ECT MAD implies both Jesus and Paul are liars.


Why do you feel the need to capitalize "resurrection"?
To distinguish it from other resurrections, although I do sometimes capitalize it when referring to the future general Resurrection of the dead.
I was just pointing out that your comment was incorrect in regard to what Israel means.

. . . Israel are the descendants of Israel (Jacob) and not Abraham.
OK. Is Israel to denote the Houses of Israel and of Judah though?


Well-known member
To distinguish it from other resurrections, although I do sometimes capitalize it when referring to the future general Resurrection of the dead.
OK. Is Israel to denote the Houses of Israel and of Judah though?

RD is not reliable on these things.

Right Divider

Body part
It is insane to think all the dictionaries of the world are wrong.

the promised deliverer of the Jewish nation prophesied in the Hebrew Bible.
a leader or savior of a particular group or cause.
"he was regarded as a messiah by liberal and conservatives alike"
You would rather believe "all of the dictionaries of the WORLD", than the BIBLE!

That definition is CONTRIVED and does NOT come from the Bible.

As I SHOWED you, 38 times the word mashiyach is used in the scripture and 36 TIMES it is translated as ANOINTED... twice it is translated MESSIAH.

Throw that garbage (whatever you got that "definition" from) away and believe the BIBLE.

That the LORD Jesus is BOTH savior and the ANOINTED does NOT make those WORDS means the same thing.

You try to use FALLACIOUS arguments. Accept the TRUTH instead.
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Right Divider

Body part
To distinguish it from other resurrections, although I do sometimes capitalize it when referring to the future general Resurrection of the dead.
OK. Is Israel to denote the Houses of Israel and of Judah though?
The kingdom of Israel was split into the houses of Israel and Judah (because of the great sins of Solomon).

All of Israel are the descendants of Jacob and not just Abraham. Ishmael is a descendant of Abraham, but he is not an Israelite.


Well-known member
The kingdom of Israel was split into the houses of Israel and Judah (because of the great sins of Solomon).

All of Israel are the descendants of Jacob and not just Abraham. Ishmael is a descendant of Abraham, but he is not an Israelite.

But RD's distinctions don't matter in the NT. What matters if faith, or not. All such distinctions he is making are a thing of the past.

His conclusions are known miles ahead of his posts; he fails to give reasons, to deal with reasons.

Right Divider

Body part
But RD's distinctions don't matter in the NT. What matters if faith, or not. All such distinctions he is making are a thing of the past.

His conclusions are known miles ahead of his posts; he fails to give reasons, to deal with reasons.
You've been given valid reasons many times, but you insist on your fallacious logic instead.

Good work fallacy boy.

God's Truth

New member
I will take this with a grain of salt, since you are one the most illogical posters on TOL.

What is so illogical to say that the whole Bible goes together in perfect harmony?

What is so illogical to say there is one good news, gospel message, covenant for all?

What is so illogical to say we have to believe and obey God?

What you have done to the Bible is proof of instability and ignorance.


New member
What is so illogical to say that the whole Bible goes together in perfect harmony?

What is so illogical to say there is one good news, gospel message, covenant for all?

What is so illogical to say we have to believe and obey God?

What you have done to the Bible is proof of instability and ignorance.

THAT is your "sense" of that.

That is your sense of It's "common sense."

It is NOT Scriptures' sense of what It holds in common with Itself.

Yours continues to be your same old "well what this or that passages means to me is..."

For you haven't much of an objective standard by which to compare your conclusions against

You only think you do.

You're as off in that as those who conclude you are up to no good, and or who spit on you, or whatever, just because you are looking at things from a different perspective (whether sound or not).

And you're as off in that as your own often conclusion that all who attempt to point out your errors are up to no good against you.

Right Divider

Body part
What is so illogical to say that the whole Bible goes together in perfect harmony?
That is NOT illogical. Did I say that EVERYTHING that you say is illogical?

What is so illogical to say there is one good news, gospel message, covenant for all?
That is not necessarily illogical, it's just NOT true.

What is so illogical to say we have to believe and obey God?
There is nothing illogical about that, it's just not true for someone to be saved BY GRACE through FAITH.

What you have done to the Bible is proof of instability and ignorance.
Wrong again. At least you're consistent.


Well-known member
2Ti 3:15
And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.

Paul taught and believed that the OT had more than enough truth about Jesus that just by believing and trusting the OT there was sufficient truth to "make one wise unto salvation through faith in Christ Jesus".

If Paul was right , and I know he was:

Mad is wrong and error on every level.

1. Since many in MAD believe (falsely) that Paul was the first in the B.O.C. because of the "mystery" he revealed HOW then could Timothy have been saved JUST by knowing the OT and been made wise in the things concerning Christ Jesus.

2. If the meaning and message of salvation was hidden as those in MAD believe ( falsely)how could Timothy have had faith in Jesus based on the OT alone ? Can you not see the " through faith in Jesus" that Paul said was available in the OT ?

Jesus said, " if they believe not Moses and the prophets neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead", and that is still true today !

Again the OT:
More than enough to believe , trust, and be saved in the OT through Moses and the prophets.

Jesus said if folks did not believe Moses and the prophets ,uh oh ! Believe what ? Obviously Jesus, faith, GRACE, and salvation through Jesus are taught in the OT ; otherwise , Jesus would have been lying when He said NEITHER will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead, which HE did !

The foundation was laid in the OT and fulfilled in the NT.

As those in MAD want to ignore the 4 gospels and all scripture except for what Paul wrote scripture says Jesus is in the WHOLE BOOK.

Psa 40:7
Then said I, Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is written of me,
Heb 10:7
Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O God.

The beginning of this age of grace was on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2

God can do things without men's knowledge and approval


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Act 4:33 And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all.

Can unbelievers be graceful? Yes? That's the kind of grace that is invoked in that verse, which says that grace was upon them, not taught by them.

Did Jesus teach grace? No, He taught law, yet John 1:17 says grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.

Basically, my point is that just because the word "grace" is used does not mean that "Covenant of Grace" was taught. In fact, it's possible to teach law graciously.

In addition to that, Acts 4:33 is in the passage describing how all the people of Israel have sold their things and are living under communism, expecting God to return soon, and very soon, according to what Jesus had said to them before his ascension.


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The only works that do not justify are circumcision, observance of special days, a special diet, various external washings, and the sacrifice of animals.

Those works of the law do not justify anymore.

What justifies people since Jesus is believing that his blood cleans you of the sins you repent of doing.

People don't get justified by believing and being careful not to do any obeying besides believing. lololololol

So did you just say that I will go to Hell for doing what Jesus said when he walked the earth?!

WOW! So according to you, Jesus sends people to Hell for obeying him.