I agree with you about AndyC. However, it might be added ,that, YOU have done your fair share of attacking MADs you don't agree with. You've also name called, argued, and been mean-spirited towards fellow Grace Gospel Believers/MADs. So, when you speak of "Hypocrisy" add your own name to it.
Its like you just hang around waiting for whatever you might pounce on and turn into one useless post after another of your endless strife with anyone who does not hold to the errors you not only parrot, but worse - make an enemy of anyone who does not agree.
What is that - a cover on you part for the obviously consistent fact that you have no voice of your own when it comes to posting actual Scriptural defences of your supposed views?
The minute you find out the truth of the errors you parrot; you will see who are your actual friends on here.
Not that that will happen.
You simply appear incompetent at studying a thing out on your own; and you know this.
You are nothing but a parrot.
I have yet to speak against Mads.
I have spoken gainst the cult-like insolence of you and your kind.
The Almost 28 errors is another issue.
One I am merely amused by, as I do not see that aspect as cult-like.
But I have explained all this before.
But you are simply being your usual, one-sided, cult-like, hypocritical self.
You and yours are all like this.
It is what it is...hypocrite.
MAD has nothing to do with that - that is just you and yours being the hypocrites you are.
If this were a MAD thing across the board - every MAD on TOL would be guilty of your and your's duplicity and need for strife in your grace-less grace.
Obviously, such is not the case.
Whatever - your kind never change.
Your kind always see the above truth against you not a good towards you, but as your enemy.