ECT Mad finds itself in the trash by applying simple logic

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
A myriad of American idiots.

Sorry to have to tell it, but I've never put much stock into a bunch of people sitting in a mega-dome church :rolleyes:

The fact that every odd decade or so, you have a bunch of them selling their stuff and gathering to be beamed up in the sky, it should hardly be surprising.




It does pretty well in fiction. You should keep it there :idunno:

patrick jane

A myriad of American idiots.

Sorry to have to tell it, but I've never put much stock into a bunch of people sitting in a mega-dome church :rolleyes:

The fact that every odd decade or so, you have a bunch of them selling their stuff and gathering to be beamed up in the sky, it should hardly be surprising.
Only idiots deny that the Bible says there will be a catching up in Thessalonians -


New member
To be really honest, this thread has really finished me with madists. Clete put me on ignore, but I'm seeing it as him putting the bible on ignore. It's amazing how people can love and need a trashy theology so much, even when truth is presented as clear as day. For ages I've wondered about madists, and understood that it's a cult belief system, but part of you hopes they'll respond to logic. Nope.....they won't. This is what has crushed my motivation talking to them. I'm at the point where I'm thinking, there's no point bothering.

Lighthouse and and Clete basically are of the opinion, Jesus can do what he likes because he's God. Marowbe doesn't really care about anything, and the rest don't even understand the points raised in OP, or don't care.

So why bother?

Is there one madist out there who wants to discuss the OP, and not talk rubbish?


New member
To be really honest, this thread has really finished me with madists. Clete put me on ignore, but I'm seeing it as him putting the bible on ignore. It's amazing how people can love and need a trashy theology so much, even when truth is presented as clear as day. For ages I've wondered about madists, and understood that it's a cult belief system, but part of you hopes they'll respond to logic. Nope.....they won't. This is what has crushed my motivation talking to them. I'm at the point where I'm thinking, there's no point bothering.

Lighthouse and and Clete basically are of the opinion, Jesus can do what he likes because he's God. Marowbe doesn't really care about anything, and the rest don't even understand the points raised in OP, or don't care.

So why bother?

Is there one madist out there who wants to discuss the OP, and not talk rubbish?

There is no point in addressing your OP.

You posted it convinced of your errors, as well as with much animosity towards MADs right off the bat.

In other words, you behaved, in your OP towards MADs, as some of them have behaved towards you.

Proving you don't even practice the unmerited forgiveness you are attempting to embarrass MADs as having failed to see in that account of Jesus, that woman, and that hypocrite.

You yourself are, in a word, the very hypocrite Jesus had to correct, and that you are asserting the MADS ALL are.

For that is what the cult-like, one sided, "my way alone, or its' the highway" hypocrite, does - regardless of what school of thought he or she subscribes to.

First thing you need to take a long look in the mirror.

A real long...look.

Never mind the OP.


New member
To be really honest, this thread has really finished me with madists. Clete put me on ignore, but I'm seeing it as him putting the bible on ignore. It's amazing how people can love and need a trashy theology so much, even when truth is presented as clear as day. For ages I've wondered about madists, and understood that it's a cult belief system, but part of you hopes they'll respond to logic. Nope.....they won't. This is what has crushed my motivation talking to them. I'm at the point where I'm thinking, there's no point bothering.

Lighthouse and and Clete basically are of the opinion, Jesus can do what he likes because he's God. Marowbe doesn't really care about anything, and the rest don't even understand the points raised in OP, or don't care.

So why bother?

Is there one madist out there who wants to discuss the OP, and not talk rubbish?

Andy, I was reading over some of the earlier post in this thread and it hit me what the problem is.

That which is flesh is flesh and that which is spirit is spirit.

Those who worship God must worship God in Spirit and in truth.

Madist are rigid and spiritless otherwise they as you and others could see the GRACE of God working in spite of the law > Madist operate and walk in the flesh and not in the Spirit . Madist cannot see that truth because they are so busy following their rules ( which most are not even scriptural ) , just like the Pharisees , that they have hemmed themselves in with.

The Spirit makes alive and following the flesh kills.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
There is no point in addressing your OP.

You posted it convinced of your errors, as well as with much animosity towards MADs right off the bat.

In other words, you behaved, in your OP towards MADs, as some of them have behaved towards you.

Proving you don't even practice the unmerited forgiveness you are attempting to embarrass MADs as having failed to see in that account of Jesus, that woman, and that hypocrite.

You yourself are, in a word, the very hypocrite Jesus had to correct, and that you are asserting the MADS ALL are.

For that is what the cult-like, one sided, "my way alone, or its' the highway" hypocrite, does - regardless of what school of thought he or she subscribes to.

First thing you need to take a long look in the mirror.

A real long...look.

Never mind the OP.

I agree with you about AndyC. However, it might be added ,that, YOU have done your fair share of attacking MADs you don't agree with. You've also name called, argued, and been mean-spirited towards fellow Grace Gospel Believers/MADs. So, when you speak of "Hypocrisy" add your own name to it.


Well-known member
To be really honest, this thread has really finished me with madists. Clete put me on ignore, but I'm seeing it as him putting the bible on ignore. It's amazing how people can love and need a trashy theology so much, even when truth is presented as clear as day. For ages I've wondered about madists, and understood that it's a cult belief system, but part of you hopes they'll respond to logic. Nope.....they won't. This is what has crushed my motivation talking to them. I'm at the point where I'm thinking, there's no point bothering.

Lighthouse and and Clete basically are of the opinion, Jesus can do what he likes because he's God. Marowbe doesn't really care about anything, and the rest don't even understand the points raised in OP, or don't care.

So why bother?

Is there one madist out there who wants to discuss the OP, and not talk rubbish?

Hi and you feel like know one is listening , when there are many guests that are reading , what all members post !!

If you understood Paul , you would not be discouraged and I have been like you , ONLY for different reasons as the Pentecotal and So Baptist assemblies I attended , raised questions with NO answers and when you believe Paul you will be SET FREE !!

So keep pluging AWAY and when you study the Greek TENSES , VOICES and MOOD you will change !!

dan p

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Andy, I was reading over some of the earlier post in this thread and it hit me what the problem is.

That which is flesh is flesh and that which is spirit is spirit.

Those who worship God must worship God in Spirit and in truth.

Madist are rigid and spiritless otherwise they as you and others could see the GRACE of God working in spite of the law > Madist operate and walk in the flesh and not in the Spirit . Madist cannot see that truth because they are so busy following their rules ( which most are not even scriptural ) , just like the Pharisees , that they have hemmed themselves in with.

The Spirit makes alive and following the flesh kills.


You're ignorant of what a MAD believes. Do you wish to discuss what a "Grace Gospel MAD" believes? Let's discuss it now. You begin.

Right Divider

Body part
To be really honest, this thread has really finished me with madists. Clete put me on ignore, but I'm seeing it as him putting the bible on ignore. It's amazing how people can love and need a trashy theology so much, even when truth is presented as clear as day. For ages I've wondered about madists, and understood that it's a cult belief system, but part of you hopes they'll respond to logic. Nope.....they won't. This is what has crushed my motivation talking to them. I'm at the point where I'm thinking, there's no point bothering.

Lighthouse and and Clete basically are of the opinion, Jesus can do what he likes because he's God. Marowbe doesn't really care about anything, and the rest don't even understand the points raised in OP, or don't care.

So why bother?

Is there one madist out there who wants to discuss the OP, and not talk rubbish?
Why is it so hard for you to understand that as an Israelite, Jesus was a kinsmen in the flesh?

Gal 4:1-5 (AKJV/PCE)
(4:1) Now I say, [That] the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all; (4:2) But is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father. (4:3) Even so we, when we were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world: (4:4) But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law,(4:5) To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.

Just what, exactly, do you think that "made under the law" means? Paul also includes "made of a woman" to show that he is speaking of the Lord in His humanity.

Jesus Himself said that He did not come to destroy the law, but to fulfill it.

Matt 5:17-19 (AKJV/PCE)
(5:17) ¶ Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. (5:18) For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. (5:19) Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach [them], the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

That looks pretty clear that Jesus was teaching adherence to the law. Do you think that heaven and earth have passed?

It was shown to you CLEARLY that the woman in John 8 was NOT legally condemn-able, but you just carry on with your ranting.

You are impervious to truth.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Sometimes it's easier to accept false doctrine and just live your life, I guess? The Bible is a living Spiritual book. It's not just a book that you can read once and discard. The Holy Spirit uses the Bible, to not only present the Gospel to unbelievers but, to teach the written words of God to the believer. That's why we must continue, as believers, to read/study the Bible all of our life. Each time we read, the Holy Spirit can show us something new. I've experienced that truth myself.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
When I come across a "new truth" from the Bible, I get a chill throughout my body. It's an amazing feeling when the Holy Spirit opens up a new truth you haven't seen before.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You may read the same passages a hundred times or more and you've never got anything out of it. Then, suddenly, the Holy Spirit calls attention to what it really means. How amazing is that?


New member
There is no point in addressing your OP.

You posted it convinced of your errors, as well as with much animosity towards MADs right off the bat.

In other words, you behaved, in your OP towards MADs, as some of them have behaved towards you.

Proving you don't even practice the unmerited forgiveness you are attempting to embarrass MADs as having failed to see in that account of Jesus, that woman, and that hypocrite.

You yourself are, in a word, the very hypocrite Jesus had to correct, and that you are asserting the MADS ALL are.

For that is what the cult-like, one sided, "my way alone, or its' the highway" hypocrite, does - regardless of what school of thought he or she subscribes to.

First thing you need to take a long look in the mirror.

A real long...look.

Never mind the OP.

Even if what you said were true, and you believe it is, are you able to offer more than Lighthouse and Clete?

I doubt it, because you would be unable to. Try? Surprise me?