, I think that is about the sum of it.![]()
Wow. I wondered about that label too. Never heard it before, and as I generally run from people with banners over their heads that are not His, I never stumbled across this one. Peace
I have debated many different religions, denominations, and doctrines, and think that the Madists' doctrine of how we do not have to obey Jesus' words is one of the strangest.
Hmmm, well let's see, if I remember correctly: "the law is abolished", (until "the rapture" of the MADists when the great tribulation begins, all hell breaks loose, and the Jews are under the law again for seven more years, lol), "the only relevant gospel for today is the gospel of grace only which is the gospel of Paul", "the Gospel of Jesus, (which Judas the betrayer also preached), was to the Jews", and "Jesus is JHWH", and I think that about sums it up at least from what I have learned from their own words and teachings. Oh yeah, and if you decide to join their club you will need to start calling everyone who disagrees with you a child of the devil. Yeah, I think that is about the sum of it.![]()
Paul says that special days, including the Sabbath are shadows of Jesus.
Jesus is the Light and observing shadows now is worthless.
Yes obeying 9/10 of the law is not strange at all...
We have more than nine and ten commandments from Jesus to obey.
Don't you know that?
Jesus died for all sins that you repent of.
You really twist and distort Paul don't you? Add to the word...understandable why some are leery about Paul when watching what you do with him...
The scripture says they are a shadow of good things to come, Jesus Christ."Therefore, if all the translators were simply consistent with themselves, they would have translated Colossians 2:16-17 to state:
16 Therefore let NO MAN JUDGE YOU in eating and drinking or in respect of a festival or of an observance of the new moon or of a sabbath; 17 for those things are a shadow of the things to come, BUT THE BODY OF CHRIST."
Again they ARE shadows of good things to come. Yahushua is not a thing. Certainly not a Sabbath day.
What Paul called worthless were pagan days...
certainly not the laws He designed for His people. You make Him to be a bad Father giving His hungry children a stone rather than bread.
And as for your light thingy He is Light it is true but we are not to simply stand and observe light...but it reveals the work He has for us to do by it...
He made I NOT about Himself LORD! LORD! but doing the Will of His Father...His Father wills we keep His commandments not worthless traditions of man or in your case woman...
"There remains for His people a Sabbatismos"...Heb 4:9 a day of rest after six days of work...
We have more than nine and ten commandments from Jesus to obey.
Don't you know that?
You are the one who misunderstands.
um...yes they still ARE...and still pointing of good things to come...PLEASE STOP MAKING JESUS A THING...The scripture says they are a shadow of good things to come, Jesus Christ.
You are fighting against the Truth. they are going back to the law of Moses they never knew? Can't go back to something you never knew...The Galatians were NOT going back to being a pagan.
it is not slandering to say Yah would NOT give a stone to His hungry children...You should examine yourself and figure out why you resort to slander.
Where do you ever get that I say we are supposed to stand and look at the Light?
We are to live INSIDE the Light and ourselves be children of light with light.
Ephesians 5:8 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light
John 12:36
While you have the Light, believe in the Light, so that you may become sons of light." After Jesus had spoken these things, He went away and hid Himself from them.
Romans 13:12
The night is nearly over; the day has drawn near. So let us lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.
1 Thessalonians 5:5 You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness.
That scripture is Paul speaking about the old testament prophecies and how it has come to be when Jesus came.