I was wondering who Little Johnny W was stalking the last few months.
Maybe GM (who goes on and on about Paul) can tell us how he offers his body as a sacrifice that is holy and pleasing to the Lord.
As expected, Little Johnny W did not even attempt to answer it.
Stalking me, sodomite, you quip? You say that, having a man crush on me, for years, and sending me an email, propositioning me, and wanting me to be with your wife, in the DFW area?
You are a funny weakling!Why have you not even attempted to answer any of
my last 100 questions, weasel?
Did you literally get beat up in grade school, for using that "Exhibit A" line so often, since you think it is so cute? Why are your literal arms so girlie looking?; How are your Josephus studies going, Craigie boy, the Josephus follower?
Craigie suffers another death knell!!!!!!!!!!! He won't answer:
Why are you squirming, and why is your weak looking framing shuddering, when I asked you:
Why do you say that Genesis is looking after the flesh, as is the cross? Why do you look after the flesh, by having children after the flesh, and attend a church made by fleshly, human hands?
Have you ever lifted a bar bell in your life, weakly looking one?
Why don't you follow Paul, instead of Josephus?Why do you ignore all(you taught us that) of Pauls' words?
Why do you say that the Lord Jesus Christ is looking after the flesh? Why do you say that the story of the Exodus is not literal, as that would be "looking after the flesh?" Why do you say the cross of Christ is spiritual, thus, it is not literal?