Yes, every time graceandpeace makes a post, you can't resist replying and attacking her. If she said the sky was blue, you would claim she didn't know what she was talking about. So yes, you are a stalker.
Myself, Godrulz, and Andy can't make a post without John W following us around from thread to thread copying and pasting his same rhetoric over and over again.
He copies and pastes the same thing to my posts no matter what the topic is or what my post says.
John W is 56 years old and acts like he's 14. No matter how hard you try to compare me to him, I don't ack like he does.
But, because he's a MADist, you will defend everything he does.
"Yes, every time graceandpeace makes a post, you can't resist replying and attacking her. If she said the sky was blue, you would claim she didn't know what she was talking about. So yes, you are a stalker."-Tet.
She perverts the gospel of Christ, jellyfish, and the book calls us to mark/expose/identify those who do. You call that "attacking." You made that up, spineless one.
And why are you "attacking" us, actor?:
"No, it's only when you guys pervert the resurection of Christ, and say it wasn't good enough for some poeple, that makes it appear hard to understand. But, like I said,
that is only because you are perverting it....MAD preaches a false gospel."-Tet
"John W is 56 years old and acts like he's 14. No matter how hard you try to compare me to him, I don't ack like he does."-Tet.
You are an actor-here is your "attack," and hypocrisy, and lies..
"How many unbelievers have you won over to Christ by
calling them names?"-Tet..
, I stand by my original statement that calling someone a name who does not agree with how you understand the Bible makes no sense since there is the possibility you could be wrong..."-Craigee Tet.
"In other words, no one ever achieves the 100% objective truth understanding of the Bible.Therefore,
when I encounter a fellow believer who has a different understanding of scripture than I do, I do not rebuke them
by calling them names, telling them they are not saved,
insulting them, or calling them a liar like you do. I simply state what I have been taught, and what I believe is the objective truth of the Bible.You on the other hand, when encountering a believer who believes differently than you, are convinced that you know the 100% objective truth of the Bible, so you call the fellow believer names, and call them a liar."-Tet.
"The only thing you are interested in is
personal attacks against me."-Tet
No attacks, insults, name calling, huh actor?.
"Well, then that means
you are dumber than a mentally challenged saved person. "-Tet. to me
"From my perspective, I see the majority of MADists as believers
“MAD…scrambling like
"because of
the jerk you really are."-Wimpy Craigie Jo Tet.
“Blaise Pascal died in 1662, which was about 200 years before Darby invented dispensationalism. If Pascal would have lived long enough to see the invention of dispensationalism, there is little doubt dispensationalism would have went straight up to number one on his list of things
that make people stupid.My proof: read any post by Johnny W….Nope, the only
"dumbing down of minds" are the people who have been brainwashed by the teachings of Darby, Scofield, Chafter, Bulliinger, Anderson, and Stam."-Wimpy Craigee Jo Tet.
"If Pascal would have lived long enough to see the invention of dispensationalism, there is little doubt dispensationalism would have went straight up to number one on his list of things
that make people stupid. My proof: read any post by Johnny W. "-Craigee
Slick Willy and Slick Nicky....... you can't tell the differnece."-Wimpy Craigee Jo Tet.
"Tell me
Willy, did you know that Ruckman your KJV hero has divorced twice and remarried twice? "-Tet.
"What's the matter Johnny, did that trailer park question upset you?"-Tet.
“Johnny lives in or near Arlington, Texas.
If the following isn't the actual place, it should get you real close:”-Craigee Jo
Arlington Forest Home
Acres Mobile & RV
4800 Kelly Elliot Rd
Arlington, TX 76016
(817) 478-5805
“Are there trailer parks in England?”-Wimpy Craigee Jo Tet.
Con artist.