ECT Madist explain please how the 7 I AM's OF Jesus in John does not apply to the BOC


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
lol, You want to see an idiot go look in a mirror.

Why do you suppose there are so many threads and so many topics ? Is that so you can hi-jack every thread and talk about just what YOU want to talk about ? I do not think so.

Like I said start your own thread and ask what ever you want.

When you go to an others thread you just might want to talk about the topic of that thread.

You might well be the stupidest person on this entire site. What else am I talking about other than what this thread was intended to discuss and that is the valdity (or lack thereof) of Mid-Acts Dispensationalism. You're too moronic to even understand the premise of the argument. You don't have the slightest idea what Mid-Acts Dispensationalists believe and you have no hope of figuring out why they believe it. You are stupid and foolish. I won't waste another minute with the likes of you.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Clete wrote:
Jesus didn't teach it,

Then you are not familiar with what Christ was doing. He participated in John's baptism "to fulfill all righteousness" Mt 3:16. Ie, his whole life was lived to fulfill that (Rom 10:4). Paul's expression refers back to Isaiah (and some Psalms) that said it would come one day, and provide what was promised from ancient times.

News flash!

Water baptisms were required by the Law!


New member
You might well be the stupidest person on this entire site. What else am I talking about other than what this thread was intended to discuss and that is the valdity (or lack thereof) of Mid-Acts Dispensationalism. You're too moronic to even understand the premise of the argument. You don't have the slightest idea what Mid-Acts Dispensationalists believe and you have no hope of figuring out why they believe it. You are stupid and foolish. I won't waste another minute with the likes of you.

Your ignorance is showing again !

This OP is about:

Madist explain please how the 7 I AM's OF Jesus in John does not apply to the BOC.

Again if you are to lazy to start an OP that is your problem NOT mine.


The thing about MADism is that it's beliefs are situated in a way to where no matter how contradictory something is, one can simply cut it out or place more emphasis on something else.

There's actually a method to rooting out 'legal fictions', and MADism has been shown to be just that by comparison of traditional theology.


New member
The thing about MADism is that it's beliefs are situated in a way to where no matter how contradictory something is, one can simply cut it out or place more emphasis on something else.

There's actually a method to rooting out 'legal fictions', and MADism has been shown to be just that by comparison of traditional theology.


A very apt self-portrait.

Then again, you always remind me of who Playwright: Arthur Miller wrote his famous play "The Crucible"...against.

Your exact McCarthian hypocrisy.

You aptly named yourself :crackup:
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New member
Last post to you !

IF and when you start acting like a Christian ( without the childish and UN-Christian name calling ) then maybe we can actually have a debate, but not until then.

Is that what call your poorly researched, and therefore, one-sided assertions against MAD - a debate?

Like it or not, that IS a type of hypocrisy and cowardice on your part.


New member
Is that what call your poorly researched, and therefore, one-sided assertions against MAD - a debate?

Like it or not, that IS a type of hypocrisy and cowardice on your part.

Danoh, I posted this OP because I was told by a Madist that the 4 Gospels were written to the lost sheep of Israel.

This OP was to see why Madist believe the 7 I AM'S of Jesus did not and does not apply to the BOC.

I am not going to discuss what ever anyone wants to talk about because they want to hi-jack the thread.

As I have said before if you have different questions than this OP start a thread and I am sure some will go to that thread and debate what you want answered .

The hypocrisy is chasing so many cold rabbit trails ( to hi-jack a thread ) that the original questions of a thread NEVER get answered.

IT has nothing to do with hypocrisy nor cowardice it is more to do with keeping to the OP.


New member
And all you did, dodge, was prove that the origin of your OP was nothing more than the result of your having gone off into Scripture in search of some sort of an evidence against MADs which in your mind as a result of your ignorance of where MAD looks at things from, supposedly proves what you are ignorantly asserting.

When I posted to you that you might google the words "pdf things that differ stam" that you might consider reading that you might at least get the gist of the basis of where MADs are basically coming from; you rejected it.

Which tells me you have no real interest in understanding the actual basis of where the other side is coming from.

Yours is hypocrisy; no matter what your OP might be.


New member
And all you did, dodge, was prove that the origin of your OP was nothing more than the result of your having gone off into Scripture in search of some sort of an evidence against MADs which in your mind as a result of your ignorance of where MAD looks at things from, supposedly proves what you are ignorantly asserting.

When I posted to you that you might google the words "pdf things that differ stam" that you might consider reading that you might at least get the gist of the basis of where MADs are basically coming from; you rejected it.

Which tells me you have no real interest in understanding the actual basis of where the other side is coming from.

Yours is hypocrisy; no matter what your OP might be.

My interest is why and how Madist IGNORE what is right in front of them in the Gospel of John.

ALL of the "7 I AMS" taught by Jesus was specifically to the BOC.

The hypocrisy is making statements as fact when they are actually lies.

As far as looking for something to prove MAD is a man made lie was not look difficult the proof MAD is a lie is documented in all 4 of the Gospels.
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New member
My interest is why and how Madist IGNORE what is right in front of them in the Gospel of John.

ALL of the "7 I AM'A" taught by Jesus was specifically to the BOC.

The hypocrisy is making statements as fact when they are actually lies.

As far as looking for something to prove MAD is a man made lie was not look difficult the proof MAD is a lie is documented in all 4 of the Gospels.

All you are doing is proving your incompetence at the task you have chosen for yourself.

Only the incompetent set out to prove their own or another's assertion right or wrong, without first looking into understanding the principles underlying it.

Every competent field under the sun, including Military Bootcamp, first seeks to establish in its' practitioner, not only the principles underlying its' practices, but those underlying the practices of its' opposition (where there is one).

And Scripture is no...different.

Luke 14:28 For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?

You...haven't even begun to count...said cost.

Like it or not, some MADs on here are VERY rigorous in such things...

Thus, their end result impatience with your kind, at some point...

Yours is ever the same old, same old.

You each want to talk Scripture, absent of a clue that the study of Scripture follows the same principles for communicating intended sense that the Spirit followed in communicating His intended Its' writers.

You keep talking about how MAD believes this, and MAD believes that.

Well, that is not MAD.

MAD is an approach to studying the Scripture based on study principles taught by Scripture itself.

And like it or not, a passage like the following of those...principles...

Matthew 15:24 But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
The thing about MADism is that it's beliefs are situated in a way to where no matter how contradictory something is, one can simply cut it out or place more emphasis on something else.

There's actually a method to rooting out 'legal fictions', and MADism has been shown to be just that by comparison of traditional theology.



Well-known member
My interest is why and how Madist IGNORE what is right in front of them in the Gospel of John.

ALL of the "7 I AM'A" taught by Jesus was specifically to the BOC.

The hypocrisy is making statements as fact when they are actually lies.

As far as looking for something to prove MAD is a man made lie was not look difficult the proof MAD is a lie is documented in all 4 of the Gospels.

Hi and why and how did Paul get Baptized and recieve the Holy Spirit ??

Acts 9:16-18 will not help you , so LET'S see you try !!

dan p


Well-known member
News flash!

Water baptisms were required by the Law!

Hi Clete and 1 Cor 12:3 destrorys when and how Paul was Baptized or sent me a PM and I will explain !!

Paul was never WATER BAPRIZED when he , Paul was SAVED in Acts 9:6 !!

Remember when I have asked , explain how Paul was saved and they RAN AWAY , they did not know how Paul was saved !!

dan p


New member
Hi and why and how did Paul get Baptized and recieve the Holy Spirit ??

Acts 9:16-18 will not help you , so LET'S see you try !!

dan p

Of course you do not believe scripture.

Act 9:18
And immediately there fell from his eyes as it had been scales: and he received sight forthwith, and arose, and was baptized.

Paul was water baptized as Jesus commanded His followers to do.


Well-known member
Dan P seriously it is NOT Paul's Gospel it is the Gospel of Christ Jesus. Get into a good bible preaching and believing church . You are being corrupted with lies and deceptions.

Why do you keep talking about Pentecostals. I am not a Pentecostal and have never been.
The foundation is Jesus NOT Paul. Paul said follow him as he followed Jesus.

Jesus said the words He spoke would judge those that reject God and Paul was just repeating what Jesus said.

Hi and the GOSPEL of CHRIST is USED by Paul , some 11 times and here are just some of these verse in Rom 1:16 For I AM not ashamed of the GOSPEL of CHRIST , and in Rom 15:19 , 29 , Gal 1:7 and it says that the GOSPEL of Christ has been CORRUPTED !!

dan p


New member
Hi and the GOSPEL of CHRIST is USED by Paul , some 11 times and here are just some of these verse in Rom 1:16 For I AM not ashamed of the GOSPEL of CHRIST , and in Rom 15:19 , 29 , Gal 1:7 and it says that the GOSPEL of Christ has been CORRUPTED !!

dan p

Of course the Gospel had been corrupted. The Judaizers were trying to get everyone under the law instead of grace.