ECT MADist thought for the day

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john w

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I pm'ed "Dispy" over at the other site.

I copied and pasted a joke once on TOL. I have never copied and pasted anything else.

What you have done over and over again, is not even close to me pasting a joke.

You have been caught red handed AGAIN, and your only solution is to keep lying about it, and attack me.

"I have never...."-Tet.

"I have NEVER copied and pasted anything on TOL without putting it in a text box, changing the color of the font, and giving credit to who wrote it by giving the name or giving a link.

"That's not my argument.

I have never said that dispensationalism was I have never said that dispensationalism was "wrong" because of how old it was. I specifically said that no one taught about Christ coming back twice before Darby did."-Tet.

“I never said it was wrong for how old it is.”-Tet.

"No matter how hard you try, you can't take away the fact that dispensationalism was invented by John Nelson Darby in the mid 1800's...Why are most dispensationalists afraid and/or embarrassed to acknowledge that Darby invented what they believe?"-Deceiver Tet.

"My argument is that if there is not one single trace of something for 1,800+ years by anyone, then it was invented.”-Tet.

"... Deep down you know that your belief system has only been around for not even 50 years, and that it was "developed" by men..."-con artist Partial Preterist Soddy Tet.

"...Your false teachings of men is a false teaching since there is not one trace of it in the first three centuries. None of the early church fathers taught your theory, its only about 50 years old."-con artist Partial Preterist Soddy Tet.


"I never..."-Tet.

"Show me the post where I called someone a "cockroach"

You do know Johnny W makes stuf up then puts my name at the end of it? "-Tet.


"It looks like the Deathblow was in fact a Deathblow. The MADists are scrambling like cockroaches do when a light is shined on them."-Tet.

"In other words, no one ever achieves the 100% objective truth understanding of the Bible.Therefore, when I encounter a fellow believer who has a different understanding of scripture than I do, I do not rebuke them by calling them names, telling them they are not saved, insulting them, or calling them a liar like you do. I simply state what I have been taught, and what I believe is the objective truth of the Bible.You on the other hand, when encountering a believer who believes differently than you, are convinced that you know the 100% objective truth of the Bible, so you call the fellow believer names, and call them a liar."-Tet.


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You won't see STP, Voltaire, Tambora, Steko, or any of the other dispies say anything about it.
Just what is it that you want me to say about it, Tet?
I don't know that John did not write the post himself.
And apparently neither do you, or you would not have to go on a spree to PM Dispy on another site to try and find out.

They continue to stand behind him, and even go on to say how much they like his posts.
I do like many of his posts. Why would I say differently?


You report a lot of people when they break the rules ;)
I've seen the woodshed.

Yes he does.

On July 2nd, he reported 4 posts in one day.

Two of the reasons he reported the posts were "Too many threads on the same topic"

Another reason was "Too long... Looks like an essay"

Yet, when Johnny W copies and pastes a really long post from another forum written by someone else, all of the sudden One in Christ has no problem with it.

The reason being is that One in Christ is a MADist and Johnny W is a MADist. If you or I, or any other non-dispensationalist would have done what Johnny did, One in Christ would have ran straight to the woodshed.


I don't know that John did not write the post himself.

Here is what we do know.

The post that Johnny made here on TOL is a copy and paste from another forum. The post in the other forum is written by "Dispy"

Johnny belongs to the other forum, his user name there is JMWHALEN.

I found a post written by JMWHALEN that is a reply to one of Dispy's posts:

Well stated,Dispy........
............In Christ,
John M. Whalen

This means 1 of 3 things:

1) Dispy is really John W - but that would mean that John W writes posts back and forth to himself as two different users.

2) Dispy copied and pasted a post from John W - this would mean that Dispy never gave John W the credit, and that John W never said anything about Dispy copying and pasting his post.

3) Dispy is the originator of the post, John W copied it from the other forum, pasted it on TOL, and took credit for writing it.

Given the fact that John W has copied and pasted posts before, and has taken credit for them, I think it's very safe to say that #3 is what happened.

Also, anyone who reads the writing style of the post and compares it to John W's posts, can easily tell that John W never wrote the post.

And apparently neither do you, or you would not have to go on a spree to PM Dispy on another site to try and find out.

A spree?

All I did was pm Dispy and asked him if he wrote the post, or if he copied from John W.

I do like many of his posts. Why would I say differently?

Doesn't it bother you that someone can so blatantly lie about something?

One In Christ

New member
Yes he does.

On July 2nd, he reported 4 posts in one day.

Two of the reasons he reported the posts were "Too many threads on the same topic"

Another reason was "Too long... Looks like an essay"

Yet, when Johnny W copies and pastes a really long post from another forum written by someone else, all of the sudden One in Christ has no problem with it.

The reason being is that One in Christ is a MADist and Johnny W is a MADist. If you or I, or any other non-dispensationalist would have done what Johnny did, One in Christ would have ran straight to the woodshed.

Oh please... Don't pretend that the preterists don't all stick together and protect each other


Oh please... Don't pretend that the preterists don't all stick together and protect each other

I don't protect anyone. Go look how many times I have ever reported a post in the woodshed - I think it has been 3 times in 5 years. You have reported 6 posts just in the month of July, and it's only July 8th.

So you admit that you protect your fellow MADists, and treat them differently?

If so, did you ever stop and think that you may be doing the same thing with the teachings of Darby, Scofield, Chafer, Anderson, Stam, Bullinger, etc.?

How will you ever be open to the truth when you are too busy protecting those that are on your "side"?

One In Christ

New member
I don't protect anyone. Go look how many times I have ever reported a post in the woodshed - I think it has been 3 times in 5 years. You have reported 6 posts just in the month of July, and it's only July 8th.

So you admit that you protect your fellow MADists, and treat them differently?

If so, did you ever stop and think that you may be doing the same thing with the teachings of Darby, Scofield, Chafer, Anderson, Stam, Bullinger, etc.?

How will you ever be open to the truth when you are too busy protecting those that are on your "side"?

Sure, why not. You protect your preterists teachings, of men the same way


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Here is what we do know.

The post that Johnny made here on TOL is a copy and paste from another forum. The post in the other forum is written by "Dispy"

Johnny belongs to the other forum, his user name there is JMWHALEN.

I found a post written by JMWHALEN that is a reply to one of Dispy's posts:

This means 1 of 3 things:

1) Dispy is really John W - but that would mean that John W writes posts back and forth to himself as two different users.

2) Dispy copied and pasted a post from John W - this would mean that Dispy never gave John W the credit, and that John W never said anything about Dispy copying and pasting his post.

3) Dispy is the originator of the post, John W copied it from the other forum, pasted it on TOL, and took credit for writing it.

Given the fact that John W has copied and pasted posts before, and has taken credit for them, I think it's very safe to say that #3 is what happened.

Also, anyone who reads the writing style of the post and compares it to John W's posts, can easily tell that John W never wrote the post.
The short version is ...... you don't know.


Everybody lies at one time or another Tet. Lets just say John is as guilty as you claim. He obviously is very enamored with the intellect and inspiration of "dispy" at the other forum. It doesn't seem like a very serious matter to me Tet. Do you really think Dispy is upset that someone is writing his ideas as their own? If Dispy is like most other MADists, I am sure he is quite pleased his ideas are making the rounds of the internet. It would not bother me in the least if someone did the same thing to me as long as it did not misrepresent me or show me in a bad light. I agree that that sort of practice could land you in hot water legally if someone wanted to push it. I think you are grasping for straws personally. John may be plagiarizing someone else and lying about it. Ok. So? You think you are better than that? Perhaps that isn't your personal weakness, but I am sure that you have many. Your debating style on here is extremely dishonesty and resembles The Barbarians debating style very strongly. You both think you are doing nothing wrong but clearly you are. You have your weaknesses; John has his. You are pointing this out solely so that you can discredit John and make him less believable. That is your sole motivation. MAD scares you to death and John is a very strong proponent of it; therefore, you do anything you can to discredit him.


Everybody lies at one time or another Tet. Lets just say John is as guilty as you claim. He obviously is very enamored with the intellect and inspiration of "dispy" at the other forum. It doesn't seem like a very serious matter to me Tet.

First off it is against the rules of TOL.

Secondly, he referred to it as "my post"

Do you really think Dispy is upset that someone is writing his ideas as their own? If Dispy is like most other MADists, I am sure he is quite pleased his ideas are making the rounds of the internet. It would not bother me in the least if someone did the same thing to me as long as it did not misrepresent me or show me in a bad light.

John mixed in his own rhetoric with Dispy's post, so that it wasn't possible to know who wrote what unless we look at Dispy's original post. If I were Dispy I would not appreciate this.

I agree that that sort of practice could land you in hot water legally if someone wanted to push it.

Again, it is against the rules of TOL, and this isn't the first time John has done it.

I think you are grasping for straws personally.

You're entitled to your opinion.

John may be plagiarizing someone else and lying about it. Ok. So?

So no one should point it out?

Then when it was pointed out, John lied again. He is still lying about it.

And your ok with this?

You think you are better than that?

Nope, I have told John that I am a much greater sinner than he will ever be.

Perhaps that isn't your personal weakness, but I am sure that you have many.


Your debating style on here is extremely dishonesty and resembles The Barbarians debating style very strongly. You both think you are doing nothing wrong but clearly you are.

You're entitled to your own opinions, but your opinions are not facts.

You have your weaknesses; John has his. You are pointing this out solely so that you can discredit John and make him less believable.

First off, it was Andy that pointed it out, not me.

Secondly, I am not doing it to make John less believable. Facts are facts, and the truth will always prevail no matter what. The truth of the Word of God has nothing to do with John or me.

That is your sole motivation.

Again, you are entitled to your own opinion, but your opinions are not facts.

I can tell you that it is not my motivation.

MAD scares you to death

Nope, that is not true, just another opinion of yours. Your opinions are not facts.

MAD doesn't scare me anymore than Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Scientology, etc scares me.

Why in the world would you think that MAD scares me?

and John is a very strong proponent of it; therefore, you do anything you can to discredit him.

This is where you are dead wrong, and again it is just another one of your many opinions that are not facts.

I refute MAD with scripture, I back up my arguments, and I answer questions.

It is John that does everything he can to discredit me instead of answering questions. Everyday John calls me a liar, tells me I'm unsaved, makes fun of me, etc because he can't defend his MAD. It not just me, he does this with everyone who speaks against MAD. John's solution to defending MAD is to call the person names and make fun of them.


TOL Subscriber
Everybody lies at one time or another Tet. Lets just say John is as guilty as you claim. He obviously is very enamored with the intellect and inspiration of "dispy" at the other forum. It doesn't seem like a very serious matter to me Tet. Do you really think Dispy is upset that someone is writing his ideas as their own? If Dispy is like most other MADists, I am sure he is quite pleased his ideas are making the rounds of the internet. It would not bother me in the least if someone did the same thing to me as long as it did not misrepresent me or show me in a bad light. I agree that that sort of practice could land you in hot water legally if someone wanted to push it. I think you are grasping for straws personally. John may be plagiarizing someone else and lying about it. Ok. So? You think you are better than that? Perhaps that isn't your personal weakness, but I am sure that you have many. Your debating style on here is extremely dishonesty and resembles The Barbarians debating style very strongly. You both think you are doing nothing wrong but clearly you are. You have your weaknesses; John has his. You are pointing this out solely so that you can discredit John and make him less believable. That is your sole motivation. MAD scares you to death and John is a very strong proponent of it; therefore, you do anything you can to discredit him.

Plagiarism is not a mere weakness. It amounts to gross deceit that issues only from a lying spirit. And Satan is the source of all lies, so this is a very serious spiritual problem that John w has been proven guilty of more than once; totally discrediting himself to many on TOL.

You cannot defend such a lack of integrity in your friend by pointing fingers of blame towards others who confront his duplicities!

It is not Tet's fault John w is a fake.



New member
I don't need it to know that you don't know.


I know you are fond of the mads, but john insists on not being reasonable. He just cannot discuss anything without trying prove that his opponents are deceitful perverts, children of satan, lying sodomites etc.
He wrote a post trying to prove that tet is a lyar, and then posted content from another person while claiming that he was the author.
When I did a simple search on the internet, the earliest date that came up was 2007 (by someone from South Dakota). If it doesn't matter to any of the madists here, that john is a lying, why should it matter if the opponents of mad are lying?
john would be seen to be desperately trying to show everyone that the opponents of mad have the same lack of integrity that he has. What's the point of that?


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I know you are fond of the mads,
Yep, a lot of them.
And also a lot of non-mads too.

He just cannot discuss anything without trying prove that his opponents are deceitful perverts, children of satan, lying sodomites etc.
Because that's what he really thinks!
Why would he say something that he doesn't really think is true?

He wrote a post trying to prove that tet is a lyar,
Sounds familiar. And not just with John & Tet.

and then posted content from another person while claiming that he was the author.
Who hasn't?
Just about everything anyone posts is what they have heard or read, and then write the same with their own spin, or their own alterations. Mainly because they believe exactly like what they heard or read.
But no matter how slim or thick the alterations may be from the original, the post is still his.

When I did a simple search on the internet, the earliest date that came up was 2007 (by someone from South Dakota). If it doesn't matter to any of the madists here, that john is a lying, why should it matter if the opponents of mad are lying?
If memory serves me, John's post was not a direct copy/paste, but had some alterations.

john would be seen to be desperately trying to show everyone that the opponents of mad have the same lack of integrity that he has. What's the point of that?
I see John as pointing out that what others complain about, they do the same.

John and I agree on a whole lot of theological issues.
But we have our differences.
I still remember him telling me that my posts were nothing but fluff.
Didn't stop me from agreeing with a whole lot of what he says.



I know you are fond of the mads, but john insists on not being reasonable. He just cannot discuss anything without trying prove that his opponents are deceitful perverts, children of satan, lying sodomites etc.
He wrote a post trying to prove that tet is a lyar, and then posted content from another person while claiming that he was the author.
When I did a simple search on the internet, the earliest date that came up was 2007 (by someone from South Dakota). If it doesn't matter to any of the madists here, that john is a lying, why should it matter if the opponents of mad are lying?
john would be seen to be desperately trying to show everyone that the opponents of mad have the same lack of integrity that he has. What's the point of that?

It's pointless Andy.

They like John, they like when he calls us liars and tells us we aren't saved.


New member
It's pointless Andy.

They like John, they like when he calls us liars and tells us we aren't saved.

It really shows that doctrine is more important to some people than basic christian decency.
There are times when I've had a joke with W, but he is constantly full of hate.
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