ECT MADist thought for the day

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Let's get it out. Let's see if you are a cleaner rat than me. You love that. You relish that.

I've already told you that I am a greater sinner than you will ever be.

My problem with you is how you act on TOL. You're 56 years old, yet you act like your 14.

Learn how to use the quote tags, quit copying other people's work, quit lying when you get caught, and quit repeating the same stuff over and over and over again.

One In Christ

New member
Repent means to change your mind, and baptism is this:

1 Peter 3:21 21 There is also an antitype which now saves us—baptism (not the removal of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God), through the resurrection of Jesus Christ

We are baptized into one body the moment we have changed our mind about sin by receiving His offer of salvation - we die to self and are raised with Him - born again - a new creation in Him.

1st Corinthians 12:13 For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free—and have all been made to drink into one Spirit.

Where does MAD disagree with anything i said there?

it doesn't.

:thumb: hey thanks for agreeing andy.


New member
Where does MAD disagree with anything i said there?

Repent means to change your mind..............We are baptized into one body the moment we have changed our mind about sin by receiving His offer of salvation - we die to self and are raised with Him - born again - a new creation in Him.

The way you worded this, you believe that repentance is necessary, Madists only believe that repentance is what a person ought to do post salvation. If you are out to please the madists you'll have to reword what you said.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
The Hebrew word for repent denotes regret and remorse.

Persons who practice and continue in sin without any regret or remorse, are not indwelt with the Holy Spirit of God, for conviction of sins is His commission on this earth. John 16:8-11

1.Translated: Judas was saved.

2.who practice and continue in sin

=subjectivity-Muslims can do that.

How much "practicing sin" disqualifies us? How much "continuing" in sin disqualifies one?

=out with the dbr


New member
it doesn't.

Well...Peter taught that one had to repent and be baptized for the remission of sins, and then he would receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. So in that sense, it was a kingdom requirement. We are baptized by the Spirit into Christ when we believe that Jesus died for our sins and rose to life. The gospel message to us doesn't include a REQUIREMENT to repent. However, repentance certainly has a place in Body doctrine. What a sad fool who wouldn't respond to the gift he's received by repenting of sin.

Madists think that God accepts unrepentant fools in heaven.


New member
Hall of Fame
The way you worded this, you believe that repentance is necessary, Madists only believe that repentance is what a person ought to do post salvation. If you are out to please the madists you'll have to reword what you said.

No one can get saved if they do not believe they need Christ. We must change our mind about needing Him in order to get saved to begin with.

There is nothing I've said that disagrees with the MAD view, i think you are just being contentious.


New member
Hall of Fame
You REALLY don't want to know . . .

I know that I don't agree with your view of salvation for sure, since you believe God creates people to torture them deliberately.

I believe God really is merciful and offers everyone equally the chance for salvation.

You certainly do not believe we change our mind about anything, since you believe we cant come to Him anyway.


New member
No one can get saved if they do not believe they need Christ. We must change our mind about needing Him in order to get saved to begin with.

This change of mind you understand as repentance, and I agree with you. However, chickenman said that it was not a requirement.
So you would have to say that madists do not really know what repentance is.

There is nothing I've said that disagrees with the MAD view, i think you are just being contentious.

If repentance is a requirement for salvation, lets be clear about this. Its quite serious, yes?


TOL Subscriber
1.Translated: Judas was saved.

2.who practice and continue in sin

=subjectivity-Muslims can do that.

How much "practicing sin" disqualifies us? How much "continuing" in sin disqualifies one?

=out with the dbr

You have it in your head that repentance is wicked. That repentance defies grace.

But repentance is a product and evidence of God's grace.

The remorse shown by unbelievers is earthly and therefore selfish in its motives. BAD UNCHANGED HEARTS.

Remorse (repentance) granted by God to believers motivates souls to serve righteousness and bring glory to the name of Jesus Christ. JUSTIFIED CHANGED HEARTS.

Only God knows our hearts and judges whether our actions are self-serving or if they are done in the Spirit through faith and thanksgiving for His name's sake.

He surely sees through hypocrites who claim His name but continue to live and practice unrepentant sins. They may claim they are living a life of grace and freedom from the Law, but they only deceive themselves, for they cannot fool God.

God is not mocked. God gave the following command to the early elect church:

"Because it is written, 'Be holy for I am holy.'"
I Peter 1:16; Leviticus 11:44, 45, 19:2, 20:7

(MADists wrongly deny Peter's teachings apply to N.T. believers; thus they will claim the Body of Christ should not pay this scripture any heed. In innumerable ways like this, they take away from the Word of God and advocate lawlessness!)



New member
Yes its quite easy to assume this if you are completely blind to the rest of Chickenman's post. Read the whole thing you idiot.

The conclusion was that God will accept unrepentant fools in heaven.
No need to get upset with me about it. You need to get into the word and study, not defend stupidity.

Luke 13:3 ....unless you repent you will all likewise perish.

One In Christ

New member
This change of mind you understand as repentance, and I agree with you. However, chickenman said that it was not a requirement.
So you would have to say that madists do not really know what repentance is.

If repentance is a requirement for salvation, lets be clear about this. Its quite serious, yes?

It is a literal impossibility for someone to come to Christ without repentance.

But it is not a requirement for salvation

Think that through..

If you want to make it a requirement, you need to give us a measurable value as to how much we are supposed to do it, in order to be saved. You won't and you can't.

One In Christ

New member
The conclusion was that God will accept unrepentant fools in heaven.
No need to get upset with me about it. You need to get into the word and study, not defend stupidity.

Luke 13:3 ....unless you repent you will all likewise perish.

Repentance always exists in the saved. :doh:
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