John, I have already told you before that I will not discuss someone else's posts with you unless you can quote them properly so I can make sure of the context.
"To be justified is to be accepted by God as righteous according to his standard. This is the condition we find ourselves in
when we make Christ Lord in our hearts,"
"A saved person will bare spiritual fruit, not that a person must bare fruit to be saved. Those who claim to be christians but have no christian fruit, are liars…..but they have the ability to walk in the Spirit if they are truly saved….If someone has absolutely no fruit, then they aren't saved. You can't come to Christ and not have a changed heart, that's impossible…..The Holy Spirit is the assurance, and as long as we are in faith, there will always be fruit. If we reject our salvation and turn away from God, then there will be no more fruit, and we will have no more hope of salvation …but there will still be some fruit. If there's absolutely no fruit at all, no love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness or self-control, then a person cannot be saved. It's not that they become unsaved, they never were saved in the first place…..then the fruit must also be there...I'm not saying that the fruits have to be manifested to be saved, but that the saved will manifest the fruits….. If a person is truly saved and born again, there would have to be some peace and joy etc, otherwise they can't have ever really been saved….The fruit is of the Spirit. It's as a result of a brand new nature, in which bearing spiritual fruit comes naturally. It's not a case of how much, it's whether the nature is there at all. If it is, it will bear fruit. The amount of fruit is dependant on how much we walk according to the Spirit. If a person is truly changed, they will rejoice, and joy is a fruit of the Spirit…..But if the fruit wasn't there (particularly joy), you'd have to seriously question whether a person was truly saved, because joy should proceed naturally from a newly born christian…..If their is no fruit proceeding, there was no salvation….If there is no natual responce then there is no nature, no Spirit….I don't judge anyone who claims to be saved, but if there is no fruit of the Holy Spirit, and people are willing to confess as such, then it is highly likely that they were never born again…..What I'm saying is that if there is absolutely no fruit of the spirit within a person who claims to be a Christian, then they cannot have a new nature. I don't say this as a judge who is observing peoples fruit, but as someone who has experienced a change, and who sees a change in people in the bible, and in churches etc. …." -andyc
Lordship salvation, conditional salvation, confusing sanctification/ "walk", with justification. He has faith in himself, in his "walk", as a basis of justification,not the completed work of the Lord Jesus Christ, and His faith.
"but if we deny this faith, then we are denying the work of Christ, making us unrighteous.
You see faith as a one time decision of the mind, when it is actually an attitude of the heart that must be continuously in place."-andycain
"A sinner CANNOT be saved and
continue committing sins wilfully unashamedly, otherwise their desire to be cleansed and free from sin was not genuine."-andyc
"If they are committing grievous sins, and feel no sense of shame in it, t
hen they are not saved. They are only kiding themselves… However, if people commit sins that they know are wrong, but have no shame in it at all, then they can't be saved (1John 3:9)."-andycain
“How can you submit to the righteousness of God without repenting?If I do not change my sinful ways, I haven't submitted to God's righteousness….Notice that the gentiles Paul preached to, had to turn from sin in order to be forgiven?... When we turn from our self-ruled life and turn to Jesus in faith, we are saved….What these guys are saying is that we are saved through believing only….Knowledge doesn't save you, faith that is initiated by turning from sin does…..Repentance in salvation is an initial turning from sin….If a person repents of their sin, then this is the proof that their faith was genuine…And if we genuinely do believe, we will repent (turn from sin)….. Repentance is simply to turn from sin.. Repent means to change/turn, and we have to turn from darkness, sin…We have to turn from our evil deeds in order to receive salvation.. What will he think of people who refused to repent and turn from sin,…?... So you do believe it is necessary to repent (change/turn from sin)? … then we have repented by turning to him. If we turn to him, we are automatically turning from our self (sin, repenting)…. So you do believe it is necessary to repent (change/turn from sin)? … Repentance means to turn from sin, …,. but you continue to insist that repentance (desire to change) is not a necessary component of salvation…. Do you believe we must repent of making sin our trade, in order to receive salvation?Or do you think we can continue sinning unashamedly?... We are repenting of our sin nature, as well as
asking for forgiveness of sins previously committed…."-andyc
“Before God justifies us, we have to choose to repent and commit ourselves to him…You claim that sin is irrelevant to our salvation. You claim that our efforts to follow Jesus do nothing for our salvation…if he wants to be a christian, he has to commit himself to this change'…Notice that the gentiles Paul preached to, had to turn from sin in order to be forgiven?.... When we turn from our self-ruled life and turn to Jesus in faith, we are saved…
What these guys are saying is that we are saved through believing only... Everybody knows that faith involves commitment,… We have to turn from our evil deeds in order to receive salvation… MAD says that you don't have to repent because its not necessary. Repentance means to turn from a self willed life of sin to Christ in order to receive forgivness from sin….. If they are committing grievous sins, and feel no sense of shame in it, then they are not saved. They are only kiding themselves… However, if people commit sins that they know are wrong, but have no shame in it at all, then they can't be saved (1John 3:9)… A sinner CANNOT be saved and continue committing sins wilfully unashamedly, otherwise their desire to be cleansed and free from sin was not genuine..
"Of course we will fail in life and will have to
recommit ourselves." -anycain
There is no "context"-a 5 year old can understand this message.