The Sabbath was a sign and was about Jesus.
still is a miss a lot with the wrong grammatical tense here...the Sabbath still IS...and still is about His Son...both are forever as He said...and Isaiah affirmed and Paul did too...but it also is about creation and our bein rescued from Egypt a type for is also about the rest in paradise to really miss much minimizing as you do...
I understand what you are saying. Remember too that Jesus says the Father and he always was working.
sure...doing good works healing saving leading teaching all good works and refreshing rescuing us from the curse of sin...literally the physical strain of six days of work and spiritually time to reflect and pray and study...ALL DAY...not power hour Sunday before football and other chores...
When He said His Father still works the Jews wished to kill Him for equating Himself with the Father not for claiming even the Father worked on the Sabbath...notice that?
Notice too that most of the healing could have waited to be done the next day...they were not emergencies...but He healed on SABBATH to PROVOKE THE PHARISEES...He intended to redefine what HE LORD OF THE SABBATH defined the Sabbath to be...
When I say observe Jesus it means do what he says to do.
yup and do what He did...
Of all the commandments the Sabbath was the only one He asked prayers for that it would be kept even in times of trouble...even kept into the future NEW COVENANT AGE...itself signed and sealed by His blood and death
Jesus did not shed his blood on the cross yet for the New Covenant.
is EXACTLY how He signed it and SEALED it with His death...ask Paul how contracts and covenants are done...
And immediately upon His death His followers hurried to keep the SABBATH and bury Him so that HE TOO rested asleep in the tomb only to rise rested healed and refreshed ready for the other OT festival still applicable in the NEW COVENANT that of first fruits...He kept the Sabbath and His followers AFTER the Sabbath came to finish the burial...they too kept the Sabbath NOT ONE PEEP ABOUT CHANGE OR MAKING VOID OR ANULLING OR DESTROYING
Sabbath kept before and after the temple even...imagine that...long before...long after...established before SIN ever entered...celebrated the first FULL DAY of the the first covenant EDENIC with ALL MAN...and then again in the first full day of the NEW COVENANT AGE FOR ALL MAN
Jesus told his disciples that the Pharisees and teachers of the law sat in Moses’ seat.
The earthly temple was still standing and the Jews had to obey it or the Pharisees would have them arrested.
Jews were were believing Jews...the temple was to hold the Law...the Law was not for it...stop distorting things...and yes James knew the Gentiles would keep crowding the synagogues to hear more of the good news about one defeating death and would have to hear about MOSES to even understand what and well kosher laws were also expected but not because of the temple...but because it was expected of the Gentiles with Israel long before the temple was ever built...out there in the church in the wilderness...imagine that, worship the TRUE ETERNAL LAW GOD without the temple...CAN YOU?
You are the one lying about Paul who clearly says observing days are worthless.
observing the PAGAN days...those are worthless you know like Easter and CHRISTMAS
Jesus Christ came and since then, observing special days are worthless. It is a weak and meagerly way when you have Jesus.
Who gave you an example to do as He did and instructed you did the Will of His think LORD! LORD! will save you? And then reject to disobedience His Law? Even Paul instructs specifically to celebrate the festival with the new unleavened bread of Spirit and Truth...if he be weak then I will copy him as he copied Christ...
You are offended by the Bible saying special days were a shadow, of Jesus Christ.
if the bible said that then I would be wrong to be offended...but the bible no where says says Paul says Sabbaths ARE not WERE notice again the grammatical tense...ARE a shadow of good things to Savior is not a thing...and there are more good things to come...
Let no one judge you...but the body of Christ... Is a better translation as to what Paul says here...
Again, it makes no difference when it comes to salvation.
again please pray tell which other commandment may we NOT keep? Which one will the Spirit lead us around or avoid?
It is a signifier of HIS PEOPLE all others are well not...WWJD? Keep Sabbath as was what His Father willed...and does
Those scriptures say it was a shadow and that it does not matter.
you would cut your own head off using the sword like that...
You are thinking worldly and I am speaking of what is Spiritual.
His Will on earth as it is in Heaven is exactly not's Sunday traditions are exactly that...not of GOD...the Church her tradition boasts of her having changed it to assert and supplant the very WORD OF GOD with claims she has the authority to do so...after and outside the bible...but here you come all do what Jesus would do and expect to insert it, ADD to the WORD ITSELF, what on its own is not there...
You are against Word and the Church that claims to have given it to you...
He will not flood the whole world, but floods still happen in many places. He is going to destroy the world with fire.
right...a those that believe...others do not have that are lucky the church didn't change the meaning of the rainbow either...
Jesus is the sign for eternal life.
NO NO NO...He IS eternal idolaters are so blind confusing and conflating types symbols signs and that which is real
The Sabbath day was a shadow of what was coming. Jesus Christ came and we do not stay in shadows we are in the light.
His light reveals you are not wearing His yoke...doing His work His way...not on His path not living nor loving as He did...He included Sabbath...His yoke includes that six day rest and so much more...
Slaves of Him don't you wish to signify your Master, declare you are His and not of this world it's traditions nor its master...take His gift given before the fall...such grace amplified by our need of it...
You are warned in the Bible about judging others according to a Sabbath.
How is it that you admit we have to obey and you just did something you are told not to do?
The Bible says you are a bitter root who defiles many.
Let no man judge you...but the body of Christ...
Judge not lest ye be judged...
Know ye not we will judge Angels...their judgements?
And by what standard?
The Law of Yah His immutable Law His people delight in...and meditate upon all day...each written in our hearts and minds...His Law...not the Son's