2Ti 2:24
And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient,
Doesn't state what you claim. Care to try again?
Go re-read post # 2 in that thread.
I would find the thread and post # but that is not my job
Actually it is your job, since you're asserting that you did answer the question.
I can do your job for you, though, since you're incompetent.
Post #2
And while it's true you posted you didn't exegete any of the Scripture you posted, and you mixed gospels.
When Jesus was asked what works must we work Jesus replied this is the work believe on Him who God has sent.
There it is Grace and how to obtain grace through faith.
They did not ask how to be saved.
The Rich Young Ruler, however, did.
Now behold, one came and said to Him, “Good Teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life?” So He said to him, [Jesus]“Why do you call Me good? No one
is good but One,
that is, God. But if you want to enter into life, keep the commandments.”
He said to Him, “Which ones?”[/Jesus]
Jesus said, [Jesus]“‘You shall not murder,’ ‘You shall not commit adultery,’ ‘You shall not steal,’ ‘You shall not bear false witness,’ ‘Honor your father and
your mother,’ and, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ ”[/Jesus]
-Matthew 19:16-19
And just so we're clear Jesus told this man to keep the Law [which is why he quoted a few of the 10 Commandments, to explain that He referred to the Law] in order to receive eternal life.
What happened when Abraham's son was not going to be circumcised as instructed?
Nope it is the truth You folks cannot see the forest for the trees.
You don't even know what trees make up the forest, confusing one for another...
Nope, Saved folks get water baptized to be obedient to the command that Jesus gave for those that follow Him to do so.
water Baptism scripturally identifies one that follows Jesus as a follower of Jesus, and is a type of the person dying to self and being raised to newness of life in Christ Jesus. Water Baptism was never done away with and there are no scriptures that says water baptism was done away with in the bible.
When did Jesus command those that follow Him be baptized? I know where He commanded the 12 to baptize; but I don't recall any of them getting baptized. I also know He did not command Paul to baptize. Though He did not forbid Him from doing so. But He didn't baptize many.
Jesus taught to teach and baptize the Nations , and it looks like , based on scripture, you will only live your religious fairy tale.
Jesus was water baptized.
Paul was water baptized.
The jailer that was saved was water baptized.
The Ethiopian eunuch was water baptized.
There is NOT one verse in scripture after the DBR that a convert to Jesus was not water baptized, but don't let those facts upset your willful disobedience to what Jesus, scripture, and the Apostles taught.
There are not any instances of Christians not being baptized the same day they believed?
Immaterial Paul was water baptized as Jesus commanded His followers to be.
Were the 12?
Not really ! All you have shown is you will continue to justify why you will remain disobedient to the command of Jesus to be water baptized.
I can't speak for the rest of them, but I was water baptized. And at the time I did not believe it was necessary, or that I was commanded to do so.
Now what happens to someone who believes and is never water baptized? And I don't mean someone who is unable because they die before they can be. I mean someone who just doesn't ever do it.