Do you notice how that John refuses to explain what he believes repentance from sin actually is?
I keep asking him but he won't respond. Why?
Because he has defeated his own argument for it regarding the kingdom slaves, even though he believes they had to repent.
Now, where he's quoting me out of context is that he's trying to say that I believe that a Christian has to stop committing sin acts in order to be saved. No christian on the planet believes this, and certainly no Christian can achieve it. His favorite quote of me is a misunderstanding, and yet he's too hard hearted to accept it.
When I say that we must repent of our evil deeds, all I mean is that the deeds that we have committed (that we are aware of as being evil), we see them in a different light as a result of our understanding of Christ. That's all.
However, a person may be saved and love God but not actually know that a sin like fornication is a sin. We can only be ashamed of those things which we are convicted of in our heart at the time.
What john is doing is trying to remove all the shame from sin all together. He never wants to feel ashamed of anything, as we can see by his posts.
"When I say that we must repent of our evil deeds, all I mean is that the deeds that we have committed (that we are aware of as being evil), we see them in a different light as a result of our understanding of Christ. That's all."-andycain
Nope-that's not what you said. You said:
Repentance means to turn from sin... We have to turn from our evil deeds in order to receive salvation…Before God justifies us, we have to choose to repent and commit ourselves to him...Notice that the gentiles Paul preached to,
had to turn from sin in order to be forgiven?... When we turn from our self-ruled life and turn to Jesus in faith, we are saved….What these guys are saying is that we are saved through believing only….Knowledge doesn't save you,
faith that is initiated by turning from sin does"-andycain
"Do you notice how that John refuses to explain what he believes repentance from sin actually is?"-andycain
Did you notice that andycain is lying about this-he learned that from his brother, Tet. Poor you-that 2 Cor. 4:4 KJV, 1 Cor. 2:14 problem of yours."
I wrote:
Repent simply means to change your mind. The context, i.e., when, the issue, who addressed ....determines from what you are repenting, which you refuse to accept-the LORD God repented.As stated, as pertaining to salvation/justification in this dispensation, it is changing your mind about your ability to be justified by your works, your commitment, your "faith", your................., by recognizing your guilt, your "coming short"(Romans 3:19, 23 JV), admitting it, and thus being convicted/persuaded of your dire, hopeless condition in affecting your justification, and, instead, that trusting the objective cross work of the Saviour, and His commitment, His faith, not your subjective feelings, your subjective "commitment", your subjective "genuine" faith, not your "cleaning up your act....stop sinning.........." a pre-requisite to justification. That is religion, and the LORD God will reject it, and you, because you have rejected the sacrifice of the Saviour alone's cross work, and resurrection, as your grounds. The LORD God does not convict a lost man in order that they will want to "live for Him", i.e., commitment.........; He convicts them so they change their mind about relying on themselves, and see/recognize their need to beieve on the Son.
Repentance, as pertaining to justification(again, the context, to whom, when.....) is not a change of mind about whether or not to "love sin", or whether or not to "stop committing sin", but a change of mind/attitude about what is the LORD God's solution for the sin issue-
the d,b.r alone.
andyc's, and the like, .....biggest problem that prevents his/their justification is not his depravity; rather, it his/their pride. The lost refuse to accept that they are "guilty" as charged, they "come short"(Romans 3:19, 32 KJV), and hence their continual offering up their "commitment......stop sinning......change your life................" as a basis for acceptance by a holy LORD God, comparing themselves to other rats, thinking, "I must be saved, as I am cleaner than my fellow rats, and turn from my evil deeds better than they do.....,instead of the finished cross work of the LORD Jesus Christ alone as the LORD God's final solution to the sin barrier, which results in separation from that same holy LORD God. They have not been convicted, and thus will not repent, or "change their mind."
The standard of "turning from our evil deeds"-100% compliance...
"the righteousness of God"
Memorize it.
"We are repenting of our sin nature, as well
as asking for forgiveness of sins previously committed…."-andyc
What sins? The dbr took care of all of them-all my sins are in hell, never to be brought up again:
Hebrews 9:28 KJV
So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time
without sin unto salvation.
I will not, and do not, ask for the forgiveness of sins-done. You do-you reject that the dbr settled the sin/sins issue. Hence,...
Repentance means to turn from sin... We have to turn from our evil deeds in order to receive salvation…Before God justifies us, we have to choose to repent and commit ourselves to him...Notice that the gentiles Paul preached to,
had to turn from sin in order to be forgiven?... When we turn from our self-ruled life and turn to Jesus in faith, we are saved….What these guys are saying is that we are saved through believing only….Knowledge doesn't save you,
faith that is initiated by turning from sin does"-andycain
"Before God justifies us, we have to choose to repent and commit ourselves to him…...if he wants to be a christian, he has to commit himself to this change…When we turn from our self-ruled life and turn to Jesus in faith, we are saved…...Knowledge doesn't save you, faith that is initiated by turning from sin does…..Everybody knows that faith involves commitment,"-andycain
The gospel of Christ has NADA to do with your:
-"commitment," "sacrifice," "giving your life to God," "surrender," and all that self righteous jazz. You can't touch the 100% commitment, "giving your life," "surrender" the Lord Jesus Christ exhibited-100% compliance, giving His whole being to God the Father, and surrendering His life, committing into the hands of His Father, His fate after death, believing He would raise Him from the dead.
- figuring out how to “repent”(stop sinning) of every sin you have committed. Have you kept track of all the sins you committed, 24 hours/day, including sleeping, for your entire life? Let’s include those bad thoughts, also. Have you “repented” of your sin nature?
- “repenting”(stop sinning) of every “known” sin. You commit sins you don’t even know about.
“repenting”(stop sinning) of every “unknown” sin. You can’t “repent” of something w/o knowing what it is. You have to figure those out, also, and “good luck” with that.
-“self improvement” program, or “mending the old man.” The gospel of Christ wants to kill you, not improve you.
Contrasts between a forever justified saint, and you.
I like them, Mikey