All true.
Even you couldn't have asked God for forgiveness if you didn't know you were a sinner. What would you be desiring to be forgiven of?
“How can you submit to the righteousness of God without repenting?If I do not change my sinful ways, I haven't submitted to God's righteousness….Notice that the gentiles Paul preached to, had to turn from sin in order to be forgiven?... When we turn from our self-ruled life and turn to Jesus in faith, we are saved….What these guys are saying is that we are saved through believing only….Knowledge doesn't save you, faith that is initiated by turning from sin does…..Repentance in salvation is an initial turning from sin….If a person repents of their sin, then this is the proof that their faith was genuine…And if we genuinely do believe, we will repent (turn from sin)….. Repentance is simply to turn from sin.. Repent means to change/turn, and we have to turn from darkness, sin…We have to turn from our evil deeds in order to receive salvation.. What will he think of people who refused to repent and turn from sin,…?... So you do believe it is necessary to repent (change/turn from sin)? … then we have repented by turning to him. If we turn to him, we are automatically turning from our self (sin, repenting)…. So you do believe it is necessary to repent (change/turn from sin)? … Repentance means to turn from sin, …,. but you continue to insist that repentance (desire to change) is not a necessary component of salvation…. Do you believe we must repent of making sin our trade, in order to receive salvation?Or do you think we can continue sinning unashamedly?... We are repenting of our sin nature, as well as asking for forgiveness of sins previously committed…."-andyc
On record-rejects that the dbr settled the sin/sins issue-we need to stop sinning, turn from sin, to be justified=out with the cross, resurrection-not needed.
John W: What sin/sins?