ECT MAD is defeated by the locked timeframe of Lk 23

john w

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So you believe this current world system is what a crushed Satan looks like.

It's times like this I believe there's no hope for you.

"We now live in a new heaven and a new earth. .... we now live in the new heavens and new earth...Yes, we are living in the millennial reign right now."-stupid Craigie Tet.

"....we now live in the greatest time period since the creation of planet earth"-stupid Tet.

"The kingdom where there is no more death, tears, and sadness exists right now."-stupid Craigie Tet.

And he lied about the above:

"Do you actually believe Jesus is taking so long to wipe out all wicked people and wicked system?"-mess-hack to Tet.

"(2 Peter 3:9) The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

"IOW, the longer God takes, the more people that can come to repentance."-Craigie Tet.

=we now live in the greatest time period since the creation of planet earth, but the LORD God has not yet wiped out all the wicked people and wicked system, and the kingdom where there is no more death, tears, and sadness exists right now, but....

Satan was bound in 70AD, and can no longer deceive the nations.

Nice, Gomer Tet....nice.


Well-known member
"We now live in a new heaven and a new earth. .... we now live in the new heavens and new earth...Yes, we are living in the millennial reign right now."-stupid Craigie Tet.

"....we now live in the greatest time period since the creation of planet earth"-stupid Tet.

"The kingdom where there is no more death, tears, and sadness exists right now."-stupid Craigie Tet.

And he lied about the above:

"Do you actually believe Jesus is taking so long to wipe out all wicked people and wicked system?"-mess-hack to Tet.

"(2 Peter 3:9) The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

"IOW, the longer God takes, the more people that can come to repentance."-Craigie Tet.

=we now live in the greatest time period since the creation of planet earth, but the LORD God has not yet wiped out all the wicked people and wicked system, and the kingdom where there is no more death, tears, and sadness exists right now.

Nice, Gomer Tet....nice.

When even Meshak can nail you to the wall...unbelievable.

So, if God tarries long enough, then eventually everyone will get saved, I guess.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
When even Meshak can nail you to the wall...unbelievable.

So, if God tarries long enough, then eventually everyone will get saved, I guess.

No, no, no, musty!!!! According to Tet.:

"So, they were saved, but not technically until 70AD."-Tet.

Satan is, I suppose, just "technically" deceiving the nations today.

Preterists-a bunch of frauds-every last one of them....


Well-known member
Satan is, I suppose, just "technically" deceiving the nations today.

Now hang on, you've been studying Tetelestaism way longer than I have so explain this: he stated that Satan has been literally crushed already. If words mean anything, that must mean at the very least that Satan has been rendered, shall we say, inoperative.

So then...the increasing wickedness in this world must be the work of...


I mean, if all of this IS His Kingdom...

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Now hang on, you've been studying Tetelestaism way longer than I have so explain this: he stated that Satan has been literally crushed already. If words mean anything, that must mean at the very least that Satan has been rendered, shall we say, inoperative.

So then...the increasing wickedness in this world must be the work of...


I mean, if all of this IS His Kingdom...

I will speak for Tet.:

"Don't you believe God/Jesus/the bible/Paul?....I believe the bible/Paul/Jesus.....Darby.....You are in denial...........................................................................................................................Darby....."

Can't respond, can you, musty? You're in denial.


So you believe this current world system is what a crushed Satan looks like.

It's times like this I believe there's no hope for you.

First off, you completely ignored what Paul said.

Was Paul wrong?

Secondly, all humans are born with a sin nature. Humans have a natural desire to please the flesh. Pleasing the flesh leads to all kinds of sin and evil, which is what you will find in this current world.

Satan has been bound. He will be released for a little while when the thousand years are over.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Now hang on, you've been studying Tetelestaism way longer than I have so explain this: he stated that Satan has been literally crushed already. If words mean anything, that must mean at the very least that Satan has been rendered, shall we say, inoperative.

So then...the increasing wickedness in this world must be the work of...


I mean, if all of this IS His Kingdom...

Now hold on there, Hop Sing. According to infallible Tetism....

"....we now live in the greatest time period since the creation of planet earth"-stupid Tet.

There is no wickedness, much less increasing wickedness, as things have been getting progressively better!!! Tet. is also an evolutionist-he talks like them-they talk like him.

Puh-raaayyyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawd!!!

Don't you believe Paul?


So then...the increasing wickedness in this world must be the work of...

There you go again with your pessimistic pre-millennialism.

What basis are you using to suggest the world is more wicked today than say 1,000 years ago? 500 years ago? 50 years ago?


Well-known member
If this really is the actual, literal, final Kingdom of God on earth foretold in the Bible, it sucks and God is a failure.

Go ahead and tell God I said that, Tet.


Right on cue.

As expected, you ignore what Paul said when you can't explain it, and when it is contrary to your false teachings.

(1 Cor 7:29) What I mean, brothers and sisters, is that the time is short. From now on those who have wives should live as if they do not;

You Darby followers go on and on about Paul, but then completely ignore what Paul said.


If this really is the actual, literal, final Kingdom of God on earth foretold in the Bible, it sucks and God is a failure.

Go ahead and tell God I said that, Tet.

The kingdom of God is not of this world. It's not on planet earth, nor will it ever be.

Paul made it clear that his citizenship was in heaven, and that he was an ambassador on planet earth.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
There you go again with your pessimistic pre-millennialism.

What basis are you using to suggest the world is more wicked today than say 1,000 years ago? 500 years ago? 50 years ago?

2 Timothy 3 KJV
This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, ...

Tet: That was all before AD 70....Then, Ethel Merman came along, and sang "Everythings Coming Up Roses....."

You little arms fraud.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
The kingdom of God is not of this world. It's not on planet earth, nor will it ever be.

Paul made it clear that his citizenship was in heaven, and that he was an ambassador on planet earth.

Spam. Made up. Refuted.



For one, false teachers with instantaneous access to potentially the whole world.

Was the world better when slaves from Africa were being sold to Christian countries?

Was the world better when the corrupt Catholic Church and the pope were burning thousands of people at the stake in Europe?