Yes there was the physical kingdom (Israel), and the mystery of the kingdom of God (heaven) that Jesus spoke about in parables.
And which one of those kingdoms was the one some of the elect were cast out of?
Tambora, I'm not a Calvinist, so I don't believe in unconditional election.
I'm not a Calvinist either.
But I do believe in unconditional election.
It happened with Jacob/Israel.
He was chosen/elected unconditionally, without doing anything to merit being chosen/elected.
Romans 9:11 KJV
(11) (For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth; )
There are other examples I could use against it, but the one you're using is a little weak.
Sure, there are more examples.
The one I used may not be the strongest in your opinion, but it still shows that they were cast of the
same kingdom they were once in. You can't be kicked out of a kingdom you were never in.
Jesus explained that there would be people coming from all angles to take there place with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of God.
Sure does.
Those folks were not in kingdom, but then were.
Contrasting those that were in and then out.
And the ones in were always in danger of being out. And those out could come in, with the same danger of being out again.
It is contrary to the elect always remaining elect.
The subjects of the kingdom are Jews who are literal citizens of the physical nation of Israel through whom all the promises about messiah's kingdom were made.
They were in the elect kingdom, but some were cast out of that
same elect kingdom they were in.
The ones who ought to be inheriting the kingdom of God, because they belong to the nation that Jesus came through, didn't inherit it because faith is the key, and they didn't believe.
And just how does any of that change the fact that those cast out of the kingdom were once in that
same kingdom that they were cast out of?
Where they in the spiritual kingdom, and then cast out of that spiritual kingdom?
Or were they in the physical kingdom, and then cast out of that physical kingdom?
No matter which one you chose, they had to first be in that kingdom before they could be cast out of that kingdom.
So, which kingdom is it speaking of them being in and then out of? The spiritual kingdom or the physical?
Frankly, for all intent and purpose, it doesn't matter which you want it to be.
The fact still remains that they were cast out of the
same kingdom they were once in. Because you cannot be cast out of a kingdom you are not already in.
So, if you chose for it to be the spiritual kingdom of God, then you still have the problem of them being once in that spiritual kingdom and then being out of that
same spiritual kingdom.